

船舶、货物和运费的共同海损分摊价值,分别依照下列规定确定:    The contributory value in general average by the ship, goods and freight shall be determined as follows:
前款规定的建筑控制区的范围,由县级以上地方人民政府按照保障公路运行安全和节约用地的原则,依照国务院的规定划定。    The control area for construction mentioned in the preceding paragraph should be demarcated by the local people's governments above the county level according to the principle of ensuring traffic safety and economical use of land and the provisions of the State Council.
自中止时效的原因消除之日起,时效期间继续计。    The counting of the limitation period shall be resumed when the cause of suspension no longer exists.
受理争议的法院或者仲裁机构认为适当,并且考虑到本法第一百八十条第一款的规定,可以判决或者裁决进一步增加特别补偿数额;但是,在任何情况下,增加部分不得超过救助费用的百分之一百。    The court which has entertained the suit or the arbitration organization may, if it deems fair and just and taking into consideration the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 180 of this Code, render a judgment or an award further increasing the amount of such special compensation, but in no event shall the total increase be more than 100% of the expenses incurred by the salvor.
前款所称保险事故,是指保险人与被保险人约定的任何海上事故,包括与海上航行有关的发生于内河或者陆上的事故。    The covered perils referred to in the preceding paragraph mean any maritime perils agreed upon between the insurer and the insured, including perils occurring in inland rivers or on land which is related to a maritime adventure.
海关对保税区内发生的走私违法活动按照《中华人民共和国海关法》的规定处理。    The Customs shall handle the smuggling activities which occur in the bonded area in accordance with the provisions of The Customs Law of the People's Republic of China.
国际邮袋出入境、开拆和封发,应当由海关监管。邮政企业应当将作业时间事先通知海关,海关应当按时派员到场监管查验。    The Customs shall supervise the entry and exit, opening, sealing and dispatching of international mail bags. Postal enterprises shall inform the Customs of their business hours in advance, and the Customs shall promptly send officials to supervise on-the-spot checking and examination.
海关对制成品按所含进口料、件补征税款。    The Customs shall, in accordance with the quantities of the imported raw materials and spare and component parts of which the finished products consist, levy duties on them.
由此造成的损失,由修建、种植或者设置该障碍物体的人承担。    the damage caused thereby shall be borne by the person who built, planted or put up such obstacles.
死亡证明书应当附有死者遗物清单。死者有遗的,船长应当予以证明。    The death certificate shall be attached with a list of personal belongings of the deceased, and attestation shall be given by the Master to the will, if any, of the deceased.
审查批准机关应当自接到上述合同审批申请之日起45日内决定批准或者不批准。    The department in charge of examination and approval of the aforementioned contracts should decide to approve or disapprove within 45 days of receiving the request for approval.
侵占铁路建设用地的,由县级以上地方人民政府土地管理部门责令停止侵占、赔偿损失。    The department of land administration under the local people's government at or above the county level shall order any unit or individual that has occupied or seized the land appropriated for railway construction to stop doing so and to compensate the railway transport enterprise concerned for the loss.
各有关部门及其工作人员必须严格执行航空器警卫交接制度。    the departments concerned and their working personnel must strictly implement aircraft handing over and taking over procedure.
设计、修建交叉道口,必须符合国家规定的技术标准。    The design and construction of crossroads must comply with state standards.
两个收费站之间的距离,不得小于国务院交通主管部门规定的标准。    The distance between two toll gates should not be less than the standards set by the transportation department under the State Council.
旅客未能出示行李票、行李票不符合规定或者行李票遗失,不影响运输合同的存在或者有效。    The failure of the passenger to produce the baggage check, or the irregularity or loss of the baggage check does not affect the existence or validity of the contract of transport.
旅客未能出示客票、客票不符合规定或者客票遗失,不影响运输合同的存在或者有效。    The failure of the passenger to produce the passenger ticket, or the irregularity or loss of the passenger ticket does not affect the existence or validity of the contract of transport.
托运人未能出示航空货运单、航空货运单不符合规定或者航空货运单遗失,不影响运输合同的存在或者有效。    The failure of the shipper to produce the air waybill, or the irregularity or loss of the air waybill shall not affect the existence or validity of the contract of transport.
航空货运单第一份注明 交承运人 ,由托运人签字、盖章;第二份注明 交收货人 ,由托运人和承运人签字、盖章;第三份由承运人在接受货物后签字、盖章,交给托运人。    The first part of the air waybill shall be marked for the carrier and shall be signed and sealed by the shipper; the second part shall be marked for the consignee and shall be signed and sealed by both the shipper and the carrier; the third part shall be signed and sealed by the carrier and handed by him to the shipper after the cargo has been accepted.
基金数额分别为本法第二百一十条、第二百一十条规定的限额,加上自责任产生之日起至基金设立之日止的相应利息。    The fund shall be constituted in the sum of such an amount set out respectively in Articles 210 and 211, together with the interest thereon from the date of the occurrence giving rise to the liability until the date of the constitution of the fund.
申请扣押的船载货物,应当属于被请求人所有。    The goods on board to be arrested on application shall be under ownership of the party who opposes the claim.
前款规定的公路的绿化和公路用地范围内的水土保持工作,由各该公路经营企业负责。    The greening and water and soil conservation within the land used by roads should be undertaken by road management enterprises.
担保的方式为提供现金或者保证、设置抵押或者质押。    The guarantee shall be in form of providing cash or surety, establishing mortgage or pledge.
必要时,由中华人民共和国港务监督局指定的港务监督进行调查。    The Harbour Superintendency Administration Bureau of the People's Republic of China may designate a harbour superintendency administration to carry out the investigation, if the Bureau deems it necessary.
前款检验、鉴定事项,港务监督可委托有关单位或部门进行,其费用由船舶、设施所有人或经营人承担。    The harbour superintendency administration may entrust the inspection and appraisement mentioned in the preceding paragraph to relevant unite or department and the expenses shall be borne by the owner or manager of the vessel or installation.
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