索罗斯 George Soros格鲁吉亚(第比利斯) Georgia(Tbilisi)德国总理施洛德 German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder德国促请普京停止镇压车臣。车臣事件是普京声望急升的主因。 Germany also urged an immediate end to the war
in Chechnya that has been a key factor in Mr Putin's meteoric rise.德国(柏林) Germany(Berlin)病菌/细菌 germ; Germ is a general word for viruses and bacteria.老人学家 gerontologist怀孕期 gestation善意 gesture of goodwill得到药方 get a prescription for the drug不用计算机也能上网 get access to the Internet without buying a PC索取某人签名并与某人握手 get autographs and handshakes from somebody重返社会 get back into the society深入牙缝 get in between teeth无线上网 get online without being tethered to a cable/log on to the Internet
without cables克服时差 get over my jet lag留案底 get permanent criminal records接受结肠癌检查 get screened for colon cancer遭政府审查刁难 get snagged by government censors散播**讯息 get the anti-Communist message out通常得到三日药 get typically three days' medicine英文及格 getting a pass in English重新修好 getting back on track晚上尿频 getting up frequently throughout the night to urinate加纳(阿克拉) Ghana(Accra) 语际翻译 版权所有
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