任何单位和个人不得违法限制或者排斥本地区、本系统以外的法人或者其他组织参加投标,不得以任何方式非法干涉招标投标活动。 No unit or person may illegally restrict or exclude legal persons or other organizations from other areas or systems to take part in bidding or interfere in tender and bid activities in any form.任何单位和个人不得违反规定,动用发行基金。 No units or individuals may use the issue fund in violation of regulations.未经外汇管理机关批准,任何单位和个人不得经营外汇业务。经批准经营外汇业务的金融机构,经营外汇业务不得超出批准的范围。 No units or individuals shall be allowed to handle foreign exchange businesses without approval from the foreign exchange management administration. The financial institutions approved to handle foreign exchange businesses shall not go beyond their approved scope of businesses.非增值税纳税人和根据增值税有关规定确认的增值税小规模纳税人不得领购增值税专用发票。 Non-VAT payer and small-scale VAT tax payer confirmed by related stipulations on VAT shall not receive and purchase special invoices for VAT.原产于本条第一款、第二款和第三款所列以外国家或者地区的进口货物,以及原产地不明的进口货物,适用普通税率。 Normal tariff rate is applied to imported goods originated from countries or regions not listed in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of this article and to imported goods for which the place of origin is unclear.原产于本条第一款、第二款和第三款所列以外国家或者地区的进口货物,以及原产地不明的进口货物,适用普通税率。 Normal tariff rate is applied to imported goods originated from countries or regions not listed in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of this article and to imported goods for which the place of origin is unclear.注:1、《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》及其补充协议和《内地与澳门关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》及其补充协议另有规定的,从其规定。 Note: 1.In the case that the Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement and its supplement or the Mainland/Macao Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement and its supplement have prescribed specific rules, those regulations shall be observed.国家税务总局关于贯彻实施《中华人民共和国发票管理办法》的通知 NOTICE ON IMPLEMENTATION OF THE METHODS OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLICOFCHINA FOR MANAGEMENT OF INVOICES召开董事会会议或者联合管理委员会会议,应当在会议召开的10天前通知全体董事或者委员。 Notice shall be given to all members of the board or the joint management committee 10 days prior to a meeting of the board of directors or joint management committee.《国务院关于实施〈国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020年)若干配套政策的通知〉》(国发〔2006〕6号) ? Notification of the State Council on Carrying out the Several Supporting Policies regarding National Outlines for Medium and Long-term Planning for Scientific and Technological Development (2006-2020) (No. 6, 2006 of the State Council)国务院关于实施企业所得税过渡优惠政策的通知? Notification of the State Council on Carrying out the Transitional Preferential Policies concerning Enterprise Income Tax《国务院关于扩大外商投资企业从事能源交通基础设施项目税收优惠规定适用范围的通知》(国发(1999)13号) ? Notification of the State Council on Expanding the Scope of Application of the Preferential Tax Provision to Foreign-invested Enterprises Engaged in Infrastructure Projects of Energy and Traffic (No. 13 [1999] of the State Council)国务院关于进一步对外开放南宁、重庆、黄石、长江三峡经济开放区、北京等城市的通知(国函〔1992〕62号、国函〔1992〕93号、国函〔1993〕19号、国函〔1994〕92号、国函〔1995〕16号) ? Notification of the State Council on Further Opening Nanning, Chongqing, Huangshi, Yangtze Three Gorges Economic Development Zone, Beijing and other cities (Guo Han [1992] No. 62, Guo Han [1992] No. 93, Guo Han [1993] No. 19, Guo Han [1994] No. 92 , Guo Han [1995] No. 16)17 《国务院关于进一步对外开放南宁、昆明市及凭祥等五个边境城镇的通知(国函〔1992〕62号) ? Notification of the State Council on Further Opening Nanning, Kunming, Pingxiang and Other Two Border Cities and Towns (Guo Han [1992] No. 62)国务院关于经济特区和上海浦东新区新设立高新技术企业实行过渡性税收优惠的通知 Notification of the State Council on Providing Transitional Preferential Tax Treatments to High-tech Enterprises Newly Set up in Special Economic Zones and in Pudong New District of Shanghai《国务院关于试办国家旅游度假区有关问题的通知》(国发〔1992〕46号) ? Notification of the State Council on the Pilot Project for National Tourist Vacation Areas (No. 46, 1992 of the State Council)国务院关于进一步对外开放黑河、伊宁、凭祥、二连浩特市等边境城市的通知(国函〔1992〕21号、国函〔1992〕61号、国函〔1992〕62号、国函〔1992〕94号) ? Notifications of the State Council on further opening border cities of Heihe, Yining, Pingxiang, Erlianhot (Guo Han [1992] No. 21, Guo Han[1992] No. 61, Guo Han [1992] No. 62, Guo Han [1992] No. 94)18 国务院关于进一步对外开放南宁、重庆、黄石、长江三峡经济开放区、北京等城市的通知(国函〔1992〕? 62号、国函〔1992〕93号、国函〔1993〕19号、国函〔1994〕92号、国函〔1995〕16号) ? Notifications of the State Council on further opening Nanning, Chongqing, Huangshi and Yangtze Three Gorges Open Economic Zones, Beijing and other cities (Guo Han [1992] No. 62, Guo Han [1992] No. 93, Guo Han [1993] No. 19, [1994] No. 92, Guo Han [1995] No. 16)?? 除前款规定外,被保险人同意投保人为其订立合同的,视为投保人对被保险人具有保险利益。 Notwithstanding the foregoing, with the consent of the insured to enter into a contract for the insured, the applicant shall be regarded as having an insurable interest on the insured.2.业务收入净额=业务收入总额—(业务收人税金十业务支出十管理费用十财务费用) business income = (gross business income) - 【 (taxes on business income) + (operating expenses) + (administrative expenses) + (finance expenses) 】.3.产品销售净额=产品销售总额—(销货退回十销货折让) sales = (gross sales) - 【 (sales returns) + (sales discounts and allowances) 】;3.销货净额=销货总额—(销货退回十销货折让) sales = (gross sales) - 【 (sales returns) + (sales discounts and allowances) 】;