省会(首府)城市及沿江开放城市的生产性外商投资企业,减按24%税率征收企业所得税。? The productive foreign-invested enterprises in capital cities and open riparian cities shall be subject to the enterprise income tax at the reduced tax rate of 24%.沿边开放城市的生产性外商投资企业,减按24%税率征收企业所得税。? The productive foreign-invested enterprises in open border cities shall be subject to the enterprise income tax at the reduced tax rate of 24%省会(首府)城市及沿江开放城市从事下列项目的生产性外资企业,减按15%的税率征收企业所得税:技术密集、知识密集型的项目;外商投资在3000万美元以上,回收投资时间长的项目;能源、交通、港口建设的项目。? The productive foreign-invested enterprises set up in capital cities and open riparian cities and engaged in the following projects shall be subject to the enterprise income tax at the reduced rate of 15%: the technology intensive and knowledge intensive projects; projects with more than 30 million US dollars of foreign investment and a long period for recovery of the investment; and projects of energy, traffic and port construction.在苏州工业园区设立的生产性外商投资企业,减按15%税率征收企业所得税。? The productive foreign-invested enterprises set up in Suzhou Industrial Park shall be subject to the enterprise income tax at the reduced rate of 15%.在沿海经济开放区和经济特区、经济技术开发区所在城市的老市区设立的从事下列项目的生产性外资企业,可以减按15%的税率征收企业所得税:技术密集、知识密集型的项目;外商投资在3000万美元以上,回收投资时间长的项目;能源、交通、港口建设的项目。? The productive foreign-invested enterprises set up in the open coastal economic areas, or in the old areas of the cities where the special economic zones or economic and technological development zones are placed and engaged in such projects as technology intensive and knowledge intensive projects, projects with more than 30 million US dollars of foreign investment and a long period for recovery of the investment and projects of energy, traffic and port construction may be subject to the enterprise income tax at the reduced rate of 15%.合营各方按注册资本比例分享利润和分担风险及亏损。? The profits, risks and losses of an equity joint venture shall be shared by the parties to the venture in proportion to their contributions to the registered capital.《办法》和《细则》的颁布,为进一步打击发票违法行为提供了法律依据。 The promulgation of the Methods and Detailed Rules has provided a legal basis for further attacking law-breaking acts related to invoices.本节中的财产保险合同,除特别指明的外,简称合同。 The property insurance contract mentioned in this Section is briefly referred to as ""the contract"", unless specified otherwise.中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例 The Provisional Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Value-Added Tax本法第五十七条至第五十九条、第六十二条至第六十三条有关不得担任监事的规定以及监事义务、责任的规定,适用于股份有限公司的监事。 The provisions from Article 57 to Article 59 hereof and from Article 62 to Article 63 hereof setting forth the circumstances in which a person may not serve as a supervisor, and the obligations and responsibilities of supervisors shall apply to the supervisors of a joint stock limited company.本法第五十七条至第六十三条有关不得担任董事、经理的规定以及董事、经理义务、责任的规定,适用于股份有限公司的董事、经理。 The provisions from Article 57 to Article 63 hereof setting forth the circumstances in which a person may not serve as a director or the general manager, and the obligations and responsibilities of the directors and the general manager shall apply to the directors and general manager of a joint stock limited company.前款规定适用于按照规定免票、持优待票或者经承运人许可搭乘的无票旅客。 The provisions in the previous paragraph apply to a passenger who is exempted from buying a ticket or holds a discount ticket pursuant to the relevant stipulations, or who is permitted by the carrier to board without a ticket.符合本规则第六十四条规定的国内仲裁案件,适用第三章简易程序的规定。 The provisions of Summary Procedure of Chapter III shall apply if the domestic arbitration cases fall within the scope of Article 64 of these Rules.修订后的《证券法》与修订前的《证券法》针对擅自发行股票和非法经营证券业务的规定是一致的,是相互衔接的,因此在修订后的《证券法》实施之前发生的擅自发行股票和非法经营证券业务行为,也应予以追究。 The provisions on issuance of stocks without approval and illegal operation of securities business of the Securities Law before and after revision are consistent and connected, and, therefore, the offenders issuing stocks without approval or illegally operating securities business prior to the revised Securities Law put into effect shall be pursued for relevant liability.公安机关对涉嫌犯罪的非法证券类案件要及时进行立案侦查,并做好与证监、工商等部门的工作衔接; The public security authorities shall timely file and investigate unlawful securities cases involving crimes in time, and well connect their work with that of the securities regulatory, industrial and commercial and other authorities;拒绝、阻碍有关行政管理人员执行职务,违反《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》的,由公安部门依法处罚;情节严重,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 The public security department shall punish according to law those who refuse or obstruct the execution of duties by relevant administrative officials in violation of the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Public Security Administration and Imposition of Punishment, and shall be prosecuted for criminal liability, if the wrong is serious and constitutes a crime.接管的目的是对被接管的保险公司采取必要措施,以保护被保险人的利益,恢复保险公司的正常经营。被接管的保险公司的债权债务关系不因接管而变化。 The purpose of such a take-over is to adopt measures which are necessary to protect the interests of the insured and resume the normal operations of the insurance company. The relationship of the credits and debts of the insurance company taken over shall not change as a result of the take-over.改革开放以来,我国个体、私营经济的迅速发展,对发展社会生产力、繁荣社会主义市场经济、增加国家财政收入、缓解城乡就业压力、方便人民生活等方面都起到了积极作用。 The rapid development of the self-employed private economy in our country since the implementation of the policy of reform and opening up has played a positive role in the development of the social productive forces, bringing prosperity to the socialist market economy, adding to the revenue of the state finance, alleviating the pressure on urban and rural employment and making people’s life more convenient.被保险方为了避免或减少保险责任范围内的损失而进行的施救、保护、整理、诉讼所支出的合理费用,根据合同规定偿约。如果不及时偿付。应承担违约责任。 The reasonable expenses paid by the policy holder in order to avoid or reduce the losses within the scope of the insured liability by means of rescue, protection, repair or litigation shall be reimbursed in accordance with the provisions of the contract. If it does not indemnify the policy holder in a tmiely manner, it shall be liable for breach or contract.发票领购是用票单位和个人取得发票的法定程序。 The receipt and purchase of invoices are legal invoice procedures obtained by units and individuals using invoices.庭审笔录和录音只供仲裁庭查用。 The record in writing or by tape-recording is only available for use and reference by the arbitration tribunal.注册资本以人民币表示,也可以用合作各方约定的一种可自由兑换的外币表示。 The registered capital can be presented either in RMB or in one freely convertible foreign currency agreed upon by all parties.合作企业注册资本在合作期限内不得减少。但是,因投资总额和生产经营规模等变化,确需减少的,须经审查批准机关批准。 The registered capital of a contractual JV shall not be decreased within the term of cooperation. In case it is absolutely necessary to decrease the registered capital because of changes in the total amount of investment and production and operation scale, approval shall be obtained from examination and approval authorities.外资企业的注册资本要与其经营规模相适应,注册资本与投资总额的比例应当符合中国有关规定。 The registered capital of a foreign-capital enterprise shall fit in with the enterprise's scope of business operations; and the proportion between the registered capital and the total amount of investment shall conform with the provisions of the relevant Chinese laws and regulations.有限责任公司的注册资本不得少于下列最低限额: The registered capital of a limited liability company shall not be less than: