注意把握并监控境外资金的流向,严格外商投资项目总投资与资本金的差额管理,落实融资方案,需要对外举债的,要严格执行国家有关外债管理的规定; They shall observe and monitor the flow of overseas capitals, strictly administrate the balance between the total investment and capital of foreign investment projects, and implement financing plans. For those need overseas financing, relevant provisions of the state on the administration of foreign loans shall be strictly enforced.加快建立适合小企业特点的信用征集体系、评级发布制度、违约信息通报机制以及失信惩戒机制,研究制定小企业信用制度管理办法,提供有效信息共享和传播平台。 They shall speed up in building the credit collection system, rating release system, default information noticing mechanism and dishonesty punishment mechanism that fit the small-sized enterprises, study and formulate credit management system for small-sized enterprises, and provide a platform for effective information sharing and communication.三是要发展并创新小企业贸易融资手段,特别是扩大信用证项下贸易融资,探索非信用证项下贸易融资,鼓励将一般性应收账款用于支持小企业,包括发展应收账款融资,提供融通资金、债款回收、销售账管理、信用销售控制以及坏账担保等综合金融服务;鼓励仓单质押、货权质押融资,拓展供应链融资。 Third, develop and innovate trade financing instruments of small-sized enterprises, especially expand trade financing under the terms of letters of credit, explore trade financing out of the terms of letters of credit, and use the general accounts receivable to support small-sized enterprises, including a series of integrated financial services such as developing financing of accounts receivable, providing financing funds, debt reclaiming, sales account management, credit sales control and bad debt guarantee; encourage financing of warehouse receipt pledge and goods right pledge, expanding financing in supply chain.三是要单独定价,合理浮动。 Third, the price should be made independently and float reasonably.合规负责人不得在证券公司兼任负责经营管理的职务。 This responsible person shall not take management position of the securities firm in the same time.向境外提供商业贷款,应当按照国务院外汇管理部门的规定办理登记。 Those that offer foreign commercial loans shall go through registration formalities according to provisions of the administration of foreign exchange under the State Council.在证券公司年度报告、月度报告上签字的人员,应当保证报告的内容真实、准确、完整;对报告内容持有异议的,应当注明自己的意见和理由。 Those who sign in the annual report and the monthly report of the securities firm shall guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the content of the reports; those who have objection to the content of the reports shall indicate their opinions and reasons.总计 Total总计 Total(一)纳税人应在收到《企业所得税核定征收鉴定表》后10个工作日内,填好该表并报送主管税务机关。 (1)Taxpayer should fill up the form and submit it to administrative tax organ within 10 days after receiving the Appraisal Table of Verification Collection of Enterprise Income Tax.(一)进入上市公司的资产是完整经营实体; (1)The assets that enter the listed company are an integrated business entity;(一)董事会决议及独立董事的意见; (1)The decision of the board of directors and the opinions of the independent directors;“(一)经营全国的或者跨省、自治区、直辖市范围的基础电信业务的,其注册资本最低限额为10亿元人民币;经营增值电信业务的,其注册资本最低限额为1000万元人民币; (1)The minimum registered capital shall be RMB1b for providing basic telecommunications services throughout the country or across different provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, or shall be RMB10m for providing value-added telecommunications services;(一)特定对象为上市公司控股股东、实际控制人或者其控制的关联人; (1)The specified parties are the controlling shareholders, the actual controllers of the listed company or the affiliates controlled by the listed company;(一)能正确核算(查实)收入总额,但不能正确核算(查实)成本费用总额的; (1)The total income can be calculated (verified) correctly, but its total cost is unable to be correctly calculated (verified);(二)纳税人应依照确定的应税所得率计算纳税期间实际应缴纳的税额,进行预缴。 (2)Taxpayer should prepay the actual payable tax amount based on calculation of confirmed taxable income rate.(二)上市公司最近一年及一期财务会计报告被注册会计师出具无保留意见审计报告; (2)The financial reports of the last fiscal year and the last fiscal term have both received unqualified audit report from the certified accountants;“(二)经营省、自治区、直辖市范围内的基础电信业务的,其注册资本最低限额为1亿元人民币;经营增值电信业务的,其注册资本最低限额为100万元人民币。” (2)The minimum registered capital shall be RMB100m for providing basic telecommunications services within a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government, or shall be RMB1m for providing value-added telecommunications services.(二)风险控制指标符合规定,财务状况、合规状况良好; (2)The risk control indicators comply with the relevant stipulations and the financial status and compliance status are sound;(二)特定对象通过认购本次发行的股份取得上市公司的实际控制权; (2)The specified parties have obtained the actual controlling right of the listed company through the purchase of the shares issued this time;(三)纳税人预缴税款或年终进行汇算清缴时,应按规定填写《中华人民共和国企业所得税月(季)度预缴纳税申报表(B类)》,在规定的纳税申报时限内报送主管税务机关。 (3)Taxpayer should fill up Enterprise Income Tax Monthly (Quarterly) Prepayment Declaration Form (B Class) of P.R.C. during prepayment or year end settlement and submit it to administrative taxation organ.(三)上市公司发行股份所购买的资产,应当为权属清晰的经营性资产,并能在约定期限内办理完毕权属转移手续; (3)The assets purchased by the listed company through issuing shares shall be operational assets whose ownership is clear, and the transfer of ownership can be completed within the agreed time period.(三)利用内幕信息买卖证券或者操纵证券市场; (3)Trade securities or maneuver securities market with insider information;(三)证券公司对外投资、对外提供担保的类型、金额和内部审批程序; (3)Type, amount and internal approving procedure of external investment and guarantee of the securities firm;(四)上市公司与该经营实体的主要高级管理人员签订聘用合同或者采取其他方式,就该经营实体在交易完成后的持续经营和管理作出恰当安排。 (4)The listed company makes appropriate arrangements with respect to the sustainable operation and management of the business entity after the completion of the transaction by signing employment contract with the business entity’s key executives or taking other measures.