教师的工资报酬、福利待遇,依照法律、法规的规定办理。 Salaries and welfare benefits for teachers shall be handled according to the provisions of laws and regulations.学校和其他教育机构根据国家规定,自主进行教师管理工作。 Schools and other institutions of education shall administer the affairs of teachers on their own according to the relevant provisions of the State.学校、教师可以对学生家长提供家庭教育指导。 Schools and teachers may furnish parents of students with guidance for family education.中等及中等以下教育在国务院领导下,由地方人民政府管理。 Secondary education and education at lower levels shall be administered by the local people's governments under the guidance of the State Council.初级中等以下特殊教育学校和普通学校附设的特殊教育班,对不具有接受普通教育能力的残疾儿童、少年实施义务教育。 Special schools at or below junior middle school level and special classes attached to ordinary schools shall be responsible for the implementation of compulsory education for disabled children and juveniles who are not able to respond to ordinary education.高等学校教师职务的具体任职条件由国务院规定。 Specific conditions for taking up positions for the positions of teachers of institutions of higher learning shall be prescribed by the State Council.设立高等学校的具体标准由国务院制定。 Specific standards for the establishment of institutions of higher learning shall be formulated by the State Council.从事残疾人工作的国家工作人员和其他人员,应当履行光荣职责,努力为残疾人服务。 State functionaries and other personnel engaged in the work for disabled persons should work hard to fulfill their lofty duties in serving disabled people.实施教师聘任制的步骤、办法由国务院教育行政部门规定。 Steps and measures for implementing the appointment system for teachers shall be formulated by the administrative department of education under the State Council.(一)在进行思想教育、文化教育的同时,加强身心补偿和职业技术教育; Strengthen physical and psychological compensation and vocational and technical training while providing ideological and cultural education;各级师范学校学生享受专业奖学金。 Students of normal schools at various levels shall enjoy professional scholarships.接受非学历高等教育的学生,由所在高等学校或者其他高等教育机构发给相应的结业证书。结业证书应当载明修业年限和学业内容。 Students receiving non-curricula higher education shall be issued corresponding certificates of completion of studies by the institutions of higher learning or other institutions of higher education. Certificates of completion of studies should carry length of schooling and contents of studies.获得贷学金及助学金的学生,应当履行相应的义务。 Students who obtain loans and grants-in-aid should fulfill corresponding obligations.对于接受职业技能培训的学生,经政府批准的职业技能鉴定机构鉴定合格的,可以按照国家有关规定颁发相应的国家职业资格证书。 Students who receive vocational skill training may be granted relevant national vocational qualifications certificates in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State if they pass the evaluation by a vocational skill evaluation organ authorized by the government.家庭经济困难的学生,可以申请补助或者减免学费。 Students whose families are financially difficult may apply for subsidy or reduction and exemption of the tuition fee.学生团体在法律、法规规定的范围内活动,服从学校的领导和管理。 Students' societies carry out activities within the scope prescribed by regulations and shall be subject to the leadership and administration of the institutions.语际翻译 版权所有
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