政府车辆管理处 Government Land Transport Agency公用图书馆借书证 government library cards政府文件 government papers政府印务局局长徐均平 Government Printer Mr David Tsui Kwan-ping政府产业署署长关锡宁 Government Property Administrator Ms Maria Kwan Sik-ning政府产业署 Government Property Agency政府学校/官校 government schools政府物料供应处 Government Supplies Department政府车辆 government vehicles政府官邸 Governor House(医生的)宽松长外衣 gown逐渐从创伤中复元,重过正常生活 gradually recover from trauma and resume a normal life接肢 graft反贪污人员/反贪污官员 graft fighters/graftbusters/anti-graft agents假大空的计划 grandiose plans铺张的婚礼 grandiose wedding给予他子女抚养权 grant him custody of the children葛量洪医院 Grantham Hospital增加拨款以进行更多换肝手术 granting money to allwo more liver transplants授予大学学位 granting university admission to传闻、小道消息 grapevine鲩鱼 Grass Carp忽视草根阶层利益 grassroots interests had been neglected草山 Grassy Hill义诊 gratuitous treatment 语际翻译 版权所有
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