

交易对方应当与上市公司就相关资产实际盈利数不足利润预测数的情况签订明确可行的补偿协议。    the dealing party shall sign a explicit and feasible compensation agreement with the listed company regarding the shortfall of the actual profit compared with the forecasted profit of the related assets.
本决定自公布之日起施行。    The decree shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation.
客户的交易结算资金的存取,应当通过指定商业银行办理。指定商业银行应当保证客户能够随时查询客户的交易结算资金的余额及变动情况。    The deposit and withdrawal of the customer’s trading settlement funds shall be handled through the designated commercial bank. The designated commercial bank shall ensure that the customer can enquire at any time about the balance and changes of the customer’s trading settlement funds.
客户交存的保证金以及通过融资融券交易买入的全部证券和卖出证券所得的全部资金,均为对证券公司的担保物,应当存入证券公司客户证券担保账户或者客户资金担保账户并记入该客户授信账户。    The deposit given by the customer, all the securities that have been purchased through securities lending and borrowing, and all the funds from the sales of securities are collaterals to the securities firm, and shall be deposit to the customer securities guarantee account or the customer funds guarantee account and credited to the customer’s credit granting account.
指定商业银行、资产托管机构和证券登记结算机构对超出本条例第五十三条、第五十四条、第六十条规定的范围,动用客户的交易结算资金、委托资金和客户担保账户内的资金、证券的申请、指令,应当拒绝;    The designated banks, assets custodian organs and the securities registration and settlement organs shall refuse application or instruction to use the customer’s trading settlement funds, the trusted funds and the funds and securities in the customer’s guarantee accounts which exceeds the scope stipulated by Articles 53, 54 and 60 of this Regulation;
指定商业银行应当与证券公司及其客户签订客户的交易结算资金存管合同,约定客户的交易结算资金存取、划转、查询等事项,并按照证券交易净额结算、货银对付的要求,为证券公司开立客户的交易结算资金汇总账户。    The designated commercial bank shall sign a customer trading settlement funds custody contract with the securities firm and its customer, setting forth matters such as the deposit and withdrawal, transfer and enquiries of the trading settlement funds, and shall open a general account of customer trading settlement funds for the securities firm according to the requirements of net amount settlement and delivery versus payment of securities trading.
证券公司的董事、高级管理人员应当对证券公司年度报告签署确认意见;经营管理的主要负责人和财务负责人应当对月度报告签署确认意见。    The directors and senior managers of the securities firm shall sign the annual report of the securities firm for confirmation; key personnel in charge of operations and finance shall sign the monthly report for confirmation.
区内企业凭《保税监管区域外汇登记证》办理经常和资本项目外汇业务,银行应当按规定做好相应外汇账户管理等信息的收集和报送工作。    The enterprises within the area herein shall handle current and capital account foreign exchange by presenting the Registration Certificate in the bonded supervision area, the bank shall do well information collection, report and delivery of foreign exchange account administration in accordance with the relevant regulations.
处置决定包括被处置证券公司的名称、处置措施、事由以及范围等有关事项。    The execution decisions should include the name, measure, reason, scope and other concerning issues of the securities firm.
按《货物出口许可证管理办法》确定的有效期,由发证系统自动生成。    The expiration date of validity of an export license shall be generated by the release system automatically in the light of the term of validity prescribed in the Rules on the Administration of Export Licenses for Goods.
按《货物出口许可证管理办法》确定的有效期,由发证系统自动生成。    The expiration date of validity of an export license shall be generated by the release system automatically in the light of the term of validity prescribed in the Rules on the Administration of Export Licenses for Goods.
采矿许可证颁发机关应当依法加强对开采矿产资源的监督管理。    The exploitation license issuing agencies shall strengthen administration and supervision over the exploitation of mineral resources by law.
下列进项税额准予从销项税额中抵扣:    The following amounts of input tax shall be credited against the output tax:
外汇局通过外汇年检对《登记证》每年核证一次,经过核证的《登记证》有效,期限一年。其中区内外商投资企业还应当同时遵守境内区外外商投资企业验资询证、联合年检等外汇管理规定。    The foreign exchange bureau herein shall examine and verify the Registration Certificate having passed the annual examination and the verified Registration Certificate shall be valid for one year. The foreign-funded enterprises in the area herein shall comply with such foreign exchange administrative measures as the capital examination certificate of foreign-funded enterprises in or outside area herein, and the joint annual inspection.
同时收缴已颁发的《保税区外汇登记证》、《出口加工区外汇登记证》等各类保税监管区域外汇登记证明及《外商投资企业外汇登记证》。换证工作应当于2008年1月1日前完成。    The Foreign Exchange Bureau shall collect the issued registration certificates of foreign exchange such as Registration Certificates of Foreign Exchange in Bonded Area, Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange in Export Processing Area, and Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange for Foreign-funded Enterprises. The certificate change shall be completed prior to January 1, 2008.
外汇局审核区内企业送交的上述材料无误后,向区内企业核发《保税监管区域外汇登记证》(以下简称《登记证》)。    The foreign exchange bureau shall, after having confirmed the preciseness of the aforesaid documents delivered by the enterprises in the area, verify and issue Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange in Bonded Supervision Area (hereinafter referred to as ""Registration Certificate"").
该收汇银行在向境内区外货权企业出具出口收汇核销专用联时,应当在出口收汇核销专用联上编写22位核销收汇专用号码并注明“保税监管区域外转汇”字样。    The foreign exchange earning bank shall, when issuing the special coupon on the verification and cancellation of export collection and remittance of foreign exchange to the cargo enterprises outside the area in the boundary of the People's Republic of China, the bank herein shall write 22 special code of verification and cancellation of foreign exchange in the special coupon on the verification and cancellation of export collection and remittance of foreign exchange and note ""transfer of foreign exchange outside the bonded supervision area"".
实行复合计税办法计算纳税的组成计税价格计算公式:    The formula for computing composite assessable price for tax payment at the advalorem rate is as follows:
实行从价定率办法计算纳税的组成计税价格计算公式:    The formula for computing composite assessable price for tax payment at the advalorem rate is as follows:
实行从价定率办法计算纳税的组成计税价格计算公式:    The formula for computing composite assessable price for tax payment at the advalorem rate is as follows:
实行从价定率办法计算纳税的组成计税价格计算公式:    The formula for computing composite assessable price for tax payment at the composite taxation is as follows:
实行复合计税办法计算纳税的组成计税价格计算公式:    The formula for computing composite assessable price for tax payment at the composite taxation is as follows:
实行复合计税办法计算纳税的组成计税价格计算公式:    The formula for computing composite assessable price for tax payment at the composite taxation is as follows:
上市公司就重大资产重组事宜召开股东大会,应当以现场会议形式召开,并应当提供网络投票或者其他合法方式为股东参加股东大会提供便利。    The general meeting of shareholders called by the listed company on the material assets reorganization shall be in the form of a actual meeting, and convenience shall be provided to the shareholders for attending the general meeting of shareholders through internet voting or other lawful means. 
经国务院财政、税务主管部门或者其授权的财政、税务机关批准,可以由总机构汇总向总机构所在地的主管税务机关申报纳税。    The head office may, upon approval by the competent financial or tax authorities of the State Council or their authorized tax authorities, report and pay taxes on a consolidated basis with the local competent tax authorities where the head office is located.
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