(一)有违反法律或者行政法规的行为; (1)?? Having any act in violation of laws or administrative regulations;(一)注册资本全部缴清; (1)??? Having paid up the registered capital; and(二)违反规定办理资本项目资金收付的; (2)??? Handling receipt and payment businesses under capital accounts in violation of provisions;(三)有严重损害公司或者债权人利益的行为。 (3)?? Having any act seriously damaging the interests of the company or creditors.(三)违反规定办理结汇、售汇业务的; (3)??? Handling foreign exchange settlement and sale businesses in violation of provisions;(三)有广告经营业绩。 (3)??? Having certain advertising business performances.但是,一些地方仍存在着未严格执行国家有关规定,对外商投资项目管理失当的问题。 However, issues such as relaxed enforcement of relevant state provisions and improper administration of foreign investment projects still exist in some areas.汇综发[2007]第166号 Hui Zong Fa [2007] No. 166(一)证券公司治理结构健全,内部控制有效; (1)Having healthy corporate governance and effective internal control;(一)认购或者受让证券公司的股权后,其持股比例达到证券公司注册资本的5%; (1)Hold no less than 5% of the registered capital of the securities firm upon subscription or acquisition of the equity of the securities firm; or(三)有经营融资融券业务所需的专业人员、技术条件、资金和证券; (3)Having professionals, technical conditions, funds and securities required for carrying out securities lending and borrowing business;(四)有完善的融资融券业务管理制度和实施方案; (4)Having good management system and implementation scheme for securities lending and borrowing business;(五)国务院证券监督管理机构规定的其他条件。 (5)Having other conditions that are stipulated by the securities regulatory agency under the State Council.(一)曾受过刑事处罚或者涉嫌犯罪正在被立案侦查、起诉; (ⅰ)Had criminal punishment or suspected with crime and put on record for inspection and appeal;?(三)整改措施具体,有可行的重组计划。 (ⅲ)Has detail rectification measures as well as feasible restructuring plan.(三)隐匿、销毁、伪造有关资料,或者故意提供虚假情况; (ⅲ)Hide, destroy or fabricate related document, or provide false information deliberately;(四)隐匿财产,擅自转移、转让财产; (ⅳ)Hide property; remove or transfer property without permission;?(五)与被处置证券公司处置事项有利害关系; (ⅴ)Have relationship with managed items of the handled securities firm;(五)妨碍证券公司正常经营管理秩序和业务运行,诱发不稳定因素; (ⅴ)Hinder normal operation order and business running of the securities firm and generate unstable factors;语际翻译 版权所有
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