- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 当事人没有约定检验期间的,买受人应当在发现或者应当发现标的物的数量或者质量不符合约定的合理期间内通知出卖人。买受人在合理期间内未通知或者自标的物收到之日起两年内未通知出卖人的,视为标的物的数量或者质量符合约定,但对标的物有质量保证期的,适用质量保证期,不适用该两年的规定。 Where no inspection period was prescribed, the buyer shall notify the seller within a reasonable period, commencing on the date when the buyer discovered or should have discovered the quantity or quality non-compliance. If the buyer fails to notify within a reasonable period or fails to notify within 2 years, commencing on the date when it received the subject matter, the quantity or quality of the subject matter is deemed to comply with the contract, except that if there is a warranty period in respect of the subject matter, the warranty period applies and supersedes such two year period.
- 个别部门确需按产品专业设置的,由经贸部另行审定,其它的一律撤销、合并或取消进出口经营权。 where one or two departments really need(s) to set up companies for specialized products, the case shall be examined and confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade separately; as to the other companies, they shall all be abolished or merged, or their right to handle import and export business shall be revoked.
- 外国石油公司拥有的合同区,由于末发现商业性油(气)田而终止作业,如果其不连续拥有开采油(气)资源合同,也不在中国境内保留开采油(气)资源的经营管理机构或者办事机构,其已投入终止合同区的合理的勘探费用,经税务机关审查确认并出具证明后,从终止合同之日起十年内又签订新的合作开采油(气)资源合同的,准予在其新拥有合同区的生产收人中摊销。 Where operation of a contract field owned by a foreign oil company is terminated due to failure to find commercially viable oil (gas), and where ownership of the contract for the exploitation of petroleum (gas) resources is not continued and management organizations or offices for carrying on operations for the exploitation of petroleum (gas) resources are no longer maintained in China, reasonable exploration expenses already incurred in respect of the terminated contract field shall, upon examination and confirmation and the issuance of certification by the tax authorities, be permitted to be amortized against production income of a newly owned contract field when the new contract for cooperative exploitation of oil (gas) resources is signed within ten years from the date of the termination of the old contract.
- 对外国公司分支机构的经营资金需要规定最低限额的,由国务院另行规定。 Where operation of certain branches of foreign companies is subject to a minimum level of funding, such level shall be prescribed by the State Council separately.
- 票据上其他记载事项被变造的,在变造之前签章的人,对原记载事项负责;在变造之后签章的人,对变造之后的记载事项负责;不能辨别是在票据被变造之前或者之后签章的,视同在变造之前签章。 Where other particulars recorded on a negotiable instrument have been altered, a signer thereto before the alteration is made shall be liable for the particulars originally recorded, a signer thereto after the alteration is made shall be liable for the altered particulars. Where it is hard to tell whether a signature is put before or after the alteration, it shall be deemed as one put before the alteration.
- 尚不够刑事处罚的,区别不同情况,依照海关法的有关规定处罚,或者由国务院外经贸主管部门给予警告,没收违法所得,处违法所得1倍以上5倍以下的罚款; Where such import or export is not so serious as to be prosecuted for criminal liability, penalty shall be imposed according to the circumstances pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Customs Law, or the competent foreign trade department under the State Council issues a warning against it, confiscates illegal income and/or imposes a fine one to five times the illegal income.
- 债务人的起诉符合法定条件的,人民法院应当受理;受理债务人起诉的人民法院在代位权诉讼裁决发生法律效力以前,应当依法中止。 Where such suit brought separately by the obligor meets the legally prescribed conditions, the People's Court shall accept such suit; the People's Court accepting the suit brought by the obligor shall stay such suit in accordance with the law pending the legal effectiveness of the judgment on the suit of subrogation.
- 两个或者两个以上债权人以同一债务人为被告,就同一标的提起撤销权诉讼的,人民法院可以合并审理。 Where suits on the same subject matter are filed separately by two or more obligees to enforce their respective cancellation rights, and the same obligor is named as the defendant, the People's Court may combine the suits for adjudication.
- 法律、行政法规规定解除合同应当办理批准、登记等手续的,依照其规定。 Where termination of a contract is subject to any procedure such as approval or registration, etc. as required by a relevant law or administrative regulation, such provision applies.
