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中国医疗行业法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


已取得《药品生产许可证》、《药品经营许可证》的企业生产、销售假药、劣药的,除依法追究该企业的法律责任外,对有失职、渎职行为的药品监督管理部门直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。    If an enterprise which has obtained a Pharmaceutical Production License or a Pharmaceutical Trade License produces and sells fake medicines and medicines of inferior quality, the enterprise shall be investigated for legal liabilities according to laws and regulations. In addition, the directly liable person in charge and other responsible personnel in the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department who have neglected or have been derelict in their duty shall be subject to administrative sanction. If a crime is constituted, the party shall be investigated for criminal liabilities according to laws and regulations.
被保险人因意外伤害需要入院治疗,而致其随行未满十六岁之幼童乏人照顾者,I.P.A. 将安排其未满十六岁之幼童搭乘定期班机(包括往返机场之交通工具)返香港,I.P.A. 并负担所须费用;但机票费用以经济舱票为限。    If any of the Insured’s travelling dependent child(ren) under 16 years of age is left unattended by reason of the Insured’s Bodily Injury resulting in hospital confinement, I.P.A. will organize and pay for the cost of a schedule airline ticket (on economy fare basis),若被保险人未满十六岁之幼童持有回程机票,因意外事故后不能使用时,被保险人必须将原有机票交给I.P.A. 人员处理。
有违法所得的,没收违法所得;情节严重的,撤销其检验资格。药品检验机构出具的检验结果不实,造成损失的,应当承担相应的赔偿责任。    If any unlawful income has been obtained, the unlawful income shall be confiscated. If the circumstances are serious, the inspection qualification certificate shall be revoked. If an inspection institution produces false inspection reports and causes serious consequences, it shall bear corresponding liabilities for compensation.
经检验发现不合格的,检验检疫机构应当出具《检验检疫处理通知书》,需要索赔的应当出具检验证书。    If any unqualified imported medical instrument is found in the inspection, an IQ organ shall issue a Circular of Inspection and Quarantine Treatment, and shall issue an inspection certificate if a claim for damage is necessary.
对考核不合格的,由县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门注销注册,收回医师执业证书。    If anyone fails in the evaluation, the administrative department of health under the people’s government at or above the county level shall cancel his registration and withdraw his practicing certificate of doctors.
在保险有效期内,若被保险人在中国广东省境内发生确属明显外来意外事故所直接引致之明显身体损伤,而需要紧急救治医疗,在本保险单之最高保障限额之内,中国交通保险将为被保险人支付由法律上合格的医师、医生、謢士及医院因施救所缴收的必要及合理救治费用。    If during the Period of Insurance the Insured shall suffer bodily injury within the territory of Guangdong Province, P.R.C. resulting solely and directly from accident caused by violent external and visible means which shall be directly and independently of any other cause result in emergency medical expenses, then China Communications Insurance will indemnify the Insured against the necessary and reasonable costs of such emergency medical expenses charged by a legally qualified medical practitioner, physician, nurse and/or hospital up to the maximum Limit of Benefits specified in this Policy.
在本保险单有效期间内,若被保险人中国广东省境内发生确属意外事故所致之明显身体损伤或身故,中国交通保险当按照后开保险条或批文及赔偿责任的规定,依照本保险单内所载赔偿金额表所规定的金额赔偿给被保险人或其指定的受益人。    If during the Period of Insurance the Insured shall suffer bodily injury within the territory of Guangdong Province, P.R.C. resulting solely and directly from accident caused by violent external and visible means which shall be directly and independently of any other cause, then China Communications Insurance will subject to the Terms and Conditions contained herein or endorsed hereon pay to the Insured, or in the event of the death of the Insured to his appointed Beneficiary, the benefits specified in the Schedule of Benefits.
在保险有效期内,若被保险人在中国广东省境内发生确属意外事故所直接引致之明显身体损伤, 而需要紧急支持服务,被保险人可致电二十四小时紧急服务热线,中国交通保险特约之服务机构国际救援(亚洲)公司(以下简称“I.P.A.”)将提供下列之服务。    If during the Period of Insurance the Insured shall suffer bodily injury within the territory of Guangdong Province, P.R.C. resulting solely and directly from accident caused by violent external and visible means, the following emergency assistance services shall be arranged and provided directly by China Communications Insurance’s appointed agent, Inter Partner Assistance Hong Kong Limited (hereinafter called “I.P.A.”) upon notification by the Insured to the designated 24 hours emergency assistance services hotline.
给患者造成损害的,依法承担赔偿责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。    if harm occurs to the patient, the person who causes the harm shall bear the responsibility of compensation according to law; if a crime has been constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.
对答复不服的,可在接到答复之日起十五日内,向人民法院起诉。    If he is dissatisfied with the decision of reconsideration, he may, within 15 days of receiving reconsideration decision, bring a suit before a people's court.
无法取得病人意见又无病人家属或者关系人在场,或者遇到其他特殊情况的,经治医师应当提出医疗处置方案,在取得医疗机构负责人或者被授权负责人员的批准后方可施行。    If it is impossible to get the patient''s opinion and there is no family member or relative of the patient available, or in other special circumstances, the doctor in charge shall put forward a medical treatment plan and carry it out after the plan is ratified by the principal person in charge of the medical institution or the authorized responsible person of the medical institution.
