- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 商品及服务税 goods and services tax
- 商誉 goodwill
- 友好举动 goodwill gestures
- 马悦然 Goran Malmqvist
- 福音 Gospel
- 八卦杂志 gossip magazines
- 着凉 got a chill
- 十七岁加入娱乐圈 got into showbiz at the age of 17
- 每月只有一两假期 got only one or two days off a month
- 取回欠薪 got our backpay
- 膝部联了七至八针 got seven or eight stitches in his knee
- 哥德堡 Goteborg(Sweden)
- 痛风 gout
- 管治危机 governance crisis
- 管治团队 governing team
- 政府拍卖官 government auctioneer
- 干部 government cadre
- 政府化验师郭大伟博士 Government Chemist Dr David G Clarke
- 政府部门 government departments
- 政府司机 government drivers
- 政府经济顾问邓广尧 government economist Tang Kwong-yiu
- 政府飞行服务队 Government Flying Service
- 礼宾府 Government House
- 政府化验所 Government Laboratory
- 政府土地/官地 government land