- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(一) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 指合同目的地。只能填报一个国家(地区)。不能使用地区名,如欧盟等。如对中国保税区出口,进口国(地区)应打印“中国”。 The import country (region) is the destination under a contract. Only one country (region) is allowed. No area name such as the E.U. shall be used. When exporting to a bonded area of China, it shall print the name of the import country (region) as ""China"".
- 指合同目的地。只能填报一个国家(地区)。不能使用地区名,如欧盟等。如对中国保税区出口,进口国(地区)应打印“中国”。 The import country (region) is the destination under a contract. Only one country (region) is allowed. No area name such as the E.U. shall be used. When exporting to a bonded area of China, it shall print the name of the import country (region) as ""China"".
- 上市公司独立董事应当在充分了解相关信息的基础上,就重大资产重组发表独立意见。 The independent directors of the listed company shall give independent opinions on the material assets reorganization based on their full understanding of the relevant information.
- 上市公司聘请的独立财务顾问和律师事务所应当对重大资产重组的实施过程、资产过户事宜和相关后续事项的合规性及风险进行核查,发表明确的结论性意见。 The independent financial consultants and law firms retained by the listed company shall verify the execution process of the material assets reorganization, the transfer of the ownership of the assets, and the compliance and risks of related follow-up matters, and shall give explicit conclusive opinions.
- 独立财务顾问和律师事务所应当审慎核查重大资产重组是否构成关联交易,并依据核查确认的相关事实发表明确意见。重大资产重组涉及关联交易的,独立财务顾问应当就本次重组对上市公司非关联股东的影响发表明确意见。 The independent financial consultants and law firms shall prudently examine whether the material assets reorganization constitutes affiliate transaction and provide explicit opinions based on the related verified and confirmed facts. If the material assets reorganization involves affiliate transaction, the independent financial consultants shall express explicit opinions regarding the impact of the assets reorganization on the non-affiliated shareholders of the listed companies.
- 加强对境外投资者背景和资信情况的审查,对背景不明、资信达不到要求或材料不完整的,要严格审查,防止无真实投资背景的外汇资金流入。 The inspection on the backgrounds and credit standings of overseas investors shall be enhanced. For those with unclear backgrounds or unqualified credit standings or having provided incomplete materials, strict inspection shall be imposed to avoid the inflow of exchange capital without true investment backgrounds.
- 要按照小企业信贷投放增速不低于全部贷款增速,增量不低于上年的原则,单独安排小企业的新增信贷规模,单独考核。 The institutions should follow the principle that the increased lending rate of small-sized enterprises is not lower than the overall loan incremental rate and the incremental volume is not less than that of the previous year; the new credit line of small-sized enterprises is arranged and assessed independently.
- 前款所称公司章程中的重要条款,是指规定下列事项的条款: The key terms in company regulation mentioned in the previous term refer to the following prescriptions:
- 各大中型银行要增强服务意识,根据小企业融资需求“短、小、频、急”的特点,进行组织架构和流程再造,推进小企业授信事业部制,抓长效机制建设。 The large and medium-sized banks should enhance the service consciousness, and according to the “short, small, frequent and urgent” characteristics of small-sized enterprises financing, rebuild the organizational structure and procedure, promote the multi-divisional structure of small-sized enterprises credit system, and grasp the building of long-term mechanism.
- 由领导带头深入小企业做调查研究,做到贴近业务,贴近客户,贴近市场,要真抓实干,真正为小企业发展办实事、办好事,办解燃眉之急的事,办雪中送炭的事。 The leaders should take the lead to do in-depth investigations and studies into small-sized enterprises, come close to business, customers and market; it is necessary to do solid work, especially practical things, for meeting the urgent needs of small-sized enterprises.
- 指定商业银行的名单,由国务院证券监督管理机构会同国务院银行业监督管理机构确定并公告。 The list of the designated commercial banks shall be determined and publicly announced by the securities regulatory agency under the State Council jointly with the banking supervision and management organs of the State Council.
- 上市公司应当在至少一种中国证监会指定的报刊公告董事会决议、独立董事的意见和重大资产重组报告书摘要,并应当在证券交易所网站全文披露重大资产重组报告书及相关证券服务机构的报告或者意见。 The listed company shall make public announcement of the decision of the board of directors, the opinions of the independent directors and the abstract of the report on the material assets reorganization at least in one of the press designated by the CSRC, and shall disclose the full text of the report on the material assets reorganization and the report or opinions of relevant securities service organs in the website of the stock exchange.
