教育署副署长汤启康 Deputy Director of Education Anthony Tong Kai-hong房屋局副局长钟丽帼 Deputy Secretary for Housing Elaine Chung Lai-kwok库务局副局长林郑月娥 Deputy Secretary for the Treasury Carrie Lam Cheung Yuet-ngor
人大常委会副秘书长乔晓阳 deputy secretary-general of the Standing Committee, Qiao
Xiaoyang疯狂的 deranged衍生工具 derivatives从杂费中赚取可观利润 derived substantial profits from miscellaneous fees皮肤科医师 dermatologist皮肤科 Dermatology真皮 dermis指该指责毫无根据 described the accusations as groundless指这是不公平的选举 described the election as unfair沙漠化 desertification设计师 designer设计智优计划 DesignSmart Initiative停止对全球各地的伊斯兰国家进行侵略性干预 desists from aggressive intervention against Muslims
in the whole world书桌 desk桌面 desktop可耻的行为 despicable act虽然最近稍有起色,但日本股市比起一九八九年的历史高位,仍然跌了七成五。 Despite a recent rally, Japan's stock
market remains 75% off its 1989 all-time high.虽然反对声音极多,百分之七十三的市民认为星期二的游行无法阻止立法。 Despite the groundswell of opposition, 73
per cent predicted the protest on Tuesday will have little bearing on the passage of the
laws.虽然经济困难,公共财政面临重重压力,但我们投资教育的决心丝毫未变。 Despite the pressure of economic downturn
on public finances, our resolve to invest in education is unshaken.暴雨下考试局各科考试下午仍如期开考。 Despite the rainstorm, all Examination Authority exams
scheduled for the afternoon were held as normal.暴君 despot专制统治 despotic rule 语际翻译 版权所有
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