(二)由买方负担的在审查确定完税价格时与该货物视为一体的容器的费用; 2. fees for containers borne by the seller that are considered to be an integral part of the goods sold in the course of examining and identifying customs value of the goods;(二)由买方负担的在审查确定完税价格时与该货物视为一体的容器的费用; 2. fees for containers borne by the seller that are considered to be an integral part of the goods sold in the course of examining and identifying customs value of the goods;二、 对经济特区和上海浦东新区内在2008年1月1日(含)之后完成登记注册的国家需要重点扶持的高新技术企业(以下简称新设高新技术企业),在经济特区和上海浦东新区内取得的所得,自取得第一笔生产经营收入所属纳税年度起,第一年至第二年免征企业所得税,第三年至第五年按照25%的法定税率减半征收企业所得税。 2. For a high-tech enterprise under the key support of the state in a special economic zone or in Pudong New District of Shanghai that completes the registration on or after January 1, 2008 (hereinafter referred to as the high-tech enterprise), the incomes acquired by it in the special economic zone and in Pudong New District of Shanghai shall be relieved from the enterprise income tax (hereinafter referred to as the EIT) for the first 2 years as of the tax year to which the first revenue coming from production or operation contributes , and shall be levied at half of the statutory tax rate of 25% for the third to the fifth years.(二)证券公司:各项风险控制指标符合规定标准;净资本不低于8亿元人民币;净资本与净资产比例不低于70%;经营集合资产管理计划(以下简称集合计划)业务达1年以上;在最近一个季度末资产管理规模不少于20亿元人民币或等值外汇资产。 2. For a securities company: all of its risk control indicators shall be consistent with the prescribed standards, its net capital shall not be less than RMB 0.8 billion yuan; the proportion of its net capital to its net assets shall be no less than 70 percent, it has engaged in the business of asset pool management plans (hereinafter referred to as the pool plan) for at least one year, and its asset management scale at the end of the latest quarter shall be no less than RMB 2 billion yuan of assets or the foreign exchange assets in an equivalent value.二、有下列情况之一的,也要坚决予以撤销、合并或取消其进出口经营权: 2. Foreign trade companies that fall under one of the following circumstances shall resolutely be abolished or merged, or their right to handle import and export trade shall be revoked:三、金融保险业 5% 3. Finance and insurance 53.我国管辖海域及内陆水域水产品捕捞 3.Fishing in the sea area within the Government jurisdiction and in in-land water(四)“驻华机构”是指外国驻华外交机构、领事机构、国际组织驻华代表机构、外国驻华商务机构和国外民间组织驻华业务机构等。 4. ""foreign establishments"" in China refer to foreign diplomatic agencies in China, consulates, resident representative offices in China and offices of foreign non-government organizations in China etc..4.金融租赁公司 4.Financial leasing companies(五)“来华人员”是指驻华机构的常驻人员、短期入境的外国人、应聘在境内机构工作的外国人以及外国留学生等。 5. ""foreign nationals"" in China refer to resident staff members of foreign establishments in China, foreigners working for domestic entities in China and overseas foreign students etc. .(五)经注册会计师审计的境内金融机构近3个会计年度的财务报告及审计意见全文; 5. financial statements of the financial institution within the territory of China for the last three years as audited by certified public accountants, and the full text of audit opinions in written form;(五)进出境运输工具装载的途中必需的燃料、物料和饮食用品。 5. fuels, materials and food and drinks necessary in the course of transportation carried by the entry and exit transportation vehicles.(五)进出境运输工具装载的途中必需的燃料、物料和饮食用品。 5. fuels, materials and food and drinks necessary in the course of transportation carried by the entry and exit transportation vehicles.5.外汇经纪 5.Foreign exchange brokage8.对外贸易公司 8.Foreign trade companies房屋、建筑物的附属设施,是指园房屋、建筑物不可分割的、不单独计算价值的配套设施,包括房屋、建筑物内的通气、通水、通油管道,通讯、输电线路,电梯,卫生设备等。 Facilities attached to buildings and structures mean auxiliary facilities that are inseparable from buildings and structures and for which no separate value is computed, including, for example, building and structure ventilation and drainage systems, oil pipelines, communication and power lines, elevators and sanitation equipment.(三)未按照规定提取保险保障基金、公积金的; failing to contribute to the insurance guarantee fund or the accumulated reserve fund as required;(四)未按照规定办理再保险分出业务的; failing to effect outward reinsurance as required;(二)未按照规定将拟定险种的保险条款和保险费率报送备案的。 failing to file the insurance clauses and premium rates for its proposed insurance products as required.(二)未按照规定提取或者结转未到期责任准备金或者未按照规定提取未决赔款准备金的; failing to set aside or carry forward a reserve for future claims, or set aside an outstanding loss reserve, as required;(一)未按照规定提存保证金或者违反规定动用保证金的; failing to set up a guarantee fund or violating the stipulations regarding the application of the guarantee fund;(一)未按照规定报送有关报告、报表、文件和资料的; failing to submit relevant reports, statements, documents and information in accordance with laws or the regulations; or十五日内未确定清算人的,合伙人或者其他利害关系人可以申请人民法院指定清算人。 Failure to appoint the liquidating member(s) shall entitle the partners or other interested persons to petition the People's Court for appointment of the liquidating member(s).逾期不提出审核意见的,视为同意。 Failure to come up with an opinion within the prescribed period shall be deemed to be an approval.(二)未发生保险事故而谎称发生保险事故,骗取保险金的; falsely alleging the occurrence of an insured event which in fact has not occurred, whereupon an insurance claim is fraudulently made;