粗糙物 dietary fibres营养学家 dietician香港各界对二零零七年后行政长官和立法会的选举办法仍存在较大分歧。 Different sectors of Hong Kong society
still have considerable differences about methods for selecting the chief executive and
the legislature after 2007.挖掘出死伤者 dig out victims餐后酒 digestifs消化不良 digestive disorders数码相机 digital camera朝鲜日报(南韩) Digital Chosun数码鸿沟 digital divide数字家庭 digital home数码媒体中心 Digital Media Centre数码相 digital photos在戏院里非法录像的数码影带 digital tapes believed to contain illegal recordings of films
from cinemas在戏院里非法录像的数码影带 digital tapes believed to contain illegal recordings of films
from cinemas数字摄影录像机 digital video camcorder毛地黄素(治哮喘) digitalis将资料数码化 digitalise the information数码化 digitalization要人 dignitary帝力(东帝汶首都) Dili淡化其强硬路线 diluted its hard-line agenda点心车 dim sum trolleys酒窝/酒粒 dimple小划船 dinghy饭桌 dining table 语际翻译 版权所有
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