4.新闻机构 4.News agencies(一)投保人名称和住所; Name and address of the insurer;(二)投保人、被保险人名称和住所,以及人身保险的受益人的名称和住所; Names and addresses of the applicant and the insured, and name and address of the beneficiary in the case of insurance of persons;外商投资企业名称由国家工商行政管理局核定。 Names of enterprises with foreign investment shall be approved by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.民族自治地方可以加印一种通用的民族文字。 National autonomous areas may print in invoices an additional common nationality characters.前款所称涉外票据,是指出票、背书、承兑、保证、付款等行为中,既有发生在中华人民共和国境内又有发生在中华人民共和国境外的票据。 Negotiable instruments involving foreign elements as mentioned in the preceding paragraph refer to the instruments that are issued, or endorsed, or accepted, or guaranteed, or paid either within or outside, the territory of the People's Republic of China.新闻单位不得以新闻报道形式 刊播广告,收取费用;新闻记者不得借采访名义招揽广告。 News media may not publish or broadcast advertisements in the form of news reports nor collect fees for these reports. Journalists may not solicit advertisements in the name of news coverage.未发生经营业务一律不准开具发票。 No drawing up of invoices is allowed before the occurrence of business management.未经前款规定的税务机关指定,不得印制发票。 No enterprises are permitted to print invoices without authorization by the competent tax departments of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government未经外汇管理机关批准,任何单位和个人不得经营外汇业务。 No entities or individuals are allowed to undertake foreign exchange operations without the approval by the exchange administration agencies.税务机关依法执行职务,任何单位和个人不得阻挠。 No entities or individuals shall impede the tax authorities from carrying out their duties in accordance with the law任何单位或者个人都不得非法干预保险人履行赔偿或者给付保险金的义务,也不得限制被保险人或者受益人取得保险金的权利。 No entity or individual shall illegally interfere with the insurer's obligation for indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits, or hinder the right of the insured or the beneficiary to receive the payment.对民办非企业单位进行年度检查不得收取费用。 No fee shall be collected for the annual inspection of people-run non-enterprise units.任何机关、单位和个人不得违反法律、行政法规的规定,擅自作出税收开征、停征以及减税、免税、退税、补税的决定。 No governmental organs, entities or individuals may be permitted to make decisions without authorization regarding the collection of tax or the cessation there of, the reduction, exemption or refund of tax, or the payment of tax underpaid in violation of the law or the administrative regulations在中国人民银行或其分支机构正式发布公告之前,任何机构不得擅自对市场发布相关信息。 No institution may illegally release any relevant information to the market before the PBC or its branch publicizes an official bulletin.未经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府税务主管部门指定,不得印制发票。 no invoice is allowed to be printed without the authorization of the competent tax departments of the provincial, autonomous regional and municipal people’s governments.不得签发无对价的汇票用以骗取银行或者其他票据当事人的资金。 No one may sign and issue bills of exchange without consideration to defraud fund from a bank or other parties to the bills.任何组织和个人不得拒绝、阻碍审计人员依法执行职务,不得打击报复审计人员。 No organization or individual may refuse or obstruct auditors' performance of their functions in accordance with the law, or retaliate against auditors.未经合作他方同意,任何一方不得擅自处理。 no party shall dispose it on its own without the consent of the other party.见票即付的汇票无需提示承兑。 No presentment for acceptance is needed for a bill of exchange payable at sight.未经审核同意的,不得享受免征、减征企业所得税待遇。 No treatment in respect of reductions of or exemptions from enterprise income tax shall be enjoyed without examination and verification and agreement thereof.任何单位和个人不得修改、涂抹、标注、损毁公司登记档案资料。 No unit and individual shall revise, daub, mark or break down the documents of company registration files.任何单位和个人不得强制其委托招标代理机构办理招标事宜。 No unit or person may compel the tenderer to authorize a procuratorial agency to carry out the tender.任何单位和个人不得以任何方式为招标人指定招标代理机构。 No unit or person may designate a procuratorial agency for the tenderer in any form.任何单位和个人不得非法干预、影响评标的过程和结果。 No unit or person may illegally interfere or affect the bid assessment procedure or result.语际翻译 版权所有
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