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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


??? 除前款规定外,增值税的免税、减税项目由国务院规定。任何地区、部门均不得规定免税、减税项目。    Excipt as stipulated in the above paragrph, the VA -T exemption and reduction items shall be regulate d by the State Council. Local governments or depar tments shall not regulate any tax exemption or red uction items,
前款专家应当从事相关领域工作满八年并具有高级职称或者具有同等专业水平,由招标人从国务院有关部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府有关部门提供的专家名册或者招标代理机构的专家库内的相关专业的专家名单中确定;    Experts mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall have worked in the related fields for eight years or longer, have senior academic titles or the same professional level, and they shall be chosen from the name lists of experts provided by relevant departments of the State Council or relevant departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, or from the name list of experts in related fields in the expert bank of the procuratorial agency;
出口关税设置出口税率。对出口货物在一定期限内可以实行暂定税率。    Export duties are in the form of export tariff rate, and temporary tariff rate may be applied to export goods within a specified period of time.
出口关税设置出口税率。对出口货物在一定期限内可以实行暂定税率。    Export duties are in the form of export tariff rate, and temporary tariff rate may be applied to export goods within a specified period of time.
出口关税不计入完税价格。    Export duties are not included in the customs value.
出口关税不计入完税价格。    Export duties are not included in the customs value.
因品质或者规格原因,进口货物自进口之日起1年内原状复运出境的,不征收出口关税。    Export duties will not be levied on imported goods that are transported out of China without changing state due to quality or specification problems within one year, starting from the day of importation of the goods.
因品质或者规格原因,进口货物自进口之日起1年内原状复运出境的,不征收出口关税。    Export duties will not be levied on imported goods that are transported out of China without changing state due to quality or specification problems within one year, starting from the day of importation of the goods.
外商投资企业借用国外贷款,应当报外汇管理机关备案。    External borrowing in loans by foreign-funded enterprises shall be filed with the exchange administration agencies for records.
十一、教育、文化艺术及广播电影电视业    Ⅺ. Education, Culture and Arts, Broadcasting, Film and TV Industries
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