- 尚不够刑事处罚的,区别不同情况,依照海关法的有关规定处罚,或者由国务院外经贸主管部门给予警告,没收违法所得,处违法所得1倍以上3倍以下的罚款; Where the act of import or export is not so serious as to be prosecuted for criminal liability, penalty shall be imposed according to the circumstances pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Customs Law, or the competent foreign trade department under the State Council issues a warning against it, confiscates illegal income and/or imposes a fine one to three times the illegal income.
- 尚不够刑事处罚的,依照海关法的有关规定处罚;国务院外经贸主管部门并可以撤销其对外贸易经营许可。 Where the act of import or export is not so serious as to be prosecuted for criminal liability, penalty shall be imposed according to the circumstances pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Customs Law. The competent foreign trade department under the State Council may revoke the foreign trade business license.
- 受托人超越权限给委托人造成损失的,应当赔偿损失。 Where the agent acted beyond the scope of authorization, thereby causing loss to the principal, it shall pay damages.
- 受托人因委托人的原因对第三人不履行义务,受托人应当向第三人披露委托人,第三人因此可以选择受托人或者委托人作为相对人主张其权利,但第三人不得变更选定的相对人。 Where the agent failed to perform its obligation toward the third person due to any reason attributable to the principal, the agent shall disclose the principal to the third person, allowing the third person to select in alternative either the principal or the agent as the other contract party against whom to make a claim, provided that the third person may not subsequently change its selection of the contract party.
- 外国银行分行,其总行托管规模在1000亿美元以上的,可以不受前款第(三)项规定条件的限制。 Where the amount of funds the head office of a foreign bank keep custody of exceeds USD 100 billion, any branch of the foreign bank may not be subject to the restriction of the requirement specified in (3) of the preceding paragraph.
- 约定的违约金低于造成的损失的,当事人可以请求人民法院或者仲裁机构予以增加;约定的违约金过分高于造成的损失的,当事人可以请求人民法院或者仲裁机构予以适当减少。 Where the amount of liquidated damages prescribed is below the loss resulting from the breach, a party may petition the People's Court or an arbitration institution to increase the amount; where the amount of liquidated damages prescribed exceeds the loss resulting from the breach, a party may petition the People's Court or an arbitration institution to decrease the amount as appropriate.
- 出票人在付款人处的存款足以支付支票金额时,付款人应当在当日足额付款。 Where the balance of the drawer's deposit in the paying bank is sufficient to pay the sum of the cheque, the drawee shall pay the cheque in full on the day of presentment.
- 破产财产不足清偿同一顺序的清偿要求的,按照比例分配。 Where the bankruptcy property is insufficient to repay all the repayment needs within a single order of priority, it shall be distributed on a pro-rata basis.
- 破产财产不足清偿同一顺序的清偿要求的,按照比例分配。 Where the bankruptcy property is insufficient to repay all the repayment needs within a single order of priority, it shall be distributed on a pro-rata basis.
- 破产财产不足清偿同一顺序的清偿要求的,按照比例分配。 Where the bankruptcy property is insufficient to repay all the repayment needs within a single order of priority, it shall be distributed on a pro-rata basis.
- 公司董事会不按照前款规定执行的,其他股东有权要求董事会执行。 Where the board of directors refuses to comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, other stockholders have the right to ask the board to comply.
- 公司董事会不按照第一款的规定执行,致使公司遭受损害的,负有责任的董事依法承担连带赔偿责任。 Where the board of directors' refusal to comply with the first paragraph of this article has resulted in losses to the company, the responsible directors are liable for the damages in accordance with the law.
- 借款人未按照约定的日期、数额收取借款的,应当按照约定的日期、数额支付利息。 Where the borrower failed to draw down on the prescribed date and in the prescribed amount, it shall nevertheless pay the interest on the prescribed date and in the prescribed amount.
- 居间人促成合同成立的,居间活动的费用,由居间人负担。 Where the broker facilitated the formation of the proposed contract, the brokerage expenses shall be borne by itself.
- 居间人故意隐瞒与订立合同有关的重要事实或者提供虚假情况,损害委托人利益的,不得要求支付报酬并应当承担损害赔偿责任。 Where the broker intentionally concealed any material fact or provided false information in connection with the conclusion of the proposed contract, thereby harming the client's interests, it may not require payment of any remuneration and shall be liable for damages.
- 因托运人申报不实或者遗漏重要情况,造成承运人损失的,托运人应当承担损害赔偿责任。 Where the carrier sustains any loss due to the consignor's provision of false information or omission of any material information, the consignor shall be liable for damages.