- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 7.城市快速轨道交通运输设备:地铁、城市轻轨的动车组及主要部件设计与制造 (7)Equipment for urban rapid transit track transportation: design and manufacture of sc( of powered car and main parts for metro, city light rail
- 5.转让在中国境内的房屋、建筑物及其附属设施、土地使用权等财产而取得的收益; (e) gains from the transfer of property, such as houses, buildings, structures and attached facilities located in China and from the assignment of land-use rights within China;
- 5.超高速电子计算机和微处理机制造技术; (e) manufacturing technology for ultra-high speed computers and microprocessors;
- *2.低渗透油气藏(田)的开发 *2.Exploitation of oil and gas deposits (fields) with low osmosis
- 1.高中阶段教育机构(限于合资、合作) 1.Education establishments for senior high school students (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only)
- 1.基础教育(义务教育)机构 1.Educational institutes for basic education (compulsory education)
- 1.钨、锡、锑、钼、重晶石、萤石等矿产勘查、开采(限于合资、合作) 1.Exploring and mining of minerals such as wolfram, tin, antimony, molybdenum, barite, fluorite (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only)
- 1.放射性矿产的勘查、开采、选矿 1.Exploring, mining and dressing of radioactive mineral products
- (十三)电子及通信设备制造业 13.Electronic and Telecommunication Equipment Manufacturing Industry
- (十九)电气机械及器材制造业 19.Electric Machinery and Equipment Industries
- 2、低渗透油气藏(田)的开发:限于合作 2.Exploitation of oil deposits (fields) with low osmosis: In cooperation with Chinese partner only.
- 2.贵金属(金、银、铂族)勘查、开采 2.Exploring and mining of precious metals (gold, silver, platinum families)
- 2.稀土勘查、开采、选矿 2.Exploring, mining and dressing of rare earth metal
- (二十)电子及通信设备制造业 20.Electronic and Telecommunications Industries
- (三)确保基金、集合计划按照有关法律法规、基金合同和集合资产管理合同约定的投资目标和限制进行管理; 3. Ensuring that the fund or pool plan is managed in accordance with related laws, regulations, as well as the investment targets and restrictions as stipulated in the fund contract or the asset pool management contract;
- 三、对未经工商行政管理机关审查批准,擅自开展多层次传销的企业,或违反《关于制止多层次传销活动中违法行为的通告》以及上述规定的企业,由当地工商行政管理机关坚决予以取缔,没收传销商品、销货款和非法所得,并按《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》等有关规定处以罚款。 3. Enterprises which have not been approved by the office for industrial and commercial administration and which have developed without authorization pyramid retail operations, or which have violated the Circular Concerning the Curbing of Illegal Activities within Pyramid Retailing or any of the above regulations shall be resolutely suppressed by office of industrial and commercial administration in that region, have the retail commodities and any illegal gains from the sale thereof confiscated, and be subject to a fine according to the Consumer Protection Law and other relevant stipulations.
- (三)由买方负担的包装材料费用和包装劳务费用; 3. expenses of packaging materials and packaging labour fees borne by the seller;
- (三)由买方负担的包装材料费用和包装劳务费用; 3. expenses of packaging materials and packaging labour fees borne by the seller;
- 3.金刚石等贵重非金属矿的勘查、开采 3.Exploring and mining of precious non-metals such as diamond
- 4.特种、稀有煤种勘查、开发(中方控股) 4.Exploring and mining of special and rare kinds of coal (Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares)
- (五)确保基金、集合计划的份额净值按照有关法律法规、基金合同和集合资产管理合同规定的方法进行计算; 5. Ensuring that the net value of the fund or pool plan units is calculated in light of the methods as prescribed in related laws, regulations, as well as the fund contract or the asset pool management contract;
- (六)确保基金、集合计划按照有关法律法规、基金合同和集合资产管理合同的规定进行申购、认购、赎回等日常交易; 6. Ensuring that the fund or pool plan is applied for, subscribed or redeemed, etc. in accordance with related laws, regulations, as well as the fund contract or the asset pool management contract;
- 六、娱乐业歌厅、舞厅、卡拉OK、歌舞厅、音乐茶座、台球、高尔夫球、保龄球、游艺5%-20% 6. Entertainment Singing bars, dance halls, karaoke lounges, commercial music halls, musical tea houses, billiards, golf, bowling and amusement facilities 5-20
- (七)确保基金、集合计划根据有关法律法规、基金合同和集合资产管理合同确定并实施收益分配方案; 7. Ensuring that the proceeds distribution scheme for a fund or pool plan is determined and implemented in accordance with related laws, regulations, as well as the fund contract or the asset pool management contract;
- 7.低品位、难选冶金矿开采、选矿(限于合资、合作) 7.Exploration and beneficiation of gold mines with low quality or difficult to beneficiate (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only)