

(一)由外商投资广告企业分别向其所在地省级商务主管部门、省级工商行政管理局呈报第十六条规定的文件。    (1)??? It shall submit the documents as provided for in Article 16 to the administration of commerce and the administration for industry and commerce at provincial level in the place where it is located separately;
(二)年广告营业额不低于2000万元人民币。    (2)??? Its annual business volume is no less than RMB20 million.
(三) 重要的表外项目如担保、抵押等;    (3) important off-sheet items, like guarantee and mortgage, etc.;
(三)外商投资广告企业持设立分支机构的批准文件及法律、法规规定的其他文件到其分支机构设立地有外商投资企业核准登记权的工商行政管理局办理分支机构登记注册手续。    (3)??? It shall handle the enterprise registration formalities in the administration for industry and commerce competent for reviewing and approving the registration of foreign-invested enterprises in the place where the to-be-established branch is located on the strength of the approval documents on the establishment of branches and other documents as prescribed by laws and regulations.
(三)询问有外汇收支或者外汇经营活动的机构和个人,要求其对与被调查外汇违法事件直接有关的事项作出说明;    (3)???? Inquiring organs and individuals involved in activities including foreign exchange receipt and payment or foreign exchange transaction and requiring them to make explanations of items directly related to illegal issues regarding foreign exchange under inspection;
(四) 重要会计政策和会计估计    (4) important accounting policies and accounting estimates;
(四)直接用于科学研究、科学试验和教学的进口仪器、设备;    (4) Importation of instruments and equipment directly used in scientific research, experiment and education;
(五)外国政府、国际组织无偿援助的进口物资和设备;    (5) Importation of materials and equipment from foreign governments and international organizations as assistance free of charge;
(五) 聘任、解聘会计师事务所的情况;    (5) information about the employment and dismissal of accounting firms; and
(六)经国务院外汇管理部门或者省级外汇管理机关负责人批准,查询被调查外汇违法事件的当事人和直接有关的单位、个人的账户,但个人储蓄存款账户除外;    (6)???? Inquiring accounts of parties concerned in and of entities and individuals directly related to illegal issues regarding foreign exchange under inspection with approvals of the person-in-charge of the administration of foreign exchange under the State Council or foreign exchange control agencies at provincial level, except personal deposit accounts;
(1)应收款项应分别列示应收管理费、其他应收款和预付款项明细;    (i) as regards receivables, it is required to separately list the details of receivable management fee, other receivables and advanced payments;
(1)按应付款项类别(其他应付款、预收账款等)分别列示应付款项的期末数、期初数以及占总额的比例;    (i) It is required to separately list the beginning balance, ending balance and proportion to total amount of payables according to their categories (like other payables and advance payments, etc.);
(2)期末应付款项中如有欠持本公司5%(含5%)以上股份的股东单位的款项,应披露股东单位名称、金额和款项性质;    (ii) in case, among the end-of-period payables, there is any amount due to an entity shareholder holding 5% or more shares of the Company, it is required to make disclosure of the name of the shareholder, the amount due and the nature of such payables;
(2)应按账龄列示不同账龄段(1年以内、1-2年、2-3年、3年以上)的应收款项金额占应收款项总额的比例,以及逾期应收账款的金额和比例;    (ii) it is required to list the proportion of the amount of receivables of different ages (less than one year, 1-2 year, 2-3 years and more than three years) to the total amount of receivables, and the amount and proportion of overdue receivables; and
(3)预提费用,应列示预提项目的名称,期末余额,并说明重大项目的预提依据;    (iii) as regards expenses drawn in advance, it is required to list the name of the item under which the expenses are drawn in advance, the ending balance and the basis for such draw; and
(3)应收款项中如有持本公司5%(含5%)以上表决权股份的股东单位欠款,应披露该欠款股东单位名称、欠款金额和款项性质。    (iii) in case, among the receivables, there is any money owed to a voting entity shareholder holding 5% or more shares of the Company, it is required to make disclosure of the name of the entity shareholder, the amount in arrear and the nature of such arrear.
(4)专项风险准备,披露计提专项风险准备的目的、提取来源、计提标准、核算方法等,还应披露期初数、本期增加数、本期减少数和期末数。    (iv) special risk reserves, it is required to make disclosure of the purpose of calculating and preparing special risk reserves, sources for preparing such reserves, standards for calculating and preparing such reserves and accounting methods, etc. It is also required to make disclosure of the beginning balance, accrual at current period, decreased amount at current period and ending balance.
8.进口国(地区):    8. Import Country (Region):
8.进口国(地区):    8. Import Country (Region):
在缺水地区,应当调整种植结构,优先发展节水型农业,推进雨水集蓄利用,建设和管护节水灌溉设施,提高用水效率,减少水的蒸发和漏失。    ? In areas where water is insufficient, efforts shall be made to adjust planting structure, give priority to develop water-saving agriculture, promote the collection and utilization of rain water and build and manage water-efficient irritating facilities to raise water use efficiency and reduce the vaporization and loss of water.
在废物再利用和资源化过程中,应当保障生产安全,保证产品质量符合国家规定的标准,并防止产生再次污染。    ? In the process of waste recycling and resource recovery, efforts shall be made to guarantee production safety, ensure the quality of products meets standards provided by the State, and avoid re-pollution.
工业企业应当加强用水计量管理,配备和使用合格的用水计量器具,建立水耗统计和用水状况分析制度。    ? Industrial enterprises shall enhance their management of water consumption, equip with or use acceptable water volume measuring devices and establish a water consumption statistics system and a water use analysis system.
国家鼓励各类产业园区的企业进行废物交换利用、能量梯级利用、土地集约利用、水的分类利用和循环使用,共同使用基础设施和其他有关设施。    ? Industrial parks of various types shall organize the enterprises inside to carry out exchange wastes for use, cascade utilization of energy, intensive use of land and classified and recycle use of water, and share infrastructure and other facilities.
第一项:出口商    I. Exporter
第一项:出口商    I. Exporter
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