

17.总值折美元    17. Total Value in USD
18.总计    18. Total
18.总计    18. Total
二、 主管机关签发的出口批准文件。    2. The approval export documents issued by the competent authorities;
二、 主管机关签发的出口批准文件。    2. The approval export documents issued by the competent authorities;
二、 经营者提交的出口批准文件是否完整、有效。    2. The completeness and validity of the export approval documents submitted by an operator;
二、 经营者提交的出口批准文件是否完整、有效。    2. The completeness and validity of the export approval documents submitted by an operator;
二、2007年底前国家高新技术产业开发区(包括北京市新技术产业开发试验区)内、外已按原认定办法认定的仍在有效期内的高新技术企业资格依然有效,但在按《认定办法》和《工作指引》重新认定合格后方可依照《企业所得税法》及其实施条例等有关规定享受企业所得税优惠政策。    2. The hi-tech qualifications for enterprises inside or outside the state hi-tech industrial development zones (including Beijing experimental zone for developing hi-tech industries) which were recognized according to the former measures for the recognition by the end of 2007 but still within the effective date, shall be effective, but such enterprises may share enterprise income tax preferential policies according to the relevant provisions of the Enterprise Income Tax Law and its regulations on the implementation after have been qualified by re-recognition pursuant to the Measures for the Recognition and the Guidelines.
二、 加盖对外贸易经营者备案登记专用章的《对外贸易经营者备案登记表》或《中华人民共和国进出口经营者资格证书》;经营者为外商投资企业的,应当提交《外商投资企业批准证书》。    2. The Record Registration Form for a Foreign Trade Operator affixed with the special seal for the record registration of a foreign trade operator or the Importer or Exporter Qualification Certificate of the People's Republic of China; and the Foreign-Invested Enterprise Approval Certificate , where the operator is a foreign-invested enterprise.
二、 加盖对外贸易经营者备案登记专用章的《对外贸易经营者备案登记表》或《中华人民共和国进出口经营者资格证书》;经营者为外商投资企业的,应当提交《外商投资企业批准证书》。    2. The Record Registration Form for a Foreign Trade Operator affixed with the special seal for the record registration of a foreign trade operator or the Importer or Exporter Qualification Certificate of the People's Republic of China; and the Foreign-Invested Enterprise Approval Certificate , where the operator is a foreign-invested enterprise.
(三) 公司对报表重要项目的说明,应当按照资产负债表、利润表、所有者权益变动表、现金流量表及其项目列示的顺序,采用文字和数字描述相结合的方式进行披露。报表重要项目的明细金额合计,应当与报表项目金额相衔接。    3. The Company's illustrations about important items in the statements shall be disclosed in the order of balance sheet, profit statement, table of changes in owners' equities, cash flow statement, and other items, and in the form of combining text and figures. The detail aggregate amount of important items in the statements shall be mutually checked with the separate amounts of corresponding items in the statements.
三、 申请表的相关内容与出口货物管理及许可证管理的有关规定、出口批准文件以及出口合同的内容是否相符,备注栏的内容是否完整、准确。    3. The consistency of the relevant contents of the Application Form with the relevant provisions on the administration of exported goods and license, the export approval documents and the contents of the export contract, and the completeness and accuracy of the contents in the note column; and
三、 申请表的相关内容与出口货物管理及许可证管理的有关规定、出口批准文件以及出口合同的内容是否相符,备注栏的内容是否完整、准确。    3. The consistency of the relevant contents of the Application Form with the relevant provisions on the administration of exported goods and license, the export approval documents and the contents of the export contract, and the completeness and accuracy of the contents in the note column; and
三、 出口合同正本复印件。    3. The photocopy of the original export contract;
三、 出口合同正本复印件。    3. The photocopy of the original export contract;
四、 需要提交的其他材料是否符合有关规定。    4. The accordance of other materials submitted as required with the relevant provisions.
四、 需要提交的其他材料是否符合有关规定。    4. The accordance of other materials submitted as required with the relevant provisions.
四、 出口商与发货人不一致的,应当提交《委托代理协议》正本复印件。    4. The photocopy of the original agreement on agency, in case the exporter and consignor are inconsistent with each other; and
四、 出口商与发货人不一致的,应当提交《委托代理协议》正本复印件。    4. The photocopy of the original agreement on agency, in case the exporter and consignor are inconsistent with each other; and
5.贸易方式:    5. Trade Mode:
5.贸易方式:    5. Trade Mode:
禁止损毁耕地烧砖。在国务院或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定的期限和区域内,禁止生产、销售和使用粘土砖。    ? The act of destroying cultivated land to make bricks is prohibited. The production, sale and use of clay bricks are prohibited within the time limit and areas provided by the State Council or the governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.
重点能源消费单位的节能监督管理,依照《中华人民共和国节约能源法》的规定执行。    ? The administration and supervision regarding energy saving over major energy-consumption entities shall comply with provisions of the Energy Conservation Law of the People’s Republic of China.
强制回收的产品和包装物的名录及管理办法,由国务院循环经济发展综合管理部门规定。    ? The catalogue and administrative measures for products and packing materials that shall be recovered mandatorily shall be formulated by the general administration for promoting circular economy under the State Council.
循环经济发展规划应当包括规划目标、适用范围、主要内容、重点任务和保障措施等,并规定资源产出率、废物再利用和资源化率等指标。    ? The circular economy development plan shall include objectives, applicable scopes, main contents, major tasks and safeguard measures, as well as indexes for the rates of resource production, recycle and resource recovery, etc.
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