- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 格陵兰海 Greenland Sea
- 绿色和平 Greenpeace
- 手榴弹 grenade
- 坏死/生坏疽/腐烂 grew gangrenous
- 在正常家庭长大 grew up in a normal family
- 和迪士尼人物一起成长 grew up with Disney characters
- 灰质 grey matter
- 乌头 Grey Mullet
- 鼠蹊 groin
- 培育/培养/培训政治人才 groom political talent
- 培育人员 groomed our staff
- 培育社会领袖 grooms community leaders
- 培育社会领袖 grooms community leaders
- 为求快感抚摸女性身体、非礼 grope(n)/(vt); To grope is to move your hands over someone's body to get sexual pleasure, especially when they do not want you to do this.
- 本地生产总值 gross domestic product (GDP)
- 国民生产总值 gross national product (GNP)
- 过分夸大的/哗众取宠的报道 grossly exaggerated reports
- 地勤人员 ground crew
- 地面部队 ground forces
- 地下水 ground water
- 引爆点、世贸遗址 Ground Zero
- 无理据的抨击 groundless attacks
- 羊群心理 group mentality
- 由一九九九年至二零零五年,半专业人士和专业人士的人力需求将分刷增长百分之四十七和百分之四十。 Growth in staffing requirements will be greatest for semi-professionals and professionals, with increases of 47 per cent and 40 per cent respectively from 1999 and 2005.
- 广东边防部 Guangdong Border Defence Bureau