

  (六)实施生产许可证的产品广告,应当提交生产许可证;    (6) For the advertisements of the products which require production permits, production permits shall be presented;
(六)冒用他人的票据,或者故意使用过期或者作废的票据,骗取财物的;    (6) fraudulently using another's instrument or intentionally using an overdue or canceled instrument to defraud money or property; or
(六)各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市以及经济特区所属经营对苏联、东欧等国家易货贸易的外贸公司,允许保留一至二家 ,其它的一律撤销 、合并或取消其易货贸易权。    (6) From among the foreign trade companies, attached to various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, municipalities under separate planning, and special economic zones that handle barter transactions with the Soviet Union and the East European countries, only one or two companies shall be retained; as to the other companies, they shall all be abolished or merged, or their right to handle import or export business shall be revoked.
(七)虚构经营业务活动,虚开发票;    (7) Fabricate business activities, draw up false invoices;
  (七)文化、教育、卫生广告,应当提交上级行政主管部门的证明;    (7) For the advertisements concerning culture, education and public health, certificates issued by the higher competent authorities shall be presented;
(七)经营管理机构的设置、职权、办事规则,总经理及其他高级管理人员的职责和聘任、解聘办法;    (7) Formation, duties and powers, and rules of procedures for the operation and management organization, and duties, appointment and dismissal of the general manager and other high-ranking managerial personnel;
(七)经国务院批准开设口岸的边境毗邻县所属经营边境小额易货贸易的公司,允许保留一家;    (7) From among the trading companies, attached to counties adjacent to border ports which are established with the approval of the State Council and handle petty barter trade in the border areas, only one company shall be retained for each of the aforesaid counties;
(八)金融资产管理公司;    (8) financial assets management companies;
  (八)其他各类广告,需要提交证明的,应当提交政府有关部门或得授权单位的证明。    (8) for the other advertisements which require due certification, papers issued by relevant government departments or agencies authorized by them shall be presented.
(九)金融租赁公司;    (9) financial leasing companies;
6.光导通讯技术;    (f) optical telecommunications technology;
6.经财政部确定征税的从中国境内取得的其他所得。    (f) other income derived from China and stipulated by the Ministry of Finance to be subject to tax.
①不可抗力;    (ⅰ) force majeure;
(一)厂房、机械、设备等货物进口后进行建设、安装、装配、维修和技术服务的费用;    1. fees with regard to the construction, installation, assembling, servicing and technical services provided to goods, such as workshops, machinery, equipment etc., after importation;
(一)厂房、机械、设备等货物进口后进行建设、安装、装配、维修和技术服务的费用;    1. fees with regard to the construction, installation, assembling, servicing and technical services provided to goods, such as workshops, machinery, equipment etc., after importation;
(一)基金管理公司:净资产不少于2亿元人民币;经营证券投资基金(以下简称基金)管理业务达2年以上;在最近一个季度末资产管理规模不少于200亿元人民币或等值外汇资产;    1. For a fund management company: its net asset shall be no less than RMB 0.2 billion yuan, it has engaged in the business of managing securities investment funds (hereinafter referred to as the fund) for more than two years, and its asset management scale at the end of the latest quarter shall be no less than RMB 20 billion yuan or the foreign exchange assets in an equivalent value;
一、外商投资企业以包工包料方式委托其他企业承建的工程项目,如外商投资企业与承建企业签订了委托购买国产设备协议,承建企业受托采购国产设备并取得增值税专用发票(增值税专用发票上购货单位为承建企业)后,交由外商投资企业申请办理退税。    1. For the engineering projects which are contracted out by foreign-funded enterprises through contracting for labor and materials, if such construction enterprises execute with their contractors an agreement for purchase of domestic equipment, entrusted to purchase domestic equipment, and get VAT invoices (the purchasers on VAT invoices should be the Construction Enterprises) issued therefore, the invoices shall be delivered to the foreign-funded enterprises for application for tax refund under relevant rules.
㈠外国货币,包括纸币、铸币;    1. foreign currencies, including bank notes and coins;
一、各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市(以下简称各地方)和中央国家机关各部门所属的各级各类对外经贸公司,都必须严格进行清理整顿。    1. Foreign trade companies at various levels and of various types attached to the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and municipalities under separate planning (hereinafter referred to as ""the various localities), as well as those attached to the various departments under the Central Government, must all conduct the checking up and rectification strictly.
(一)食品加工业    1.Food Processing Industry
(一)食品加工业    1.Food Processing Industry
(一)食品加工业    1.Food Processing Industry
1.期货公司    1.Futures companies
十、海关对进出境旅客携带的行李物品要按有关规定办理进出境手续。    10. Following the related regulations, customs authorities should deal with the luggage carried by passengers both entering and exiting the country.
(十三)黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业    13.Ferrous Metallurgical Smelting and Rolling Processing Industry
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