

(一)从销售方取得的增值税专用发票上注明的增值税额。    (1) VAT indicated in the special VAT invoices obtained from the sellers;
(二)从海关取得的海关进口增值税专用缴款书上注明的增值税额。    (2) VAT indicated on the special letter of payment of duties of customs import VAT from the customs office;
(二)股东表决时无法达到法定或者公司章程规定的比例,持续两年以上不能做出有效的股东会或者股东大会决议,公司经营管理发生严重困难的;    (2)?? Valid resolutions cannot be made in the meeting of shareholders or the general meeting of shareholders for two or more consecutive years due to the voting by shareholders cannot reach the statutory proportion or the proportion provided in the articles of association of the company, and the company has serious difficulties in its operation and management;
(四)违反外汇业务综合头寸管理的;    (4)??? Violating the general position administration on the foreign exchange businesses; or
(四)违反外汇账户管理规定的;    (4)???? Violating provisions on the administration of foreign exchange accounts;
(五)违反外汇市场交易管理的。    (5)??? Violating the administration on transactions in foreign exchange market.
(五)违反外汇登记管理规定的;    (5)???? Violating provisions on the administration of foreign exchange registration; or
五、要综合发挥各项配套政策的推动作用。    V. To comprehensively play the promotional role of supporting policies.
第五项:贸易方式    V. Trade Mode
第五项:贸易方式    V. Trade Mode
个人携带或者邮寄进境自用物品的增值税,连同关税一并计征。具体办法由国务院关税税则委员会会同有关部门制定。    VAT of self-used articles brought or mailed into China by individuals shall be levied together with Customs Duty, the detailed measures of which shall be formulated by the Tariff Commission of the State Council together with the relevant departments.
第六项:合同号    VI. Contract Number
第六项:合同号    VI. Contract Number
六、要切实转变作风努力为小企业融资办实事、办好事。    VI. To effectively change the working method and do practical things for financing of small-sized enterprises.
第七项:报关口岸    VII. Customs Declaration Port
第七项:报关口岸    VII. Customs Declaration Port
第八项:进口国(地区)    VIII. Import Country (Region)
第八项:进口国(地区)    VIII. Import Country (Region)
(一)参照当地同类行业或者类似行业中经营规模和收入水平相近的纳税人的税负水平核定;    (1)Verify by referring to the tax burden on local taxpayers in the same or similar industry and with approximate business scale and income level;
(二)按照应税收入额或成本费用支出额定率核定;    (2)Verify by referring to the amount of taxable income or the amount of costs and expenses;
(三)按照耗用的原材料、燃料、动力等推算或测算核定;    (3)Verification based on calculation and inference or measurement of the consumed raw materials, fuel, energy, etc.;
(四)按照其他合理方法核定。    (4)Verification through other reasonable approaches.
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