本次重组的重大资产重组报告书、独立财务顾问报告、法律意见书以及重组涉及的审计报告、资产评估报告和经审核的盈利预测报告至迟应当与召开股东大会的通知同时公告。 The report of the material assets reorganization, the report of the independent financial consultants, the statement of legal opinions, the audit report related to the reorganization, the assets evaluation report and the profit forecast report that has been examined shall be publicly announced latest together with the notice to call the general meeting of shareholders.报告应对公司与财务报表相关的内部控制的完整性、合理性和有效性进行客观评价,并提出相应的改进建议,对公司内部控制是否存在重大缺陷应有明确的评价意见。 The report shall objectively evaluate the integrity, reasonability and effectiveness of the internal control in relation to the financial statements of the Company, set forth corresponding suggestions for improvement, and give express opinions on whether there are big defects in the internal control of the Company.单位和机构负责人一定要走出办公室,走出会议室,深入基层,深入企业,开展进厂入店的调研活动,切实调查了解新情况新问题,倾听基层意见,倾听企业呼声,面对面的商量办法,研究措施,以真实的服务、真切的情感、真正的支持,塑造良好的银行形象,赢得社会的回报,赢得公众的信赖,为社会经济发展勇担社会责任,做出更大贡献。 The responsible persons of units and institutions must go out of offices and conference rooms to enter the enterprises, carry out research, find new situations and new problems, listen to the views of the public, and discuss solutions with them face-to-face, win good image of banks on the basis of sincere services, vivid emotions and practical supports, win returns of the society and trust of the public through portraying a good image of banks, and more responsibility should be taken for socio-economic development and greater contributions should be made in the future.国家工商行政管理总局或其授权的省级工商行政管理局自收到全部呈报文件二十日内,作出同意或不同意的决定。 The SAIC and its authorized administration for industry and commerce at provincial level shall make a decision on approval or disapproval within 20 days upon the date when they received the complete set of documents.国家工商行政管理总局或其授权的省级工商行政管理局自收到全部呈报文件二十日内,作出同意或不同意的决定。 The SAIC or its authorized administration for industry and commerce at provincial level shall make a decision on approval or disapproval within 20 days upon the date of receipt of the complete set of documents.纳税人销售的应税消费品,以人民币计算销售额。纳税人以人民币以外的货币结算销售额的,应当折合成人民币计算。 The sale amount of taxable consumer goods sold by a taxpayer shall be calculated in RMB. Those who calculate the sale amount in a foreign currency other than RMB shall convert it into RMB.销售额以人民币计算。纳税人以人民币以外的货币结算销售额的,应当折合成人民币计算。 The sale amount shall be computed in Renminbi. The sale amount of the taxpayer settled in other currencies than Renminbi shall be converted into Renminbi.不得违规扩大核定征收企业所得税范围。 The scope of verification collection of enterprise income tax should not be expanded illegally.证券经纪人应当具有证券从业资格。 The securities broker should have securities working qualification.经营证券业务许可证应当载明证券公司或者境内分支机构的证券业务范围。 The securities business license should be written with business scope of such securities firm or its domestic branch.证券公司及其从业人员不得利用向客户提供投资建议而谋取不正当利益。 The securities firm and its staff shall not seek for undue interests by providing investment advice to customers.证券公司不得聘任、选任未取得任职资格的人员担任前款规定的职务;已经聘任、选任的,有关聘任、选任的决议、决定无效。 The securities firm shall not hire or select someone, who has not got qualification, to take position prescribed in the previous term; for those, who are already hired or selected, resolution or decision of hiring or selecting them is invalid.证券公司不得将客户的资金账户、证券账户提供给他人使用。 The securities firm shall not provide customer’s capital account and securities account to others.证券公司应当指定专门部门负责处理客户投诉。国务院证券监督管理机构应当根据客户的投诉,采取相应措施。 The securities firm should appoint specialized department to handle customer claims. The securities regulatory agency under the State Council should take corresponding measures to deal with customer’s claim.证券公司应当依照本条例第十八条的规定停止经营证券业务,安置客户。 The securities firm should cease securities business operation and settled customers according to Article 18 of this regulation.证券公司解聘合规负责人,应当有正当理由,并自解聘之日起3个工作日内将解聘的事实和理由书面报告国务院证券监督管理机构。 The securities firm should have appropriate reasons for dismissing responsible person for regulatory compliance and report to the securities regulatory agency under the State Council in written within 3 working days.证券公司应当根据所了解的客户情况推荐适当的产品或者服务。具体规则由中国证券业协会制定。 The securities firm should recommend appropriate product or service to customer based on their status. Detailed rules should be formulated by the Securities Association of China.证券公司应当与接受委托的证券经纪人签订委托合同,颁发证券经纪人证书,明确对证券经纪人的授权范围,并对证券经纪人的执业行为进行监督。 The securities firm should sign entrustment contracts with securities brokers who accept such entrustment, issue securities broker certificate, define authorized scope of securities broker and supervise working behavior of securities broker.证券公司被暂停业务、限期撤销境内分支机构的,应当按照有关规定安置客户、处理未了结的业务。 The securities firm whose business is suspended and who is ordered to cancel its inbound branches within a certain period shall arrange its clients and handle its unfinished businesses according to relevant provisions.国务院证券监督管理机构、国务院有关部门应当采取有效措施,促进证券公司的创新活动规范、有序进行。 The securities regulatory agency under the State Council and related departments of the State Council should take effective measures for facilitating the standardization and orderly proceed of innovative activities of securities firms.国务院证券监督管理机构为查清证券公司的业务情况、财务状况,经国务院证券监督管理机构负责人批准,可以查询证券公司及与证券公司有控股或者实际控制关系企业的银行账户。 The securities regulatory agency under the State Council can enquire the bank accounts of a securities firm and enterprises controlled or actually controlled by the securities firm with approval of a person responsible of the securities regulatory agency under the State Council with a view to make a thorough investigation of business and financial status of the securities firm.对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,国务院证券监督管理机构可以建议国务院银行业监督管理机构依法处罚。 The securities regulatory agency under the State Council can suggest the banking regulatory agencies of the State Council to give penalties to the person-in-charge and any other person directly responsible according to laws.国务院证券监督管理机构应当对有关机构报送的客户的交易结算资金、委托资金和客户担保账户内的资金、证券的有关数据进行比对、核查,及时发现资金或者证券被违法动用的情况。 The securities regulatory agency under the State Council shall compare and verify relevant data submitted by relevant organs on the customer’s trading settlement funds, the trusted funds and the funds and securities in the customer’s guarantee accounts to timely detect the illegal use of the funds or securities.国务院证券监督管理机构应当自受理申请之日起2个月内,对前款规定的事项作出批准或者不予批准的书面决定。 The securities regulatory agency under the State Council should make approving or not approving decisions of items in the previous term in written within 2 months of application handling.国务院证券监督管理机构应当对托管费用和托管期间的营运费用进行审核。 The securities regulatory authority of the State Council should audit so custody fee and operation cost during custody.