- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(一) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (二)依法设立的律师事务所、会计师事务所、破产清算事务所等社会中介机构; (2)?? Law firms, accounting firms, bankruptcy and liquidation firms and other social intermediary organizations established according to law;
- (二)丧失执业能力或者民事行为能力; (2)?? Losing the practice ability or the capacity for civil conduct;
- (四) 涉及金额重大的诉讼、仲裁事项等。 (4) litigation and arbitration events involving large sums of money.
- 地方人民政府应当按照城乡规划,合理布局废物回收网点和交易市场,支持废物回收企业和其他组织开展废物的收集、储存、运输及信息交流。 ? Local people’s governments shall make a reasonable layout of waste recovery stands and trading markets according to their urban-rural planning, and support waste recovery enterprises and other organizations to conduct waste collection, warehousing, transport and information exchange.
- 如有致中国证监会的函件,则应按照前款要求的时间和方式分别将电子文档和书面文本报送中国证监会会计部和基金部。 Letters to the CSRC shall be filed with the Accounting Department and the Fund Department of the CSRC in both electronic form and written form according to the requirements on time limit and form as provided for in the preceding paragraph.
- 许可证号 License Number
- 许可证号 License Number
- 各地方法人机构将落实情况报银监会当地派出机构。 Local corporate bodies should report the status of implementation to local CBRC offices.
- 被处置证券公司以及其分支机构所在地人民政府,应当组织相关单位的人员成立个人债权甄别确认小组,按照国家规定对已登记的个人债权进行甄别确认。 Local government of the handled securities firm and its branch should organize personnel of related department to set up sorting and confirming group of individual creditor's right to sort and confirm registered individual creditor's right according to national regulation.
- (一)因行政清理组请求对方当事人履行双方均未履行完毕的合同所产生的债务; (ⅰ)Liability generated from continuing performance of unfulfilled contract of both parties requested by administrative liquidation team;
- (二)清理账户,核实资产负债有关情况,对符合国家规定的债权进行登记; (ⅱ)Liquidate account, audit asset and liability status and register creditor's rights that comply with national prescription;?
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