

银行应当区分区内企业与境内区外企业外汇账户,分别按照相应规定办理外汇业务,并遵守外汇账户管理信息系统要求。    The bank herein shall differentiate the foreign exchange accounts of the enterprises within the area with the enterprises outside the area in the boundary of the People's Republic of China, shall handle the foreign exchange business in accordance with the relevant regulation and comply with the requirement of information system of foreign exchange account.
银行自外汇局发布之日起不得直接为列入名单的区内企业办理非货到付款支付方式的外汇业务。有特殊情况的,由外汇局逐笔审核其收支真实性后办理。    The bank may not handle the foreign exchange business of payment in cash on delivery for the listed enterprises. Under particular circumstances, the foreign exchange bureau shall handle it after having verified its trueness.
银行须在该正本进口货物报关单上签注付汇企业名称、付汇日期、金额。    The bank shall note in the original import cargo declaration form the name of the remittance enterprise, date of remittance, the sum.
银行在为区内企业办理外汇业务时,应当留存相关有效凭证和商业单据5年备查。    The bank shall, when handling foreign exchange business for the enterprises in the area, store the relevant effective credence and business document for five year for record.
各银行业金融机构在民营经济相对活跃、民间资本雄厚、金融需求旺盛的地区可适当增设机构网点;按照“低门槛、严监管”的原则,适当扩大村镇银行等新型金融机构的试点范围,加快审批进度。    The banking financial institutions could increase outlets institutions appropriately in areas where private economy is relatively active, private capital is rich and the financial demand is large; in accordance with the principle of “low threshold and strict supervision”, they could appropriately expand the new experimental scale of rural banks and other financial institutions to speed up the process of examination and approval.
各银行业金融机构要结合自身实际,选择合适的经营模式和组织架构把“六项机制”落到实处,实现小企业授信的商业性可持续发展。    The banking financial institutions should integrate their own reality and choose a suitable operation method and organizational structure to implement “the six mechanisms” and fulfill the sustainable development in commercial credit of small-sized enterprises.
各银行业金融机构要结合实际,提出具体工作措施,认真贯彻落实,并于9月20日之前将落实情况报送银监会。    The banking financial institutions should put forward concrete measures of work according to the practical situation, carefully implement the Circular, and submit the implementation report to CBRC before September 20.
各银行业金融机构要认真贯彻落实“有保有压,区别对待”的方针,增强自觉性和主动性,加大信贷结构调整力度,改善资产期限的配置结构,并坚持总量微调和结构优化相结合,确保新增信贷总量用于改善信贷结构,真正用于加大对小企业的信贷投入。    The banking financial institutions should seriously implement the neutrally balanced principle of taking different approaches to different situations and encouraging the growth of some sectors while discouraging the expansion of others, strengthen consciousness and initiative, increase the strength of credit structural adjustment, improve the al[] structure of asset maturity and adhere to the combination of total fine-tuning and structure optimizing, to ensure that the total increased credit is used for improving the credit structure and truly increasing the credit input for small-sized enterprises.
将银行融资与保险公司的信用保险紧密结合,银行凭借交易单据、保单以及赔款转让协议等文件,为企业提供贸易融资,利用保险公司分担风险能力较强的优势,扩大小企业融资的能力。    The banks provide trade financing for enterprises by transaction documents, insurance policies and claim payment transfer. Use the high risk-sharing capacity of insurance company to expand the capacity of small-sized enterprises in financing.
公司董事会及其董事应当保证年度报告及摘要内容的真实性、准确性和完整性,每个董事应在年报中签字承诺其中不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并就其保证承担个别及连带的法律责任。    The board of directors of the Company and the directors thereof shall guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the annual report and the summary content thereof, and each director shall sign on the annual report, promising that the report does not contain any false records, misleading statements or gross omission and that he would bear separate and joint legal liability for his promise.
上市公司董事会应当对评估机构的独立性、评估假设前提的合理性、评估方法与评估目的的相关性以及评估定价的公允性发表明确意见。    The board of directors of the listed company shall give explicit opinions regarding the independence of the evaluation organ, the rationality of the evaluation assumptions, the correlation between the evaluation methods and the evaluation purpose, and the fairness of the evaluated price.
上市公司独立董事应当对评估机构的独立性、评估假设前提的合理性和评估定价的公允性发表独立意见。    The board of directors of the listed company shall give independent opinions regarding the independence of the evaluation organ, the rationality of the evaluation assumptions and the fairness of the evaluated price.  
