

军事法庭    court-martial
拉拢加州政要    courting California's political players
法庭    courtroom
四合院    courtyard homes
应付退休后的医疗开支    cover medical bills after retirement
隐瞒疫情    cover up the existence of the disease
隐藏公屋问题    cover up the problems in housing???
承保    cover (vt); We confirmed that we hold your house covered against fire risks for $800,000./Are you fully covered for fire and theft?/ The policy will cover any medical expenses that you incur while you are abroad.
掩饰    cover-up
承保范围    coverage (AmE)/cover (BrE) (n); If an insurance agreement covers someone or something, it states that money will be given to the person if they are injured, if something is damaged etc.Coverage is the amount of protection given to you by an insurance agreement. Coverage is spelled cover in British English./Make sure your policy will give you adequate coverage in case of a break-in./The policy gives coverage against storm damage but not against frost./We must increase the amount of insurance coverage to include our new machinery.
以手掩眼    covered her eyes with her hands
隐瞒沙士疫情,事实上医院的病人和医护人员已相继受感染    covering up an outbreak of SARS among its patients and medical staff
高柏氏腺    cowper's gland
考克斯报告    Cox report
中富航空    CR Airways
打击黑工/打击非法劳工    crack down on illegal labour
进军大陆市场    crack the China market
充电座/基座    cradle
英特尔公司总裁兼行政长克雷格拜瑞    Craig Barrett, president and CEO, Intel Corp.
腹部绞痛    cramp
脑神经    cranial nerves
头胪骨    cranium
当机    crash
(股价)盘崩(名词)    crash/collapse/slump (n)
失事    crash/come down
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