可以到中国发行债券 could issue bonds which would be snapped up by mainlanders会触发全面的贸易战 could lead to a full-scale trade war不能上网 could not get on to the Net没有冷气和风扇,难以入睡 could not sleep without air-conditioning or fans不能故步自封 could not stand still只能维持八成服务 could only operate at 80 per cent of its normal capacity会触发更多人上街 could prompt more people to take to the streets推动这个僵化的国家走上资本主义道路 could start the sclerotic state on the capitalist road
不能搬出去住 couldn't move out在立法会选举中遭受重创 Council elections爱滋病信托基金委员会 Council for the AIDS Trust Fund教育人员专业操守议会 Council on Professional Conduct in Education辅导中心 counseling centre辅导及转介服务 counselling and referral services为欺凌者和受害者作辅导 counselling for bullies and victims国务院参事室 Counsellors' Office of the State Council反间谍案 counterespionage cases伪品 counterfeit (a)/(n)/(v); counterfeit watches/counterfeit
money/counterfeit passport反情报单位 counterintelligence unit反恐官员 counterterrorism officials点票 counting点票中心 counting centre无数流星将以每秒71公里的速度划破长空。 Countless meteoroids will be sent hurtling into the
Earth's atmosphere at 71 kilometres a second.美国、英国和欧洲多个国家均表示关注。 Countries including the US, Britain and Europe have also
expressed their concerns.法庭文件 court documents 语际翻译 版权所有
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