- 上市公司应当在相关资产过户完成后3个工作日内就过户情况作出公告,并向中国证监会及其派出机构提交书面报告,公告和报告中应当包括独立财务顾问和律师事务所的结论性意见。 The listed company shall make public announcement on the transfer of the ownership of the related assets within three workdays after its completion, and submit a written report to the CSRC and its local agency. The public announcement and the report shall include the conclusive opinions of the independent financial consultants and the law firms.
- 上市公司应当积极配合独立董事调阅相关材料,并通过安排实地调查、组织证券服务机构汇报等方式,为独立董事履行职责提供必要的支持和便利。 The listed company shall proactively work with the independent directors in their requesting and reading relevant information, and provide necessary support and convenience for the performance of obligations by the independent directors through various ways such as arranging spot investigation and organizing debrief by the securities service organs.
- 各地方性银行机构要充分发挥服务小企业的功能优势,结合自身特点致力于县域和社区金融服务,在满足审慎监管要求、确保稳健经营的前提下,可充分运用所增加的信贷资源加大对当地小企业的信贷支持力度。 The local banking institutions should play full functional advantages to service small-sized enterprises, combined with its own characteristics to focus on the county and community financial services; on condition of meeting the prudential requirements and ensuring the sound operation, they could make full use of the new credit resource to increase the credit support to local small-sized enterprises.
- 未向销售地或者劳务发生地的主管税务机关申报纳税的,由其机构所在地的主管税务机关补征税款。 The local competent tax authorities where the establishment is located shall collect the overdue taxes that have not been reported and paid to the local competent tax authorities where the sale or service takes place.
- 主营项目应为纳税人所有经营项目中,收入总额或者成本(费用)支出额或者耗用原材料、燃料、动力数量所占比重最大的项目。 The main business should have the largest portion of total revenue, or cost (expenditure), or consumed raw material, fuel, power among all taxpayer businesses.
- 上市公司按照经中国证券监督管理委员会(以下简称中国证监会)核准的发行证券文件披露的募集资金用途,使用募集资金购买资产、对外投资的行为,不适用本办法。 The Measures are not applicable to activities of purchasing assets or making investment overseas by listed companies using the raised fund in accordance with the usage of the raised fund disclosed in the securities issuance documents approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to “the CSRC”).
- 《上市公司重大资产重组管理办法》已经2008年3月24日中国证券监督管理委员会第224次主席办公会议审议通过,现予公布,自2008年5月18日起施行。 The Measures for Administration of Material Assets Reorganization of Listed Companies, which were adopted at the 224th President’s Meeting of China Securities Regulatory Commission on March 24, 2008, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of May 18, 2008.
- 《高新技术企业认定管理办法》(国科发火[2008]172号,以下称《认定办法》)及《国家重点支持的高新技术领域》已经印发给你们。 The Measures for the Administration of the Recognition of Hi-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo [2008] No.172, hereafter referred as the Measures for the Recognition) and the Hi-tech Sectors Mainly under the State Support have been printed and distributed to you.
- 为加强和规范企业所得税核定征收工作,税务总局制定了《企业所得税核定征收办法(试行)》,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。 The Measures for Verification Collection of Enterprise Income Tax (for Trial Implementation), which were formulated by the State Administration of Taxation for the purpose of strengthening the verification collection of enterprise income tax, are hereby printed and distributed to you, please comply with them accordingly.?
- 清算组成员可以从下列人员或者机构中产生: The members of the liquidation group may come from the following persons or organizations:
- 国家发展改革委会同国务院其他有关行政主管部门制定公告平台管理方面的综合性政策和相关规定。 The National Development and Reform Commission formulates comprehensive policies and relevant provisions with respect to administration of announcement platforms together with other relevant administrative competent departments under the State Council.
- 用于注明其他需要说明的情况。如不是一批一证报关的出口许可证,在此栏注明“非一批一证”。 The note column shall be used for explaining other conditions as required. In case an export license is not subject to ""one license for one batch"" customs declaration, the phrase ""not one license for one batch"" shall be indicated in this column.
- 用于注明其他需要说明的情况。如不是一批一证报关的出口许可证,在此栏注明“非一批一证”。 The note column shall be used for explaining other conditions as required. In case an export license is not subject to ""one license for one batch"" customs declaration, the phrase ""not one license for one batch"" shall be indicated in this column.