

(六)有利于上市公司在业务、资产、财务、人员、机构等方面与实际控制人及其关联人保持独立,符合中国证监会关于上市公司独立性的相关规定;    (6) The reorganization shall enable the listed company to be independent from the actual controllers and their affiliates in aspects of business operation, assets, finance, personnel and organization, and to comply with relevant provisions of the CSRC regarding the independence of listed companies; and
(六)决议的有效期;    (6) The validity of the decision;
(六)设立外资广告企业的章程。    (6)??? The articles of association for the establishment of the wholly foreign-invested advertising enterprise.
(六)合营各方的资信证明;    (6)??? The credit-standing certificates of all partners;
(六)企业名称预先核准通知书。    (6)??? The Notice on the Pre-approval of Enterprise Name.
(六)企业名称预先核准通知书;    (6)??? The Notice on the Pre-approval of Enterprise Name;
(六)企业验资报告。    (6)???? The enterprise' capital verification report
(六)责令暂停证券公司或者其境内分支机构的部分或者全部业务、限期撤销境内分支机构。    (6)???? To suspend businesses, partly or wholly, of the securities firm or its inbound branches and order it to cancel its inbound branches within a certain period.
(七)有利于上市公司形成或者保持健全有效的法人治理结构。    (7) The reorganization shall help the listed company to form or maintain healthy and effective corporate governance.
(七)广告管理制度;    (7)??? The advertising management system; and
(七)合营企业的董事会名单及各方董事委派书;    (7)??? The name list of the directors of the joint venture and the delegation letters of directors of all parties; and
(八)地方工商行政管理局的初审意见。    (8)??? The preliminary review opinions of the local administration for industry and commerce.
(八)地方商务主管部门的初审意见。    (8)??? The preliminary review opinions of the local administration of commerce.
一、 加盖经营者公章的《中华人民共和国出口许可证申请表》(见附件1,以下简称申请表)。    1. The Application Form for an Export License of the People's Republic of China, affixed with the official seal of the operator (See Attachment one, hereinafter referred to as the Application Form);
一、 加盖经营者公章的《中华人民共和国出口许可证申请表》(见附件1,以下简称申请表)。    1. The Application Form for an Export License of the People's Republic of China, affixed with the official seal of the operator (See Attachment one, hereinafter referred to as the Application Form);
一、 自2007年10月1日起,国家外汇管理局各分支机构(以下简称外汇局)不再对保税监管区域内企业核发《保税区外汇登记证》、《出口加工区外汇登记证》等各类保税监管区域外汇登记证明及《外商投资企业外汇登记证》,而只颁发《保税监管区域外汇登记证》。    1. The branches of State Administration of Foreign Exchange (hereinafter referred to as ""foreign exchange bureau"") shall not, other than Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange in Bonded Supervision Area, verify and issue various registration certificates of foreign exchange such as Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange in Bonded Supervision Area, Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate in Export Processing Area, and Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange for Foreign-funded Enterprises as of October 1, 2007.
一、 经营者是否具有经营资格。    1. The business qualification for an operator;
一、 经营者是否具有经营资格。    1. The business qualification for an operator;
一、 《企业法人登记营业执照》。    1. The Enterprise Legal Person Registration and Business License; and
一、 《企业法人登记营业执照》。    1. The Enterprise Legal Person Registration and Business License; and
10.运输方式:    10. Transportation Manner:
10.运输方式:    10. Transportation Manner:
16.总值(币别)    16. Total Value (Currency)
16.总值(币别)    16. Total Value (Currency)
17.总值折美元    17. Total Value in USD
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