- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(一) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- “公司经×年×月××会议批准,聘任××会计师事务所担任本公司年度财务报表审计机构,解聘原审计机构××会计师事务所,有关的具体说明请见本报告<其他重要事项>部分”。 ""Upon the approval of the meeting held on (date), the Company decided to hire XX Accounting Firm as the auditing organ to audit the annual financial statements of the Company and dismiss the preceding auditing organ , XXAccounting Firm. See the part of Other Important Issues in this Report for detailed explanation.""
- (一)违反规定动用客户的交易结算资金; (1)?? Using trading settlement funds of its clients in violation of provisions;
- 13.单位 13. Unit
- 13.单位 13. Unit
- 15.单价(币别) 15. Unit Price (Currency)
- 15.单价(币别) 15. Unit Price (Currency)
- 单位 Unit
- 单位 Unit
- 上市公司在收到并购重组委关于其重大资产重组申请的表决结果后,应当在次一工作日公告表决结果并申请复牌。 Upon receipt of the voting result of the Review Committee of Merger, Acquisition and Reorganization on the material assets reorganization, the listed company shall make public announcement of the voting result and apply for the resumption of stocks trading.
- (二)挪用客户资产并且不能自行弥补; (ⅱ)Use customer’s assets inappropriately and cannot make up;
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