“××会计师事务所为本公司出具了有解释性说明(或保留意见、无法表示意见、否定意见)的审计报告,本公司董事会、监事会对相关事项亦有详细说明,请注意阅读”。 ""XX Accounting Firm has issued an auditing report with explanatory statements (reserved opinions, inexpressible opinions or negative opinions), the board of directors and the board of supervisors of the Company also have presented detailed descriptions about the related item which the investors shall pay special attention to.""第十项:运输方式 X. Transportation Manner第十项:运输方式 X. Transportation Manner第十一项:商品名称、商品编码 XI. Commodity Name and Commodity Code第十一项:商品名称、商品编码 XI. Commodity Name and Commodity Code第十二项:规格、等级 XII. Specifications and Grades第十二项:规格、等级 XII. Specifications and Grades第十三项:单位 XIII. Unit第十三项:单位 XIII. Unit第十四项:数量 XIV. Quantity第十四项:数量 XIV. Quantity第十九项:备注 XIX. Notes第十九项:备注 XIX. Notes第十五项:单价(币别) XV. Unit Price (Currency)第十五项:单价(币别) XV. Unit Price (Currency)第十六、十七、十八项:总值、总值折美元、总计 XVI. XVII. XVIII. Total Value, Total Value in USD, and Total第十六、十七、十八项:总值、总值折美元、总计 XVI. XVII. XVIII. Total Value, Total Value in USD, and Total第二十项:发证机关签章 XX. Seal of Releasing Authority第二十项:发证机关签章 XX. Seal of Releasing Authority第二十一项:发证日期 XXI. Date of Release第二十一项:发证日期 XXI. Date of Release语际翻译 版权所有
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