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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(一)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(十) 风险管理    (10) risk management.
2、 应收款项,应按下列格式披露:    (2) Receivables shall be disclosed according to the following format requirements:
(二)投资者股东会(董事会)决议;    (2)??? Resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders of the investor (board of directors);
(三)盈利预测的实现情况;    (3) Realization of the profit forecast;
(三) 如股东之间存在关联关系,应予以说明。    (3) related relationships among shareholders.
(六)拒绝、阻碍外汇管理机关依法进行监督检查或者调查的。    (6)???? Refusing or hindering foreign exchange control agencies to carry out legitimate supervisions or inspections.
(九) 关联方关系及其交易    (9) relationships between related parties and their transactions; and
20.签证机构审批(初审):    20. Releasing Authority Examination (Preliminary review):
20.签证机构审批(初审):    20. Releasing Authority Examination (Preliminary review):
四、规范新开工项目管理,严格各项项目核准条件。各级发展改革部门要按照《国务院办公厅关于加强和规范新开工项目管理的通知》(国办发〔2007〕64号)精神,严格规范新开工外商投资项目条件。    4. Regulating the administration of newly commenced projects and strictly controlling the approval conditions for all projects. Development and reform departments at all levels shall, in accordance with the Circular of the State Council General Office on Strengthening and Regulating the Administration of Newly Commenced Projects (Guo Ban Fa [2007] No.64), strictly regulate conditions for newly commenced foreign investment projects.
回收的电器电子产品,需要拆解和再生利用的,应当交售给具备条件的拆解企业。    ? Recovered electric and electronic products that have to be dismantled and recycled shall be sold to qualified dismantling enterprises.
本法所称再利用,是指将废物直接作为产品或者经修复、翻新、再制造后继续作为产品使用,或者将废物的全部或者部分作为其他产品的部件予以使用。    ? Recycling herein means the direct use of wastes as products, or the use of wastes as products after repair, renovation or reproduction of them, or the use of wastes, wholly or partly, as parts of other products.
本法所称资源化,是指将废物直接作为原料进行利用或者对废物进行再生利用。    ? Resource recovery herein means the direct use of wastes as raw material, or waste regeneration.
发证机构复审:    Re-examination by the Releasing Authority:
发证机构复审:    Re-examination by the Releasing Authority:
证券公司风险处置条例    Regulation on Risk Management of Securities Firms
证券公司监督管理条例    Regulation on Supervision and Administration of Securities Firms
监管部门和银行要主动协调有关部门加快推进信用体系建设,探索以信用建设为支撑的融资模式,改善小企业融资环境。    Regulatory departments and banks should coordinate relevant departments initiatively to accelerate the construction of credit system, explore the financing mode supported by credit construction, and improve the financing environment of small-sized enterprises.
省级人民政府有关行政主管部门按照规定的职责分工,建立招标投标违法行为记录公告平台,并负责公告平台的日常维护。    Relevant administrative competent departments under provincial governments shall, according to their responsibilities prescribed, establish their platforms for announcement of records of illegal behaviors in tendering and bidding and be responsible for daily maintenance of the announcement platforms.
本条第一款、第二款规定由被授权单位或者证券交易所做出的相关规定,应当向国务院证券监督管理机构备案,且不得违反国家货币政策。    Relevant provisions of the authorized units or the stock exchange as stipulated in Items 1 and 2 of this Article shall be submitted to the securities regulatory agency under the State Council for the record and shall not violate the state’s monetary policy.???
剩余数量    Remaining Quantity
剩余数量    Remaining Quantity
撤销决定应当予以公告,撤销决定的公告日期为处置日,撤销决定自公告之时生效。    Revocation decision should be publicized. The publicizing day should be execution day and .execution decision takes effect since then.
证券公司的章程应当对合规总监的地位、职责、任免条件和程序等作出规定。    Rule of Securites companies shall prescribe on position, role and responsibility, appointment and removal condition, procedure and so on.
(一)拒绝配合现场工作组、托管组、接管组、行政清理组依法履行职责;    (ⅰ)Refuse to cooperate with spot working group, custody group, administrative liquidation group to perform their roles and responsibilities;?
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