

国务院证券监督管理机构应当自受理行政重组申请之日起30个工作日内做出批准或者不予批准的决定;不予批准的,应当说明理由。    The securities regulatory authority under the State Council should make decision of either approving or not approving within 30 working days of handling administrative restructuring application; If it is not approved, reasons should be stated.
纳税人经营娱乐业具体适用的税率,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府在本条例规定的幅度内决定。    The specific tax rates applicable to the taxpayers engaged in entertainment businesses shall be determined by the People's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government within the range prescribed by the Regulations.
业务合同的必备条款和风险揭示书的标准格式,由中国证券业协会制定,并报国务院证券监督管理机构备案。    The standard format of necessary term of business contract and risk disclosure letter is formulated by Securities Association of China and filed by the securities regulatory agency under the State Council.
现公布《基金管理公司年度报告内容与格式准则》,自发布之日起施行,请各基金管理公司遵照执行。    The Standards on the Contents and Formats of Annual Reports of Fund Management Companies are hereby promulgated. It shall enter into force as of the promulgation date. All fund management companies shall carry them out and implement them accordingly.
为贯彻落实《保税监管区域外汇管理办法》(以下简称《办法》),国家外汇管理局制定了《保税监管区域外汇管理办法操作规程》(以下简称《操作规程》)。    The State Administration of Foreign Exchange has formulated the Operating rules of Administrative Measures on Foreign Exchange in the Bonded Supervision Area (hereinafter referred to as ""Operating rules"") for the purpose of implementing the Measures for the Foreign Exchange Control in Bonded Supervision Areas (hereinafter referred to as the ""Measures"".
国家税务总局    The State Administration of Taxation
代行合规总监职责的人员不得分管与合规管理职责相冲突的部门,代行职责的时间不得超过6个月。    The substitutive compliance director shalln't administrate department that's in conflict with role and responsibility of compliance management. The substitutive period shall not exceed 6 months.
最高人民法院    The Supreme Court
营业税扣缴义务发生时间为纳税人营业税纳税义务发生的当天。    The time when the obligation of the withholding of business tax arises shall be the date on which the obligation of the payment of business tax of the taxpayer arises.
指该项出口货物的贸易性质。包括:一般贸易、进料加工、来料加工、出料加工、外资企业出口、捐赠、赠送等。只能填报一种。    The trade mode means the trade nature of export goods, including ordinary trade, processing with import materials, processing with supplied materials, outward processing, export by a foreign-invested enterprise, donation, gift, etc. Only one mode is allowed.
指该项出口货物的贸易性质。包括:一般贸易、进料加工、来料加工、出料加工、外资企业出口、捐赠、赠送等。只能填报一种。    The trade mode means the trade nature of export goods, including ordinary trade, processing with import materials, processing with supplied materials, outward processing, export by a foreign-invested enterprise, donation, gift, etc. Only one mode is allowed.
交易合同应当载明本次重大资产重组事项一经上市公司董事会、股东大会批准并经中国证监会核准,交易合同即应生效。    The transaction contract shall stipulate that it will take effect immediately after the assets reorganization is approved by the board of directors of the listed company, the general meeting of shareholders and China Securities Regulatory Commission.
指货物离境时的运输方式。包括:海上运输、铁路运输、公路运输、航空运输等。只能填报一种。    The transportation manner means the transportation manner when goods leave the border, such as marine transportation, railway transportation, road transportation, and air transportation. Only one transportation manner is allowed.
指货物离境时的运输方式。包括:海上运输、铁路运输、公路运输、航空运输等。只能填报一种。    The transportation manner means the transportation manner when goods leave the border, such as marine transportation, railway transportation, road transportation, and air transportation. Only one transportation manner is allowed.
托管组自托管之日起履行下列职责:    The trust group starts to perform the following role and responsibility since the day of custody:
托管组不承担被托管证券公司的亏损。    The trust group will not bear loss of the entrusted company.
营业额以人民币计算。纳税人以人民币以外的货币结算营业额的,应当折合成人民币计算。    The turnover shall be computed in Renminbi. Where the turnover of the taxpayer is settled in currencies other than Renminbi, it shall be converted into Renminbi for computation.
证券公司可以向客户融出的证券和融出资金可以买入证券的种类,可充抵保证金的有价证券的种类和折算率,融资融券的期限,最低维持担保比例和补交差额的期限,由证券交易所规定。    The types of securities that can be lent to the customer by the securities firm and can be bought with the funds lent to the customer by the securities firm, the types and coefficient of the securities that can be used as deposit, the time limit for securities lending and borrowing, the minimum guarantee maintenance ratio and the time limit for making up the difference shall be determined by the stock exchange.
指与第十三项“单位”所使用的计量单位相应的单价和货币种类。计量单位为1批的,此栏为总金额。    The unit price (currency) refers to the unit price and category of currency that are corresponding to the measuring unit used in Item XIII ""Unit"". Where the measuring unit is one batch, this column shall be the amount in total.
指与第十三项“单位”所使用的计量单位相应的单价和货币种类。计量单位为1批的,此栏为总金额。    The unit price (currency) refers to the unit price and category of currency that are corresponding to the measuring unit used in Item XIII ""Unit"". Where the measuring unit is one batch, this column shall be the amount in total.
指计量单位。按商务部公布的年度《出口许可证管理货物目录》中的计量单位执行,发证系统自动生成。如合同使用的计量单位与规定的计量单位不一致,应换算成规定的计量单位。无法换算的,可在备注栏注明。    The unit refers to the measuring unit, shall be performed in accordance with the measuring unit in the annual Catalogue of Goods Subject to the Export License Management publicized by the Ministry of Commerce, and generated by the release system automatically. In case the measuring unit used in a contract is inconsistent with that as prescribed, it shall be converted into the measuring unit as required. It shall be indicated in the note column if such conversion cannot be made.
指计量单位。按商务部公布的年度《出口许可证管理货物目录》中的计量单位执行,发证系统自动生成。如合同使用的计量单位与规定的计量单位不一致,应换算成规定的计量单位。无法换算的,可在备注栏注明。    The unit refers to the measuring unit, shall be performed in accordance with the measuring unit in the annual Catalogue of Goods Subject to the Export License Management publicized by the Ministry of Commerce, and generated by the release system automatically. In case the measuring unit used in a contract is inconsistent with that as prescribed, it shall be converted into the measuring unit as required. It shall be indicated in the note column if such conversion cannot be made.
扣缴义务人应当向其机构所在地或者居住地的主管税务机关申报缴纳其扣缴的税款。    The withholding persons shall report and pay the withheld taxes to the local competent tax authorities where their establishments are located or domiciled.
由发证系统自动计算。    They shall be calculated by the release system automatically.
由发证系统自动计算。    They shall be calculated by the release system automatically.
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