

设计产品包装物应当执行产品包装标准,防止过度包装造成资源浪费和环境污染。    ? The design of product packing shall be subject to the product packing standard to avoid wasting resources and polluting environment due to over-packing.
重点用水单位的监督管理办法,由国务院循环经济发展综合管理部门会同国务院有关部门规定。    ? The measures for the administration and supervision over major water-consumption entities shall be formulated by the general administration for promoting circular economy under the State Council and relevant departments under the State Council.
城市人民政府和建筑物的所有者或者使用者,应当采取措施,加强建筑物维护管理,延长建筑物使用寿命。    ? The people’s government of a city and owner or user of a building shall take measures to enhance the maintenance and management of the building to extend its service life.
县级以上人民政府应当支持企业建设污泥资源化利用和处置设施,提高污泥综合利用水平,防止产生再次污染。    ? The people’s governments above county level shall support enterprises to build facilities for sludge resource recovery, utilization and disposal, improve the comprehensive utilization level of sludge, and avoid re-pollution.
上级人民政府根据前款规定的循环经济主要评价指标,对下级人民政府发展循环经济的状况定期进行考核,并将主要评价指标完成情况作为对地方人民政府及其负责人考核评价的内容。    ? The people’s governments at a higher level shall regularly assess the works of the people’s government at a lower level on promoting circular economy in accordance with major assessment indexes provided in the preceding paragraph and take the said assessment results into the consideration of the evaluation of the people’s government assessed as well as its persons-in-charge.
省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以根据本行政区域经济社会发展状况,实行垃圾排放收费制度。收取的费用专项用于垃圾分类、收集、运输、贮存、利用和处置,不得挪作他用。    ? The people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish a waste discharge charge system according to local economic and social development situation. The charges collected shall not be used for any purposes other than garbage classification, collection, transport, warehouse, utilization and disposal.
禁止生产、进口、销售列入淘汰名录的设备、材料和产品,禁止使用列入淘汰名录的技术、工艺、设备和材料。    ? The Production, import and sale of equipment, materials and products under the catalogue of abandonment shall be prohibited; and the use of technologies, processes, equipment and materials under the catalogue of abandonment shall be prohibited.
销售的再制造产品和翻新产品的质量必须符合国家规定的标准,并在显著位置标识为再制造产品或者翻新产品。    ? The quality of the reproduced and renovated products that are used for sale shall meet standards provided by the State and be labeled “reproduced product or renovated product” at a marked place.
国务院标准化主管部门会同国务院循环经济发展综合管理和环境保护等有关主管部门建立健全循环经济标准体系,制定和完善节能、节水、节材和废物再利用、资源化等标准。    ? The standardization department under the State Council shall establish a sound circular economy standard system together with the general administration for promoting circular economy and relevant departments for environmental protection under the State Council, and formulate and improve standards on energy-saving, water-saving, material-saving, wastes recycling and resource recovery.
国家鼓励和引导公民使用节能、节水、节材和有利于保护环境的产品及再生产品,减少废物的产生量和排放量。    ? The State encourages and guides citizens to use products and recycle products featured by energy saving, water saving, material saving and environmental protection, and reduce the generation and discharge of wastes.
国家鼓励和支持沿海地区进行海水淡化和海水直接利用,节约淡水资源。    ? The State encourages and supports coastal areas to conduct sea water desalination and direct use of sea water to save fresh water.
国家鼓励和支持中介机构、学会和其他社会组织开展循环经济宣传、技术推广和咨询服务,促进循环经济发展。    ? The State encourages and supports intermediary institutions, academies and other social organizations to conduct the publicity, technical promotion and consulting services concerning circular economy, so as to facilitate circular economy.
国家鼓励通过以旧换新、押金等方式回收废物。    ? The State encourages reclaiming wastes by way of trade-in and cash pledge, etc.
国家鼓励利用无毒无害的固体废物生产建筑材料,鼓励使用散装水泥,推广使用预拌混凝土和预拌砂浆。    ? The State encourages the use of waste nontoxic and harmless solid building materials and bulk cements, and promotes the use of ready-mixed concrete and mortar.
国家建立健全能源效率标识等产品资源消耗标识制度。    ? The State shall establish a product-resource-consumption mark system such as energy efficiency mark.
接管组自接管之日起履行下列职责:    Takeover group starts to perform the following roles and responsibilities since the day of taking over:
接管期限一般不超过12个月。满12个月,确需继续接管的,国务院证券监督管理机构可以决定延长接管期限,但延长接管期限最长不得超过12个月。    Takeover period normally not exceeds 12 months. At the end of 12th month, if takeover needs to be continued, the securities regulatory authority of the State Council can extend takeover period but should not be longer than 12 months.
应纳税额=组成计税价格×税率    Tax payable = Composite assessable price x Tax rate
应纳税额=当期销项税额-当期进项税额    Tax payable = Output tax payable of the period - Input tax of the period
应纳税额=销售额×征收率    Tax payable = Sales amount × Levy rate
应纳税额=营业额×税率    Tax payable = turnover × tax rate
涉及税收事项,依照《企业破产法》和《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》的规定执行。    Tax related issues should be executed according to prescription of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law and Law of the P.R.C. Concerning the Administration of Tax Collection.
纳税人收到《企业所得税核定征收鉴定表》后,未在规定期限内填列、报送的,税务机关视同纳税人已经报送,按上述程序进行复核认定。    Taxation organ will regard taxpayer, who has received Appraisal Table of Verification Collection of Enterprise Income Tax but hasn't filled up or submitted it within a certain time limit, as having submitted it and will audit and recognize according to the above procedure.
特殊行业、特殊类型的纳税人和一定规模以上的纳税人不适用本办法。上述特定纳税人由国家税务总局另行明确。    Taxpayers of special industries or special types and those with a certain scale are not governed by these Measures. The foregoing taxpayers shall be separately clarified by the State Administration of Taxation.? 
纳税人以1个月或者1个季度为1个纳税期的,自期满之日起15日内申报纳税;以1日、3日、5日、10日或者15日为1个纳税期的,自期满之日起5日内预缴税款,于次月1日起15日内申报纳税并结清上月应纳税款。    Taxpayers that adopt one month or one quarter as an payment period shall report and pay taxes within fifteen days of the end of the period. If a payment period of one day, three days, five days, ten days or fifteen days is adopted, the tax shall be prepaid within five days of the expiration of the period and reported and paid within fifteen days from the first day of the following month with settlement of any balance of tax payable of the previous month.
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