(三)国务院授权投资的机构或者部门单独投资或者共同投资设立的有限责任公司; (3) limited liability companies in which the investment institution (s) or department (s) authorized by the State Council is the sole investor or are the joint investors;(三)有限责任公司。 (3) limited-liability company.(三)股东会或者有关机关确认的清算报告; (3) liquidation report confirmed by the shareholders' meeting or the competent authority;(三)丢失或擅自销毁发票存根联以及发票登记簿; (3) Los or scrap the counterfoil and invoice registration book;(四)轻工、纺织、包装工业; (4) light industries, and textiles and packaging industries;(四)省、自治区、直辖市人民政府授权投资的机构或者部门单独或者共同投资设立的有限责任公司; (4) limited liability companies in which the investment institution (s) or department (s) authorized by the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government is the sole investor or are the joint investors; and(四)外商投资的有限责任公司; (4) limited liability companies with foreign investment; and(五)租赁。 (5) Leasing(五)股东的法人资格证明或者自然人身份证明; (5) legal person qualification certificates of the shareholders or identity certificates of natural persons;(五)合作各方协商确定的合作企业董事长、副董事长、董事或者联合管理委员会主任、副主任、委员的人选名单; (5) List of candidates for the chairman, deputy-chairman, directors of the board of the contractual JV, or the director, deputy director and members of the joint management committee;6.皮革; (6) Leather;(六)法律意见书和证券公司的推荐书; (6) Legal advice and recommendation of the securities company;(六)违约责任; (6) Liabilities for breach of contract; and(六)违约责任; (6) Liability for breach of contract.(七)劳动管理; (7) Labor administration;(七)发起人的法人资格证明或者自然人身份证明; (7) legal person qualification certificates of the promoters or identity certificates of natural persons;(八)有关职工招聘、培训、劳动合同、工资、社会保险、福利、职业安全卫生等劳动管理事项的规定; (8) Labor management regulations on employment, training, labor contract, salaries, social insurance, welfare and labor protection;(九)违约责任。 (9) liquidated liabilities (damages).*1.商品交易、直销、邮购、网上销售、特许经营、委托经营、销售代理、商业管理等各类商业公司,以及粮、棉、植物油、食糖、药品、烟草、汽车、原油、农业生产资料的批发、零售、物流配送 *l.Commercial companies of commodity trading, direct selling, mail order selling, Internet selling, franchising, commissioned operation, sales agent, commercial management companies, and wholesale, retail and logistic distribution of grain, cotton, vegetable oil, sugar, medicines, tobaccos, automobiles, crude oil, capital goods for agricultural production1.取消出口退税的商品清单 1. List of Commodities the Export Rebates of Which Are Cancelled (omitted)(一)国务院有关部门、机构发布的恐怖组织、恐怖分子名单。 1. list of terrorist organizations or terrorists as announced by the related department or institution of the State Council;一、承包方的责任: 1.Liability of the contractor:一、承担方的责任: 1.liability of the lessee:二、存货方责任: 1.Liability of the storing party:二、代理报关业务的营业税征收管理 2. Levying management of the business tax on commissioned customs declarations