第七章附则 Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions第七章附则 Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions中国银监会 China Banking Regulatory Commission中国证券监督管理委员会 China Securities Regulatory Commission中国证券监督管理委员会 China Securities Regulatory Commission中国证券监督管理委员会 2008年04月16日? 颁布 China Securities Regulatory Commission 2008-04-16中国证券监督管理委员会 二○○八年七月十四日 China Securities Regulatory Commission July 14, 2008中国证券监督管理委员会公告 [2008]30号 China Securities Regulatory Commission Official Bulletin No.30 [2008]中华人民共和国循环经济促进法 Circular Economy Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of China中国证券监督管理委员会公告[2008]14号-关于规范上市公司重大资产重组若干问题的规定[2008]14号 Circular No. [2008] 14 of China Securities Regulatory Commission on Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Regulation of Material Assets Reorganization by Listed Companies No. [2008] 14中国银监会关于认真落实“有保有压”政策进一步改进小企业金融服务的通知 Circular of China Banking Regulatory Commission on Careful Implementation of the Neutral Policy for Further Improving Financial Services to Small-sized Enterprises国家外汇管理局综合司关于印发《保税监管区域外汇管理办法操作规程》的通知 Circular of the Comprehensive Department of State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Printing and Issuing Operating rules of Administrative Measures on Foreign Exchange in Bonded Supervision Area商务部关于印发《出口许可证签发工作规范》的通知 Circular of the Ministry of Commerce on Printing and Releasing the Working Rules on the Release of an Export License商务部关于印发《出口许可证签发工作规范》的通知 Circular of the Ministry of Commerce on Printing and Releasing the Working Rules on the Release of an Export License国家发展改革委关于进一步加强和规范外商投资项目管理的通知 Circular of the National Development and Reform Commission on the Further Enhancement and Regulation of the Administration of Foreign Investment Projects国家税务总局关于外商投资企业和外国企业原有若干税收优惠政策取消后有关事项处理的通知 Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on How to Deal with Related Issues after Cancellation of Several Previous Tax Preferential Policies on Foreign-invested Enterprises and Foreign Enterprises关于印发《高新技术企业认定管理工作指引》的通知 Circular on Printing and Issuing of the Guidelines for the Administration of the Recognition of Hi-tech Enterprises关于印发《招标投标违法行为记录公告暂行办法》的通知 Circular on Printing and Issuing of the Interim Measures for Announcement of Records of Illegal Behaviors in Tendering and Bidding证券公司停业、解散或者破产的,应当经国务院证券监督管理机构批准,并按照有关规定安置客户、处理未了结的业务。 Closing of business, disbandment or bankruptcy of the securities firm should be approved by the securities regulatory agency under the State Council. Settling of customers and handling unfinished business should follow the related rule.商品名称: Commodity Name:商品名称: Commodity Name:机关各部门,各银监局,各政策性银行、国有商业银行、股份制商业银行、资产管理公司,邮政储蓄银行,银监会直接监管信托公司、财务公司、金融租赁公司: Competent departments, CBRC local bureaus, policy banks, state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, asset management companies, postal savings banks, and trust companies, financial companies and financial leasing companies under direct CBRC supervision,合规总监有权参加或列席与其履行职责有关的会议,调阅有关文件、资料,要求公司有关人员对有关事项作出说明。 Compliance director enjoys the right to participate or attend meetings related to his performance of role and responsibility, get and read related document, material, and ask persons concerned to explain issues.合规总监应当及时处理证券监管机构和自律组织要求调查的事项,配合证券监管机构和自律组织对公司的检查和调查,跟踪和评估监管意见和监管要求的落实情况。 Compliance director shall handle investigation required by securities supervision and administration institute and self discipline organization in a timely manner, cooperate with them on company inspection and investigation, follow up and evaluate implementing result of supervision suggestion and requirement.合规总监应当组织实施公司反洗钱和信息隔离墙制度,按照公司规定为高级管理人员、各部门和分支机构提供合规咨询、组织合规培训,处理涉及公司和工作人员违法违规行为的投诉和举报。 Compliance director shall organize and implement company anti-money washing and information isolation wall system, provide compliance consultation to senior management, each department and branch, organize compliance training and handle claim and report on violation behavior of the company and working staff.