上市公司董事会应当就重大资产重组是否构成关联交易作出明确判断,并作为董事会决议事项予以披露。    The board of directors of the listed company shall make an explicit judgment whether the material assets reorganization constitutes affiliate transaction and disclose it as a matter of the decision of the board of directors.
董事会应当按照《上市公司重大资产重组管理办法》(证监会令第53号)及相关的信息披露准则编制重大资产重组预案或者报告书,并将该预案或者报告书作为董事会决议的附件,与董事会决议同时公告。    The board of directors shall compile a material assets reorganization preplan or report according to the Measures for Administration of Material Assets Reorganizations by Listed Companies (Order No.53 of China Securities Regulatory Commission) and relevant information disclosure guidelines, and make public announcement on the preplan or report together with the decision of the board of directors as the latter’s appendix.
国家外汇管理局各省、自治区、直辖市分局、外汇管理部,深圳、大连、青岛、厦门、宁波市分局:    The branches and offices of State Administration of Foreign Exchange in all provinces, autonomous region, municipalities, Foreign Exchange Administration Office, in Shenzhen, Dalian, Qingdao, and Ningbo:
前款所称交易均价的计算公式为:董事会决议公告日前20个交易日公司股票交易均价=决议公告日前20个交易日公司股票交易总额/决议公告日前20个交易日公司股票交易总量。    The calculation formula of the aforesaid average trading price is: the average trading price of the company’s stocks over the 20 trading days prior to the day of the public announcement = total trading amount of the company’s stocks over the 20 trading days prior to the day of the public announcement / total trading volume of the company’s stocks over the 20 trading days prior to the day of the public announcement.
禁止在电器电子等产品中使用的有毒有害物质名录,由国务院循环经济发展综合管理部门会同国务院环境保护等有关主管部门制定。    The catalogue of toxic and harmful substances that are prohibited to be used in electric and electronic products etc. shall be formulated by the general administration for promoting circular economy under the State Council with relevant departments for environmental protection under the State Council.
《中华人民共和国循环经济促进法》已由中华人民共和国第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议于2008年8月29日通过,现予公布,自2009年1月1日起施行。中华人民共和国主席* 二〇〇八年八月二十九日    The Circular Economy Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of China has been passed in the 4th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on Aug. 29, 2008. It is hereby promulgated, which shall enter into force as of Jan. 1, 2009. President Hu Jintao Aug. 29, 2008
按商务部公布的年度《出口许可证管理货物目录》中的10位商品编码填报,商品名称由发证系统自动生成。只能填报一个商品编码并应与出口批准文件一致。    The commodity code is the 10-digit commodity code in the annual Catalogue of Goods Subject to the Export License Management publicized by the Ministry of Commerce, and the commodity name shall be generated by the release system automatically. Only one commodity code is allowed, and it shall conform to the export approval documents.
按商务部公布的年度《出口许可证管理货物目录》中的10位商品编码填报,商品名称由发证系统自动生成。只能填报一个商品编码并应与出口批准文件一致。    The commodity code is the 10-digit commodity code in the annual Catalogue of Goods Subject to the Export License Management publicized by the Ministry of Commerce, and the commodity name shall be generated by the release system automatically. Only one commodity code is allowed, and it shall conform to the export approval documents.
基金管理公司可以按本准则第三章的要求另行编制年度报告摘要,并对外披露。    The Company may prepare the summary of the annual report in another initiative according to the requirements as provided for by Chapter III of the present Standards, and then disclose it to the outside.
公司还应将年度报告的书面文本按照上述日期要求报送至公司经营所在地证监会派出机构。    The Company shall also file the written text of the annual report with the dispatched office of the CSRC of the place where the business place of the Company is located according to the above requirements on time limit.
如果公司没有需要在财务报表附注中说明的或有事项,也应予以说明。    The Company shall also give an explanation on contingent issues it is not required to indicate in the notes to financial statements.
公司还应简要分析风险准备金(包括一般风险准备和专项风险准备)当期的计提和使用情况。    The Company shall also make brief analysis on the preparation and use of risk reserves (including general risk reserves and special-purpose risk reserves) during the current period.
公司应描述治理结构中各职能机构的人员组成、职责范围和议事程序等。    The Company shall describe the personnel composition of each functional institution involved in the governance structure, their scope of duties and procedures for deliberating issues, etc.
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