(一) 报告期各单项业务资格发生的变化; (1) changes in each single business qualification during the reporting period;(一) 公司股东、董事、监事及高级管理人员变动情况; (1) changes in the shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior managers of the Company;(一)更换合营方或转让股权; (1)??? Changing any partner or transferring equity;(一)对经营外汇业务的金融机构进行现场检查; (1)???? Conducting onsite inspections over financial institutions engaged in foreign exchange businesses;(二)避孕药品和用具; (2) Contraceptive medicines and devices;(2)为发证机构代码。 (2): Code of releasing authority(2)为发证机构代码。 (2): Code of releasing authority(二)变更广告经营范围; (2)??? Changing the scope for advertising business; or(三)变更注册资本。 (3)??? Changing the registered capital.(三)经常项目,是指国际收支中涉及货物、服务、收益及经常转移的交易项目等。 (3)??? Current account refers to goods, services, incomes and regularly transferred transactions etc. involved in balance of international payments.(四)资本项目,是指国际收支中引起对外资产和负债水平发生变化的交易项目,包括资本转移、直接投资、证券投资、衍生产品及贷款等。 (4)??? Capital account refers to transactions involved in balance of international payments which may cause changes to foreign assets and loan level, including capital transfer, direct investment, security investment, derivatives and loans etc.(四)查阅、复制与被调查外汇违法事件直接有关的交易单证等资料; (4)???? Consulting and Copying materials including transaction documents that are directly related to illegal issues regarding foreign exchange;(五)公司治理结构与运行情况; (5) Corporate governance and its status;(五)查阅、复制被调查外汇违法事件的当事人和直接有关的单位、个人的财务会计资料及相关文件,对可能被转移、隐匿或者毁损的文件和资料,可以予以封存; (5)???? Consulting and copying financial accounting materials and relevant documents of parties concerned in and of entities and individuals directly related to illegal issues regarding foreign exchange under inspection; sealing up documents and materials that may be transferred, hidden or damaged for keeping;(七) 或有事项 (7) contingent issues;11.商品名称:???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 商品编码: 11. Commodity Name:????????????????????????????????? Commodity Code:11.商品名称:???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 商品编码: 11. Commodity Name:????????????????????????????????? Commodity Code:2.发货人:??????????????????? 代码: 2. Consignor:??????????????????? Code:2.发货人:??????????????????? 代码: 2. Consignor:??????????????????? Code:三、落实外商投资项目分类分级管理制。按照《外商投资产业指导目录》,总投资(包括增资额,下同)1亿美元及以上的鼓励类、允许类项目和总投资5000万美元及以上的限制类项目,由国家发展改革委核准项目申请报告; 3. Carrying out the system of the administration of foreign investment projects by type and scale. According to the Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Catalogue, projects in which foreign investment is encouraged and admitted and with the total investment (including increased capitals, the same hereafter) of USD 100 million and above, and those in which foreign investment is restricted and with the total investment of USD 50 million and above, shall be approved by the National Development and Reform Commission;(三)没收违法所得; 3.????? Confiscation of illegal gains;(五)取消在一定时期内参加依法必须进行招标的项目的投标资格; 5.????? Cancellation of bidding qualification for participating in bidding projects that shall be bided in a certain period;6.合同号: 6. Contract Number:6.合同号: 6. Contract Number:(六)取消担任评标委员会成员的资格; 6.????? Cancellation of the qualification as a member of a bidding evaluation committee;语际翻译 版权所有
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