未经依法核准,以发行证券为幌子,实施非法证券活动,涉嫌犯罪的,依照《刑法》第一百七十六条、第一百九十二条等规定,以非法吸收公众存款罪、集资诈骗罪等罪名追究刑事责任。 For the illegal securities activities without being approved in accordance with law, in the disguise of issuance of securities and involving a crime, the offender shall be pursued for criminal liability on charge of the crime of illegal absorption of savings from the general public or crime of fraudulent fundraising, pursuant to Articles 176 and 192 of the Criminal Law.未经依法核准,擅自发行证券,涉嫌犯罪的,依照《刑法》第一百七十九条之规定,以擅自发行股票、公司、企业债券罪追究刑事责任。 For the issuance of securities without being approved in accordance with law and involving a crime, the offender shall be pursued for criminal liability on charge of the crime of issuance of stocks or corporate or enterprise bonds without approvalin light of Article 179 of the Criminal Law.办理注销登记,须提交注销登记申请书、业务主管单位的审查文件和清算报告。 For the processing of nullification of registration, an application for the nullification of registration, examination document of the competent business unit and the settlement report shall be presented.为加强代理报关业务营业税征收管理,现将有关问题通知如下: For the purpose of intensifying the levying management of the business tax on commissioned customs declarations, The related issues are hereby notified as follows:本法所称市场支配地位,是指经营者在相关市场内具有能够控制商品价格、数量或者其他交易条件,或者能够阻碍、影响其他经营者进入相关市场能力的市场地位。 For the purposes of this law, “dominant market position” refers to the undertaking(s) having the ability to control the price, quantity or other trading conditions of products in relevant market, or to hinder or affect other undertakings to enter the relevant market.对于中介机构非法代理买卖非上市公司股票,涉嫌犯罪的,应当依照《刑法》第二百二十五条之规定,以非法经营罪追究刑事责任; For the unlawful trading of stocks in an unlisted company by an intermediary as an agent, involving a crime, the intermediary shall be pursued for criminal obligation on charge of the crime of illegal business operation, pursuant to Article 225 of the Criminal Law;税务登记证件的式样,由国家税务总局制定。 For those applications in compliance with regulations, registration shall be granted and a tax registration certificate shall be issued. The format of the tax registration certificate shall be determined by the State Administration of Taxation.对传销员已交款而传销企业未付商品的,由工商行政管理机关监督传销企业退款。 For those retail personnel who have handed over money but have not yet received goods from the pyramid retail enterprise, the pyramid retail enterprise shall return their money under the supervision of the office of industrial and commercial administration.本法施行前依照行政法规和国务院金融行政管理部门的规定经批准设立的证券经营机构,不完全符合本法规定的,应当在规定的限期内达到本法规定的要求。具体实施办法,由国务院另行规定。 For those securities organs approved for establishment in accordance with administrative regulations, or regulations promulgated by financial administrative departments under the State Council, before this law goes into effect, but whose establishment is not fully in conformity with this law, shall meet the requirements set in this law within a prescribed period. Specific measures will be prescribed separately by the State Council.未缴足注册资本或者营运资金的,对于其开展新业务的申请,中国保监会不予批准。 For those who fail to fully pay the registered capital or working capital, China Insurance Regulatory Commission shall not grant approval to their application for operation of new business.税务机关收取保证金,应当开具收据。 for those who fail to hand in the invoices on schedule, the guarantor shall bear legal responsibility or do so with guaranty money.按期缴销发票的,解除保证人的担保义务或者退还保证金;未按期缴销的,由保证人或者以保证金承担法律责任。 For those who hand in the invoice for cancellation on schedule, the obligation undertaken by the guarantor may be relieved or the guaranty money returned;触犯刑律的,依法追究刑事责任。 For those who violate the criminal law, the judicial authority shall investigate and affix the criminal responsibility according to law.违反工商行政管理其他规定的,由市或者区、县工商局按照工商行政管理的有关规定予以处罚。 For violation of other SAIC rules, the municipal or district / county SAIC shall impose penalties in accordance with relevant SAIC rules.在户外广告设施设置活动中违反市容管理规定的,市或者区、县市政委办公室应当责令改正,并可处以警告或者按照下列规定处以罚款: For violation of rules on administration of city appearance in the installation of outdoor advertising facilities, the municipal or district / county office of municipal administration shall order the wrongdoing party to correct, and may give at the same time a warning or impose a fine in accordance with the following:在从事户外广告活动中违反工商行政管理规定的,市或者区、县工商局应当责令改正,并可处以警告或者按照下列规定处以罚款: For violation of SAIC rules in the business of outdoor advertising activities, the municipal or district / county SAIC shall order the wrongdoing party to correct, and may give at the same time a warning or impose a fine in accordance with the following provisions:外商不得从事以传销为经营方式的商业零售业务。 Foreign businesses may not engage in pyramid retail operational modes for professional commercial retailing.外国企业就来源于中国境内的所得缴纳所得税。 Foreign enterprises pay income tax for their income originating in China.在中华人民共和国境内,外国企业生产、经营所得和其他所得,依照本法的规定缴纳所得税。 Foreign enterprises shall pay income tax for their income arising in production and business operations and other income in the territory of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the provisions of this Law.外国企业依照税法规定的纳税年度计算应纳税所得额有困难的,可以提出申请,报当地税务机关批准后,以本企业满十二个月的会计年度为纳税年度。 Foreign enterprises that have difficulty computing taxable income in accordance with the tax year stipulated in the Tax Law may, upon approval by the local tax authorities of an application submitted by such enterprises, use their own 12-month fiscal year as the tax year.国务院外汇管理部门负责全国的外债统计与监测,并定期公布外债情况。 Foreign exchange administrations under the State Council shall take charge o f statistics compiling and monitoring of the country's foreign debts, and publicizing the country's situation in term of foreign debts.本办法所称保险外汇资金是指保险公司以外币计价的资本金、公积金、未分配利润、各项准备金和存入保证金的总和。 Foreign exchange insurance funds in these Measures refer to the aggregate capital, common reserve, undistributed profit, reserves and guarantee deposits received by an insurance company that are denominated in foreign exchange.第三章资本项目外汇 Foreign Exchanges on Capital Account第二章经常项目外汇 Foreign Exchanges on Current Accounts经营产品包括汽车(不迟于2006年12月11日取消限制)、书报杂志、药品、农药、农膜、成品油、化肥、粮食、植物油、食糖、烟草、棉花的超过30家分店的连锁店不允许外方控股 Foreign investors can not take majority ownership of a Chain-store that has over 30 branch stores and engages in the distribution of automobiles (the limitation will be lift no later than Dec. 11, 2006), books, newspapers, magazines, pharmaceutical products, pesticides, mulching films, processed oil, chemical fertilizers, grain, vegetable oil, sugar, tobacco, cotton.