拒绝回答政治敏感问题 did not reply to politically sensitive questions无需相关经验 did not require relevant experience不排除会(向示威者)作出起诉 did not rule out prosecutions看来对人体无害 did not seem to be harmful to humans没有呼救 did not shout for help除两科语文外,没有报考任何高补程度科目 did not sit for an advanced- supplementary level
subject apart from the two languages不是想避税/逃税 did not try to avoid tax不愿透露姓名 did not want to be named???/wanted his name withheld不想加入阴谋论 did not want to engage in conspiracy theories你在下令搜查时有没有考虑过这些后果? Did you consider these ramifications before ordering the
raids?可以不用死 die needlessly头部受伤致死 died as a result of injuries inflicted on his head一氧化碳中毒致死 died from carbon monoxide poisoning中暑致死 died from heatstroke焗死 died from smoke inhalation窒息致死 died from suffocation/died of asphyxia/died of asphyxiation在大火中丧生 died in the blaze当场死亡/当场丧生 died instantly自愿走进病房照料非典型肺炎病人,最后染病致死 died of atypical pneumonia after volunteering to
work in a Sars ward死于气体中毒 died of gas poisoning头部重伤致死 died of serious head injuries柴油发电机 diesel generators柴油管制组 Diesel Oil Enforcement Division柴油管制组 Diesel Oil Enforcement Division柴油的士 diesel taxi 语际翻译 版权所有
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