

(四)虽设置账簿,但账目混乱或者成本资料、收入凭证、费用凭证残缺不全,难以查账的;    (4)It has established account books but it is difficult to make an audit because the accounts are in disorder or the cost references, income vouchers and expenditure vouchers are incomplete;
(五)发生纳税义务,未按照规定的期限办理纳税申报,经税务机关责令限期申报,逾期仍不申报的;    (5)It fails to file a tax return for a tax obligation within the prescribed time limit and refuses to file a tax return even after the tax organ orders it to do so within a time limit;
(六)申报的计税依据明显偏低,又无正当理由的。    (6)It reports an obviously low tax basis without any justifiable reason. 
(一)违法经营情节特别严重、存在巨大经营风险;    (ⅰ)If it have serious illegal operation or has huge business risks;
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