不利于公务员稳定性 destabilise the civil service赤贫 destitute捣毁/推翻塔利班政权 destroy the Taleban毁灭所有资本主义的象征 destroying every vestige of a market economy破坏司法独立和法治 destroying judicial independence and the rule of law支队、分遣部队 detachment今日正式公布协议内容。 Details of the deal will be spelled out today.现时难以取得灾情细节,因为电话线路已切断,手提电话网络亦过分繁忙。 Details were difficult to obtain because
telephone lines were down and mobile-phone networks overwhelmed.扣留 detain在早期发现癌症 detect the cancer at an early stage侦测到冯女士的胎儿有异动 detected abnormal movements by Ms Fung's baby破案难度 detection difficulties调查人员昨晚继续在诊所进行调查。 Detectives continued their investigations last night at
the clinic.阻止贿选 deter corruption吓跑外资 deter foreign investment阻吓物 deterant断定该些产品号称的保健效果失实,并禁止刊登相关广告,否则等同欺骗 determined health claims surrounding the
products were bogus and barred related advertisements as fraudulent确定难民身份 determining refugee status引爆炸弹 detonate the device底特律 Detroit美元贬值 devaluation of the greenback被他的死讯吓坏 devastated by his death推动公关活动 develop a public-relations campaign开发西伯利亚油田 develop a Siberian oilfield传媒要注重社会责任 develop a socially responsible media 语际翻译 版权所有
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