医疗机构对同一医师三次门诊不能确诊的病人,应当安排上一级医师复诊;    If no exact diagnosis can be made by the same doctor for three times under ambulatory treatment, the medical institution shall arrange for the patient to further consult a doctor of higher rank.
受理申请的卫生行政部门对不符合条件不予注册的,应当自收到申请之日起三十日内书面通知申请人,并说明理由。    If registration is not granted to the applicant who fails to satisfy the conditions, the administrative department of health accepting the application should notify the applicant in writing within 30 days from the date of receiving the application and explain the reasons for this decision.
考核合格的,由直属检验检疫局予以核准并报国家质检总局备案,直属检验检疫局负责定期对外公布二类进口单位名单。    If the assessment is passed, the applicant shall be verified and approved by the administration of inspection and quarantine directly under the GAQSIQ shall and shall be submitted to the GAQSIQ for filing. The administration of inspection and quarantine directly under the GAQSIQ shall take the responsibilities of publicizing the list of Category B importers at regular intervals.
分支机构不在医疗机构所属的区、县内的,应当征得分支机构所在地的区、县卫生行政部门同意。    If the branch is not established in the district or county where the medical institution is located, the establishment of the branch shall obtain the consent from the District or County Public Health Administrative Department in the locality where the branch shall be established.
对造成危害后果的,可处以500元以上1000元以下的罚款;对直接责任人员由所在单位或者上级机关给予行政处分。    If the case has caused a harmful consequence, a fine of 500 yuan up to no more than 1,000 yuan may be imposed upon it, and simultaneously the direct responsible person(s) shall be given an administrative disciplinary punishment by the unit or by the higher authorities.
情节严重的,吊销其执业证书;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:    If the circumstances are serious, the practicing certificate shall be revoked. If a crime has been constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.
医疗机构对限于设备或者技术条件不能诊治的危重病人,应当及时组织会诊或者在落实接诊医疗机构后,由医务人员护送及时转诊;    If the critical illness of a patient cannot be diagnosed and treated due to the limited medical apparatus or technical conditions, the medical institution shall organize a group consultation in time or transfer the patient to other medical institution escorted by medical personnel through arrangements for further diagnosis and treatment in time.
医疗机构的负责人、药品采购人员、医师等有关人员收受药品生产企业、药品经营企业或者其代理人给予的财物或者其他利益的,由卫生行政部门或者本单位给予处分,没收违法所得;对违法行为情节严重的执业医师,由卫生行政部门吊销其执业证书;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。    If the directors, buyers, physicians or other relevant persons in medical organizations receive any property or other interests from pharmaceutical producing enterprises, pharmaceutical trading enterprises or their agents, they shall be punished by the administrative departments of health or the work units where they work, and have their unlawful income confiscated. If practicing physicians seriously violate the law, his practice certificate shall be revoked by the administrative departments of health. If a crime is constituted, an investigation shall be made for criminal liabilities in conformity with relevant laws and regulations.
如被保险人于发卡后宣称遗失医疗卡或要求更改有关内容,被保险人应立即以书面通知本保险公司有关事项,并需缴付港币200元手续费,以便本保险公司印发新医疗卡予被保险人。    If the Insured declares that the Medical Card has been lost or requests to alter any information after issuance of this card, a replacement Medical Card will be issued upon receiving the written notification to the company together with a replacement fee of HK$200 from the Insured.
当被保险人因遭意外损伤住院医疗时, 基于医疗上之需要, I.P.A. 将为被保险人作下列之安排及直接负责有关费用:    If the Insured shall suffer bodily injury such that I.P.A.’s medical team and the attending physician recommend hospitalization, I.P.A. will arrange and pay for: the transfer of the Insured into one of the nearest hospital and, - if necessary, on medical grounds
逾期不补办校验手续的,由卫生行政部门予以通报,并由上级主管部门对其主要负责人给予行政处分;拒不校验的,由卫生行政部门吊销其《医疗机构执业许可证》。    if the make-up inspection is still not done after the deadline, the Public Health Administrative Department shall circulate a notice of criticism and give the principal person in charge of the medical institution an administrative disciplinary punishment.
对接诊科室不能诊治的危重病人,应当及时组织会诊。    If the reception department is unable to diagnose and treat a patient in critical illness, the medical institution shall organize a group consultation in time.
医疗机构对限于接诊医师(士)技术水平不能诊治的危重病人,应当及时安排上一级医师诊治;    If the reception doctor is unable to diagnose and treat a patient in critical illness due to his/her limited technical level, the medical institution shall assign a doctor of higher rank in time to diagnose and treat the patient.
其中在医疗、预防、保健机构中从事医疗、预防、保健业务的医务人员,依照本法规定的条件,由所在机构集体核报县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门,予以注册并发给医师执业证书。    If they are medical workers engaging in services of medical treatment, prevention or health care in institutions of medical treatment, prevention or health care, the institutions to which they belong shall report the case as a whole upon rectification to the administrative department of health under the people’s government at or above the county level and registration shall be granted and the practicing certificates of doctors shall be issued to them in line with the conditions as prescribed in this Law .
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