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地方铁路的旅客票价率、货物运价率和旅客、货物运输杂费的收费项目和收费标准,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府物价主管部门会同国务院铁路主管部门授权的机构规定。    Passenger fares, goods tariffs and the items and rates of miscellaneous charges for passenger and goods transport on local railways shall be laid down by the competent department in charge of prices under the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government in conjunction with the agency authorized by the competent department in charge of railways under the State Council.
旅客的行李和私人物品,不分摊共同海损。    Passenger's luggage and personal belongings shall not be included in the value for contribution.
禁止旅客随身携带危险品乘坐民用航空器。除因执行公务并按照国家规定经过批准外,禁止旅客携带枪支、管制刀具乘坐民用航空器。    Passengers bringing dangerous articles on their persons are prohibited from flying in a civil aircraft. Passengers bringing firearms or controlled knives are prohibited from flying in a civil aircraft unless they are performing official duties and approved in accordance with State regulations.
禁止旅客随身携带法律、行政法规规定的禁运物品乘坐民用航空器。    Passengers bringing on their persons articles the transport of which is prohibited by the provisions of laws and administrative rules and regulations are prohibited from flying in a civil aircraft.
禁止旅客携带危险品进站上车。铁路公安人员和国务院铁路主管部门规定的铁路职工,有权对旅客携带的物品进行运输安全检查。实施运输安全检查的铁路职工应当佩戴执勤标志。    Passengers shall be prohibited from carrying any dangerous article into a railway station or a train. Railway security personnel or any such railway worker designated by the competent department in charge of railways under the State Council shall, for the safety of transher have the right to inspect the article or articles carried by any passenger. Any railway worker when carrying out transport safety inspection shall bear an on-duty identification sign.
为此种损害而支付的赔偿;为恢复环境而实际采取或者准备采取的合理措施的费用;    payment for compensation of such damage; the reasonable cost for the measures taken actually or preparing to take for restoring the environment;
行人和车辆通过铁路平交道口和人行过道时,必须遵守有关通行的规定。    Pedestrians and vehicles must, when passing a railway level crossing or a pedestrian cross-walk, observe the relevant regulations governing passage over crossings.
乡、民族乡、镇人民政府负责本行政区域内的乡道的建设和养护工作。    People's governments of townships, townships of minority nationalities areas and towns shall be responsible for the construction and maintenance of township roads within their respective administrative areas.
因故确需偏离指定的航路或者改变飞行高度飞行的,应当取得空中交通管制单位的许可。    permission shall be obtained from the air traffic control unit if a deviation from the air route or a change in flight altitude specified is necessary for one reason or another.
违章通过平交道口或者人行过道,或者在铁路线路上行走、坐卧造成的人身伤亡,属于受害人自身的原因造成的人身伤亡。    Personal injury or fatality resulting from passing the railway track at a level crossing or via a pedestrian cross-walk in violation of relevant regulations or from walking, sitting or lying on the railway track shall be deemed injury or fatality caused by the fault of the aggrieved person one-self.
在较大的车站、机场、港口和宾馆内,应当设有办理邮政业务的场所。    Places shall be provided for handling postal business in larger railway stations, airports, ports and guest houses.
专用公路的建设计划,由专用单位编制,报上级主管部门审批,并报当地公路主管部门备案。    Plans for building accommodation highways are to be formulated by organisations which shall use the highways, submitted to higher authorities for examination and approval, and reported to local departments in charge of highways for the record.
省道发展规划由省、自治区、直辖市公路主管部门编制,报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府审批,并报交通部备案。    Plans for building provincial highway shall be formulated by the provincial, autonomous regional and municipal departments in charge of highways, submitted to the provincial, autonomous regional and municipal people's governments for examination and approval, and reported to the Ministry of Communications for the record.
依照第三款、第四款规定批准的县道、乡道规划,应当报批准机关的上一级人民政府交通主管部门备案。    Plans in respect to county roads and township roads to be approved according to the provisions of paragraph three and paragraph four of this article shall be submitted to the transportation departments of the people's governments at the next higher level for the record.
县道规划由县级人民政府交通主管部门会同同级有关部门编制,经本级人民政府审定后,报上一级人民政府批准。    Plans in respect to county roads shall be formulated by the transportation departments of the people's governments at the county level together with related departments at the same level and submitted to the people's governments of the same level for examination and to the people's governments at the next higher level for approval.
?? 省道规划由省自治区、直辖市人民政府交通主管部门会同同级有关部门并商省道沿线下一级人民政府编制,报省自治区、直辖市人民政府批淮,并报国务院交通主管部门备案。    Plans in respect to provincial roads shall be formulated by the transportation departments of people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities together with the people's governments of the lower level along the lines and submitted to the people's governments of the respective provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities for approval and to the transportation department of the State Council for the record.
省道规划应当与国道规划相协调。县道规划应当与省道规划相协调。乡道规划应当与县道规划相协调。    Plans in respect to provincial roads should be in harmony with plans of State roads; plans of county roads shall be coordinated with plans of provincial roads; and plans of township roads shall be coordinated with plans of county roads.
乡道规划由县级人民政府交通主管部门协助乡、民族乡、镇人民政府编制,报县级人民政府批准。    Plans in respect to township roads shall be formulated by the people's governments of township, townships inhabited by people of minority nationalities and towns with the assistance of the transportation departments of the people's governments at the county level and submitted to the people's governments at the county level for approval.
 专用公路规划应当与公路规划相协调。县级以上人民政府交通主管部门发现专用公路规划与国道、省道、县道、乡道规划有不协调的地方,应当提出修改意见,专用公路主管部门和单位应当作出相应的修改。    Plans of special roads shall be coordinated with highway planning. Transportation departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall put forward proposals for revision should they find the plans of special roads not coordinated with plans of State roads, provincial roads, county roads and township roads and the departments and units in charge of the special roads shall make revisions accordingly.
停止使用的邮资凭证,由国务院邮政主管部门在停止使用前一个月公告并停止出售,持有人可以自公告之日起六个月内向邮政企业及其分支机构换取有效的邮资凭证。    Postage certificates to be withdrawn from circulation shall be announced to the public, and sales will be stopped one month in advance by the competent department of postal services under the State Council. Holders of such postage certificates may exchange them for valid postage certificates at postal enterprises and their branch offices within six months from the date of the announcement.
除法律另有规定外,邮政企业和邮政工作人员不得向任何组织或者个人提供用户使用邮政业务的情况。    Postal enterprises and postal staff shall not provide information to any organization or individual about users' dealings with postal services except as otherwise provided for by law.
邮政企业根据需要可以委托其他单位或者个人代办邮政企业专营的业务。代办人员办理邮政业务时,适用本法关于邮政工作人员的规定。    Postal enterprises may, according to needs, entrust other units or individuals as agents to run businesses exclusively operated by postal enterprises. The provisions on postal personnel specified in this Law shall apply to agents when they handle postal businesses.
邮政企业及其分支机构应当在国务院邮政主管部门规定的期限内将查询结果通知查询人。    Postal enterprises or branch offices shall inform inquirers of the results of inquiry within the time limit set by the competent department of postal services under the State Council.
中华人民共和国邮政法    Postal Law of the People's Republic of China
邮政工作人员玩忽职守,致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的,依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第一百八十七条的规定追究刑事责任。    Postal Postal personnel who are derelict in their duties and bring about great loss to public property and the interests of the state and the people shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with the provisions of Article 187 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China.
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