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(二) 法定代表人、总经理(或总裁);    (2) the Company's legal representative and general manager (or president); and
(二)上市公司对中国证监会有关职能部门提出的反馈意见表示异议的。    (2) The listed company has objection to the feedback of relevant competent departments of the CSRC.
(二)上市公司出售全部经营性资产,同时购买其他资产;    (2) The listed company sells all the operational assets and purchases other assets at the same time;
(二)不会导致上市公司不符合股票上市条件;    (2) The reorganization will not cause the listed company’s failure to meet the conditions for listing stocks for trade;
(二) 持股前五名的股东名称、持股比例、所持股份(股权)的质押或冻结情况;    (2) the top five shareholders' name, proportion of stock, and whether their stocks have been mortgaged or frozen; and
(二)交易价格或者价格区间;    (2) The transaction price or the price range;
(二)所在地省级商务主管部门在征求同级工商行政管理局意见后,决定批准或不批准。决定批准的,同时将批准文件抄送设立地省级商务主管部门及省级工商行政管理局;不予批准的,书面说明理由。    (2)??? The aforesaid administration of commerce at provincial level shall make a decision on approval or disapproval after consulting the aforesaid administration for industry and commerce at the same level. Where it approves, it shall simultaneously send a copy of approval document to the administration of commerce and the administration for industry and commerce at provincial level in the place where the to-be-established branch is located; if it disapproves, it shall give written explanations; and
(二)虽然成立清算组但故意拖延清算的;    (2)??? The company has set up a liquidation group but delayed the liquidation intentionally;
(二)设立外商投资广告企业的合同、章程;    (2)??? The contract for establishing a foreign-invested advertising enterprise and articles of association;
(二)投资方应成立并运营三年以上。    (2)??? The investor has existed and engaged in advertising business for over three years since establishment.
(二)企业名称预先核准通知书;    (2)??? The Notice on the Pre-approval of Enterprise Name;
(二)国家工商行政管理总局或其授权的省级工商行政管理局颁发的《外商投资广告企业项目审定意见书》;    (2)??? The Opinion on the Approval of Foreign-invested Advertising Enterprise Project issued by the SAIC or its authorized administration for industry and commerce at provincial level;
(二)进入证券公司的办公场所或者营业场所进行检查;    (2)??? To enter workplaces or business sites of a securities firm to undertake inspections;
(二)董事会决议;    (2)???? The resolution of the board of directors;
(二)对证券公司及其有关董事、监事、高级管理人员、境内分支机构负责人给予谴责;    (2)???? To condemn the securities firm and its directors, supervisors, senior managers and persons responsible of inbound branches who are concerned;
(三) 经营范围、注册资本;    (3) the Company's business scope and registered capital;
(三) 注册资本,公司注册地址,公司办公地址及其邮政编码,公司国际互联网网址、电子信箱。    (3) the Company's registered capital, registered address, business address, postal code, internet website and e-mail address.
(三) 对前五名法人股东,应详细介绍股东单位的法定代表人、总经理、成立日期、主营业务、注册资本等情况。    (3) the legal representative, general manager, date of establishment, principal business, registered capital and other related information about the top five legal person shareholders.
(三)定价方式或者定价依据;    (3) The price setting method and the basis for the price setting;
(三)公司董事长期冲突,且无法通过股东会或者股东大会解决,公司经营管理发生严重困难的;    (3)?? The directors of the company are in conflict for a long time, which cannot be solved through the meeting of shareholders or the general meeting of shareholders, and the company has serious difficulties in its operation and management;
(三)外国投资者持国家工商行政管理总局或其授权的省级工商行政管理局颁发的《外商投资广告企业项目审定意见书》和省级商务主管部门颁发的《外商投资企业批准证书》及法律、法规规定的其他文件,按企业登记注册的有关规定,向国家工商行政管理总局或有外商投资企业核准登记权的地方工商行政管理局申请办理企业登记注册手续。    (3)??? The foreign investor shall, pursuant to relevant provisions on the enterprise registration, go through the enterprise registration formalities in the SAIC or the administration for industry and commerce competent for reviewing and approving the registration of foreign-invested enterprise on the strength of the Opinion on the Approval of Foreign-invested Advertising Enterprise Project issued by the SAIC or its authorized administration for industry and commerce at provincial level, the Foreign-invested Enterprise Approval Certificate issued by the administration of commerce at provincial level and other documents as prescribed in laws and regulations.
(三)违法清算可能严重损害债权人或者股东利益的。    (3)??? The illegal liquidation may seriously damage the interests of creditors or shareholders.
(三)中方主要合营者持国家工商行政管理总局或其授权的省级工商行政管理局颁发的《外商投资广告企业项目审定意见书》、省级商务主管部门颁发的《外商投资企业批准证书》及法律、法规规定的其他文件,按企业登记注册的有关规定,向国家工商行政管理总局或有外商投资企业核准登记权的地方工商行政管理局办理企业登记注册手续。    (3)??? The main Chinese partner shall, pursuant to the relevant provisions on enterprise registration, handle the enterprise registration formalities in the SAIC or the administration for industry and commerce competent for reviewing and approving the registration of foreign-invested enterprise on the strength of the Opinion on the Approval of Foreign-invested Advertising Enterprise Project issued by the SAIC or its authorized administration for industry and commerce at provincial level, the Foreign-invested Enterprise Approval Certificate issued by the administration of commerce at provincial level and other documents as required by laws and regulations.
(三)项目可行性研究报告;    (3)??? The project feasibility research report;
(三)投资者编制的项目建议书及可行性研究报告;    (3)??? The project proposal and feasibility research report prepared by the investor;
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