- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 变更经营范围涉及法律、行政法规规定必须报经审批的项目的,应当提交有关部门的批准文件。变更营业场所的,应当提交新的营业场所使用证明。 Where the changed business scope relates to the items that must be submitted for examination and approval as provided by law or administrative regulations, the approval documents from the relevant department shall be submitted. Where a branch changes its location of business premises, a certificate of use of the new business premises shall be submitted.
- 公司变更住所跨公司登记机关辖区的,应当在迁入新住所前向迁入地公司登记机关申请变更登记;迁入地公司登记机关受理的,由原公司登记机关将公司登记档案移送迁入地公司登记机关。 Where the changed domicile goes beyond the jurisdiction area of the company registration authority, the company shall apply for registration of change with the company registration authority in the place to which the company will move before it moves to the new domicile. If the company registration authority in the place to which the company will move accepts the application, the original company registration authority shall transfer the company registration files to the company registration authority in the place to which the company will move.
- 中外合作者的一方担任董事长、主任的,副董事长、副主任由他方担任。 Where the Chinese or foreign party is appointed as the chairman of the board or director of the committee, the other party shall be the deputy-chairman or deputy-director.
- 保险公司发生前款规定的第(一)项、第(三)项情形的,应当同时报告中国保监会。 Where the circumstances specified in (1) and (3) of the preceding paragraph occur to the insurance company, it shall report to the CIRC at the same time.
- 公司以当年利润分派新股,不受前款第(二)项限制。 Where the company distributes its current year profit in the form of new shares, issuance of such shares are exempt from the restriction prescribed in Item (ii) of the previous Paragraph.
- 公司登记事项发生变更时,未按照本法规定办理有关变更登记的,责令限期登记,逾期不登记的,处以一万元以上十万元以下的罚款。 Where the company fails to carry out amendment registration in accordance herewith when a registered item of the company has changed, it shall be ordered to register within a prescribed time limit, and where the company has not carried out registration after expiration of the time limit, a fine of not less than 10,000 Yuan but not more than 100,000 Yuan shall be imposed.
- 发行无记名股票的,应当于会议召开四十五日以前就前款事项作出公告。 Where the company has issued bearer share certificates, a public notice concerning matters set forth in the previous Paragraph shall be made 45 days prior to the meeting.
- 公司决议解散、被行政主管部门依法责令关闭或者被宣告破产的,由国务院证券管理部门决定终止其股票上市。 Where the company is to be dissolved pursuant to a resolution, is ordered to cease its operation by the relevant authority in charge in accordance with the law, or is declared bankrupt, the securities regulatory authority under the State Council shall issue a decision to de-list its shares.
- 公司登记机关核准登记的,应当自核准登记之日起15日内通知申请人,发给、换发或者收缴《企业法人营业执照》或者《营业执照》。 Where the company registration authority approves to register, it shall, within 15 days from the date of approval to register, notify the applicant and issue, change or withdraw the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person or the Business License.
- 公司登记机关不予登记的,应当自作出决定之日起15日内通知申请人,发给《公司登记驳回通知书》。 Where the company registration authority refuses to register, it shall, within 15 days from the date of making the decision, notify the applicant and issue a Notification of Refusal of Company Registration.
- 公司财产能够清偿公司债务的,分别支付清算费用、职工工资和劳动保险费用,缴纳所欠税款,清偿公司债务。 Where the company's assets are sufficient for payment of company debts, such assets shall be paid out in the following order: payment of liquidating expenses, payment of wages and expenses for labor insurance of the workers, payment of taxes owed, and payment of company debts.
- 收货人在运输工具申报进境之日起14日后向海关申报进口的,不适用集中申报通关方式。收货人应当以报关单向海关申报。 Where the consignee makes import declaration at the customs 14 days after the means of transport is declared to enter the territory, the method of centralized declaration for customs clearance may not be applied. And the consignee shall make declaration at the customs upon the strength of the customs declaration form.
- 托运人违反前款规定的,承运人可以拒绝运输。 Where the consignor violates the previous paragraph, the carrier may refuse to carry.
- 技术咨询合同的受托人未按期提出咨询报告或者提出的咨询报告不符合约定的,应当承担减收或者免收报酬等违约责任。 Where the consultant under the technical consulting contract failed to provide the consulting report within the prescribed period or the consulting report submitted does not comply with the contract, it shall be liable for breach of contract by way of reducing or foregoing the remuneration, etc.
- 单位犯前款罪的,判处罚金,并对单位直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依照或者比照刑法第一百六十七条的规定追究刑事责任。 Where the criminal offenses referred to in the preceding paragraph are committed by an entity, the entity in question shall be imposed fine while the persons in charge of the entity directly responsible for the offenses and other persons directly responsible for the offenses shall be subject to criminal prosecutions in accordance with or in the light of Article 167 of the Criminal Law.
- 境外托管人在履行职责过程中,因本身过错、疏忽等原因而导致基金、集合计划财产受损的,托管人应当承担相应责任。 Where the custodian outside the territory of China leads to any loss to the assets of a fund or pool plan because of its fault or negligence, etc. during the process of performing duties, the custodian shall bear the liabilities accordingly.
- 重新申报日期超过运输工具申报进境之日起14日的,应当以报关单申报。 Where the date for new declaration is later than 14 days after the means of transport is declared to enter the territory, the declaration shall be made upon the strength of the customs declaration form.
- 超过扣除限额的,其超过部分不得作为税额扣除,也不得列为费用支出,但可以用以后度税额扣除不超过限额的余额补扣,补扣期限最长不得超过五年。 where the deductible limit is exceeded, the portion in excess shall not be deducted from tax and shall not be itemized as an expense, however, the portion not exceeding the limit thereof may be used as a deduction against following year's taxes; the time limit for such supplemental deductions shall not exceed five years.
- 存货人或者仓单持有人逾期提取的,应当加收仓储费;提前提取的,不减收仓储费。 Where the depositor or holder of the warehouse receipt delays in retrieving the goods, additional warehousing fee shall be charged; where the goods are retrieved before the end of the warehousing period, the warehousing fee shall not be reduced.
- 存货人违反前款规定的,保管人可以拒收仓储物,也可以采取相应措施以避免损失的发生,因此产生的费用由存货人承担。 Where the depositor violates the previous paragraph, the warehouser may reject the goods and may also take the appropriate measures to prevent loss at the depositor's expense.
- 保管人违反前款规定,将保管物转交第三人保管,对保管物造成损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任。 Where the depository delegated safekeeping of the deposit to a third person in violation of the previous paragraph, thereby causing damage to the deposit, the depository shall be liable for damages.
- 第三百三十四条研究开发人违反约定造成研究开发工作停滞、延误或者失败的,应当承担违约责任。 Where the developer breached the contract, thereby causing stoppage, delay or failure of the development, it shall be liable for breach of contract.
- 研究开发人转让专利申请权的,委托人享有以同等条件优先受让的权利。 Where the developer is to assign the right to apply for patent on the invention/innovation resulting from the commissioned development, the commissioning party has the right of first refusal under the same conditions.
- 赠与人故意不告知瑕疵或者保证无瑕疵,造成受赠人损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任。 Where the donor intentionally omitted to inform the donee of the defect or warranted the absence of any defect, thereby causing loss to the donee, he shall be liable for damages.
- 法律、行政法规对设立公司规定必须报经审批的,在公司登记前依法办理审批手续。 Where the establishment of a company is subject to examination and approval as required by the relevant national statutes or administrative regulations, examination and approval procedure must be carried out in accordance with the law prior to its registration.