

国家机关、部队、全民所有制企业、事业组织收藏的文物,属于国家所有。    Cultural relics in the collection of state organs, armed forces, enterprises owned by the whole people and public institutions shall be owned by the state.
文物出境必须从指定口岸运出。经鉴定不能出境的文物,国家可以征购。    Cultural relics leaving the country must be shipped out at designated ports. Cultural relics which, after examination, are not permitted to leave the country may be requisitioned by the state through purchase.
收购商品中夹杂收来的文物,要及时拨交文物部门。    Cultural relics that are found mixed with commodities purchased shall be sorted out and handed over to the cultural relics department in good time.
法律法规禁止买卖的文物不得作为拍卖标的进入拍卖市场。    Cultural relics the buying and selling of which are prohibited by laws and regulations must not enter the auction markets as auction subject matters.
各地海关要加强对文物出入境的监管工作,防止珍贵文物流失。    Customs of all localities should step up supervision and control over exit and entry cultural relics and guard against losses of rare and precious cultural relics.
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