

(三)投资者编制的项目建议书及可行性研究报告;    (3)??? The project proposal and the feasibility research report prepared by the investor;
(三)合营者股东会(董事会)决议;    (3)??? The resolutions made by the general meetings of shareholders of partners (board of directors);
(三)查阅、复制与检查事项有关的文件、资料,对可能被转移、隐匿或者毁损的文件、资料、电子设备予以封存;    (3)??? To read and copy documents and materials concerned with inspection, and keep documents, materials and electronic equipment which may be transferred, hidden or damaged;
(三)广告经营年度审计报告;    (3)???? The annual audit report on advertising operations;
(三)责令处分有关责任人员,并报告结果;    (3)???? To order it to give punishment to relevant persons responsible and report results;
(四) 公司注册地址,公司办公地址及其邮政编码,公司国际互联网网址、电子信箱;    (4) the Company's registered address, business address, postal code, internet website and e-mail address; and
(四)相关资产自定价基准日至交割日期间损益的归属;    (4) The owner of the loss or benefit of the related assets between the base day for price setting and the settlement day;
(四)经营管理发生其他严重困难,公司继续存续会使股东利益受到重大损失的情形。    (4)?? The company has any other kinds of serious difficulties in its operation and management and its continuous existence may cause major damage to the interests of shareholders.
(四)设立中外合营广告企业的项目建议书及合营各方共同编制的可行性研究报告;    (4)??? The project proposal for the establishment of Sino-joint advertising joint venture and the feasibility research report jointly formulated by all partners;
(四)投资者的登记注册证明;    (4)??? The registration certificate of the investor;
(四)投资者的登记注册证明;    (4)??? The registration certificate of the investor;
(四)合营各方的登记注册证明;    (4)??? The registration certificates of all partners;
(四)检查证券公司的计算机信息管理系统,复制有关数据资料。    (4)??? To inspect computer information management system of a securities firm and copy relevant data materials.
(四)企业营业执照;    (4)???? The Enterprise Business License;
(四)责令更换董事、监事、高级管理人员或者限制其权利;    (4)???? To order it to change directors, supervisors and senior managers or restrict their rights;
(五)相关资产办理权属转移的合同义务和违约责任;    (5) The contractual obligations and default responsibilities for handling the ownership transfer of the related assets;
(五) 公司指定负责年度报告编制和报送工作的专门经办人员的姓名、职务、联系地址、电话、传真、电子信箱。    (5) the name, post, mail address, telephone number, fax and e-mail address of the special personnel appointed by the Company to be in charge of the preparation and filing of annual report.
(五)有利于上市公司增强持续经营能力,不存在可能导致上市公司重组后主要资产为现金或者无具体经营业务的情形;    (5) The reorganization is conducive to enhancing the listed company’s capability of sustainable business operation; there will not be situations where the key assets of the listed company after the reorganization are cash or there is no specific business;
(五)本条第(一)项至第(四)项规定的货物的运输费用和销售免税货物的运输费用。    (5) Transportation expenses of the goods specified in Items (1)-(4) of this Article and the transportation expenses for selling tax-exempted goods.
(五)投资者的资信证明;    (5)??? The credit-standing certificate of the investor; and
(五)投资者的资信证明;    (5)??? The credit-standing certificate of the investor; and
(五)合营各方的资信证明;    (5)??? The credit-standing certificates of all partners;
(五)合营各方的登记注册证明;    (5)??? The registration certificates of all partners;
(五)经营场所证明;    (5)???? The business place certificate; and
(五)对证券公司进行临时接管,并进行全面核查;    (5)???? To take over the securities firm temporally and undertake an overall inspection;
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