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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(一)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一)与他人新设企业、对已设立的企业增资或者减资;    (1) Establishing new enterprises in cooperation with other people, increasing or decreasing investment in enterprises that have been set up;
(二)进入涉嫌外汇违法行为发生场所调查取证;    (2)???? Entering places where there are suspected illegal acts regarding foreign exchange for inspection and collection of evidences;
(三)证券公司控股或者实际控制的企业;    (3)?? Enterprises controlled or actually controlled by a securities firm;
(四)学校和其他教育机构提供的教育劳务,学生勤工俭学提供的劳务;    (4)?????? Educational services provided by schools and other educational institutions; and services provided by students participating in work-study programs;
(八) 资产负债表日后事项    (8) events after the balance sheet date;
1.出口商:??????????????????? 代码:    1. Exporter:??????????????????? Code:
1.出口商:??????????????????? 代码:    1. Exporter:??????????????????? Code:
二、加强对外商投资项目真实性的审查。    2. Enhancing the inspection on the trueness of foreign investment projects.
3.出口认可证号:    3. Export License Number:
3.出口认可证号:    3. Export License Number:
4.出口认可证有效截止日期:    4. Expiration Date of the Validity of the Export License:
4.出口认可证有效截止日期:    4. Expiration Date of the Validity of the Export License:
五、加强对已核准项目的监督检查。在做好外资项目统计和信息管理的同时,督促项目建设单位按照项目核准文件的要求开展工作,强化监督检查。    5. Enhancing supervision and inspection of approved projects. Efforts shall be made to fully carry out statistics of foreign capital projects and information management, supervise and urge project construction entities to undertake constructions according to the requirements of project approval documents, and reinforce supervision over and inspection on them.
企业事业单位应当对在循环经济发展中做出突出贡献的集体和个人给予表彰和奖励。    ? Enterprises and institutions shall commend and reward teams and individuals that make outstanding contributions to promote circular economy.
电力、石油加工、化工、钢铁、有色金属和建材等企业,必须在国家规定的范围和期限内,以洁净煤、石油焦、天然气等清洁能源替代燃料油,停止使用不符合国家规定的燃油发电机组和燃油锅炉。    ? Enterprises engaging in power, oil processing, chemical, steel, non-ferrous metals and building materials, etc. shall replace fuel oil by clean energies including clean coal, petroleum coke and natural gas, and stop using oil generating sets and oil-fired boilers which do not comply with provisions of the State within the scope and time limit provided by the State.
企业应当采用先进技术、工艺和设备,对生产过程中产生的废水进行再生利用。    ? Enterprises shall use advanced technologies, processes and equipment to recycle waste water generated in production.
5.国务院规定的其他货物。    e. Other goods as specified by the State Council.
监督检查、调查的人员少于2人或者未出示证件的,被监督检查、调查的单位和个人有权拒绝。    Entities and individuals are entitle to refuse supervisions and inspections if the persons carrying out supervision or inspection are less than two or do not present their identification cards.
有关单位和个人应当配合外汇管理机关的监督检查,如实说明有关情况并提供有关文件、资料,不得拒绝、阻碍和隐瞒。    Entities and individuals involved shall support the supervision and inspection of foreign exchange control agencies, tell the truth and provide relevant documents and materials. They shall not refuse or hinder supervisions and inspections by aforesaid agencies or disguise facts.
要建立专门的小企业授信管理部门和专业队伍,建立分类管理,分账核算,单独考核的制度和办法,建立适应小企业授信特点的授信审批、风险管理、激励机制、人才培训和内部控制制度。    Establish the specialized credit management and professional teams of small-sized enterprises, as well as the system and method of classified management, separate accounting and independent assessment, to establish the credit approval, risk management and incentive mechanisms, personnel training and internal control systems which are suitable for credit characteristics of small-sized enterprises.
发证机构初审:    Examination by the Releasing Authority:
发证机构初审:    Examination by the Releasing Authority:
除前款规定外,营业税的免税、减税项目由国务院规定。任何地区、部门均不得规定免税、减税项目。    Except as stipulated above, exemption and reduction items of business tax shall be prescribed by the State Council. Local governments or departments may not specify any tax exemption or reduction items.
除前款规定外,增值税的免税、减税项目由国务院规定。任何地区、部门均不得规定免税、减税项目。    Except as stipulated above, VAT exemption and reduction items shall be prescribed by the State Council. Local governments or departments may not specify any tax exemption or reduction items.
采矿许可证颁发机关应当对申请人提交的开发利用方案中的开采回采率、采矿贫化率、选矿回收率、矿山水循环利用率和土地复垦率等指标依法进行审查;审查不合格的,不予颁发采矿许可证。    Exploitation license issuing agencies shall verify indicators concerning mining recovery rate, dilution rate, recovery of ore dressing, water cycle utilization rate of the mine and land reclamation rate etc in the development and use plan submitted by the applicant. For those which are unqualified, the agency shall not grand the exploitation license.
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