第十六章 抵押权 Chapter XVI Mortgage Right第十七章 质权 Chapter XVII Pledge Right第十七章 质权 Chapter XVII Pledge Right第十八章 留置权 Chapter XVIII Lien第十八章 留置权 Chapter XVIII Lien近年来,我国加快知识产权立法步伐,先后公布了《中华人民共和国商标法》、《中华人民共和国专利法》、《中华人民共和国技术合同法》、《中华人民共和国著作权法》和《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》等法律,并且已初步与国际标准接轨,对推动我国改革开放和现代化建设起到了积极作用。 China has in recent years speeded up its intellectual property legislation and successively promulgated such laws as the ""Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China"", the ""Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China"", the ""Law of the People’s Republic of China on Technology Contracts"", the ""Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China"" and the ""Law of the People’s Republic of China for Countering Unfair Competition"", which have begun to link up with international standards and have played a active role in promoting reform and opening as well as the construction of modernization in China.文物是我国的历史文化遗产,对珍贵的文物应一律禁止出口。 Chinese cultural relics are our historical cultural heritage. The export of rare, precious cultural relics shall, without exception, be prohibited.国务院关于加强和完善文物工作的通知(1997年3月30日) Circular of the State Council Concerning the Strengthening and Improvement of the Work Related to Cultural Relics(March 30, 1997)国务院批转外贸部、商业部、文物局关于加强文物商业管理和贯彻执行文物保护政策的意见的通知 Circular of the State Council for Approving and Transmitting the Proposals Submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Trade, the Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration for Protection of Cultural Relics on Strengthening the Commercial Administration and Implementing the Policy for the Protection of Cultural Relics国务院关于印发国家知识产权战略纲要的通知 Circular of the State Council on Printing and Issuing of the National Intellectual Property Strategy Compendium文物收藏单位要加强文物特别是珍贵文物的征集,进一步充实馆藏,搞好收藏单位之间的藏品调剂和交换。 Collection units of cultural relics should step up the collection of cultural relics especially rare and precious cultural relics, further enrich the collections and conduct adjustments and exchanges among the collection units.对文物商业市场,则应归口经营、统一收购、统一价格、加强管理。 Commercial market operations for cultural relics, shall be handled exclusively by an authorized department, with unified purchase and pricing and strengthened administration.举办人委托体育机构举办体育竞赛的,举办人和受托体育机构按照委托关系依法承担民事责任。 Commissioning physical cultural institutions to conduct sports contests, the sponsors shall, together with the commissioned physical cultural institutions, legally bear civil responsibilities as commissioned.全国综合性运动会由国务院体育行政部门管理或者由国务院体育行政部门会同有关组织管理。 Comprehensive national games shall be administered by the administrative department for physical culture and sports under the State Council or by the administrative department for physical culture and sports under the State Council in conjunction with other relevant organizations.计算机程序包括源程序和目标程序。同一程序的源文本和目标文本应当视为同一作品。 Computer programs include source code programs and object code programs. The source code text of a piece of software and its object code text should be seen as one work.对于仲裁裁决,当事人应当履行。当事人一方不履行仲裁裁决的,另一方可以申请人民法院执行。 Concerned parties will carry out an arbitration ruling. If one party fails to carry out the arbitration ruling, the other may bring a lawsuit before a People's Court.在这个地带内修建新建筑和构筑物,不得破坏文物保护单位的环境风貌。其设计方案须征得文化行政管理部门同意后,报城乡规划部门批准。 Construction of new buildings or other structures in such an area shall not deform the environmental features of the historical and cultural site. The design for construction must be agreed to by the department for cultural administration before it is submitted to the department for urban and rural planning for approval.目 录 Contents中华人民共和国著作权法 COPYRIGHT LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA著作权人行使著作权,不得违反宪法和法律,不得损害公共利益。 Copyright owners, in exercising their copyright, shall not violate the Constitution or laws or prejudice the public interests.文物商品售价应按外贸部门统一规定的价格出售。 Cultural relic commodities shall be sold at prices unifiedly fixed by foreign trade departments.要依法规范文物拍卖市场。 Cultural relics auction markets must be standardized in accordance with law.流传在社会的具有特别重要历史、科学、艺术价值的文物(包括文物的特殊品种)应在一定范围内定向拍卖。 Cultural relics circulating in society and having extraordinarily important historical, scientific and artistic values (including special varieties of cultural relics) should be directionally auctioned within a certain scope.友谊商店、外轮供应公司门市部向外宾销售的文物商品,统一由外贸部门供应。 Cultural relics commodities that are to be sold to foreign visitors by the sales departments of friendship stores and suppliers for foreign vessels shall be supplied by foreign trade departments.进入市场流通的文物是一种特殊商品,有关部门要密切配合,进一步加强和改善文物市场管理,加强调控和监督,保障文物市场的健康发展。 Cultural relics in market circulation are special commodities.The departments concerned should coordinate with one another in further enhancing and improving cultural relics market control, stepping up regulation, control and supervision and ensuring the healthy development of the cultural relics market.