第五章高等学校教师和其他教育工作者 Chapter V Teachers and Other Educational Workers of Institutions of Higher Learning第五章高等学校教师和其他教育工作者 Chapter V Teachers and Other Educational Workers of Institutions of Higher Learning第六章 变更与终止 Chapter VI Alteration and Termination第六章人身权利 CHAPTER VI RIGHTS RELATING TO THE PERSON第六章高等学校的学生 Chapter VI Students of Institutions of Higher Learning第六章高等学校的学生 Chapter VI Students of Institutions of Higher Learning第七章 教育投入与条件保障 CHAPTER VII EDUCATIONAL INPUT AND GUARANTEE OF CONDITIONS第七章高等教育投入和条件保障 Chapter VII Guarantee for Input and Conditions of Higher Education第七章高等教育投入和条件保障 Chapter VII Guarantee for Input and Conditions of Higher Education第七章 法律责任 Chapter VII Legal Liability第七章婚姻家庭权益 CHAPTER VII RIGHTS AND INTERESTS RELATING TO MARRIAGE AND FAMILY第八章 教育对外交流与合作 CHAPTER VIII FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION IN EDUCATION?第八章法律责任 CHAPTER VIII LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY第八章 附 则 Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions第八章附则 Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions第八章附则 Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions第十章 附则 CHAPTER X SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS中外合作办学机构实施高等学历教育的,可以按照国家有关规定颁发中国相应的学位证书。 Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools offering higher education for academic qualifications may grant relevant Chinese certificates of academic degrees in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.中外合作办学机构依法享受国家规定的优惠政策,依法自主开展教育教学活动。 Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools shall enjoy preferential policies made by the State and enjoy autonomy when conducting educational activities in accordance with law.中外合作办学机构应当以人民币计收学费和其他费用,不得以外汇计收学费和其他费用。 Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools shall use Renminbi instead of any foreign currencies in calculating and collecting tuition and other fees.国务院办公厅关于在外留学人员有关问题的通知 Circular of the General Office of the State Council Concerning Matters Relating to Students Studying Abroad按照国家规定具有接受扫除文盲教育能力的公民,应当接受扫除文盲的教育。 Citizens capable of receiving literacy education according to relevant regulations of the State shall receive literacy education.公民通过接受高等教育或者自学,其学业水平达到国家规定的学位标准,可以向学位授予单位申请授予相应的学位。 Citizens whose educational level has reached the standards for degrees set by the state through receiving higher education or self-study may apply to degree-awarding units for corresponding degrees.目录 Contents中外合作办学者的知识产权投入不得超过各自投入的三分之一。 Contribution of intellectual property rights by a Chinese or foreign cooperator in running a school shall not exceed one-third of its total contribution.语际翻译 版权所有
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